Tenshi and Friends present:
The REAL version of the Weiss Kreuz OAV!* (Or, how Ken became a Jedi Knight.)
*Neither Tenshi, nor her friends have actually SEEN the OAV, but Tenshi is the owner of a really spiffy Weiss OAV artbook, with little pics of screencaps from the movie, of which are displayed on this page. This is just for fun, so don't take it too literally if you haven't seen the OAV yourself, you'll probably be utterly confused anyhow... Those who HAVE seen it (Lucky Bastards) will either A.) Find this extremely amusing or B.) Will be after our blood. (Meeep...) so, anyway... on to the humor crap.
...He's in my sights...
Now, it starts out, with all the guys hanging around (literally, thanks to youji's Wire thing) and Youji, as it turns out is cupid...
see the heart dart?? ^_^ He's gonna hit Aya with it! or something...
some stuff we didn't find particularily amusing happens...
"Would you like my rose?"
Aya does that spiffy dance with the rose in his mouth! *ba dum bum bum! ba dum bum bum!*
Ken: Awww... come on, the flower pots aren't THAT heavy....
Omi slips on a bannana peel! Shuichi: OUCH!
Now, these 2 pics coincide with one another, and remember them, for they will play a part in another part of this stupid story...
Omi: Ken-kun! Your father is dead-WHOOPS! *falls over*
Ken: Nani?!
dun dun DUN!
Omi mysteriously dies... (Ten: Yay! Mychael and Anna: *kills Ten*) *death march plays*
Omi is then equally mysteriously ressurected... O.o;;
*insert fangirl noises*
They work at the Port-o-koneko-no-sumu-ii!
you know Youji, try licking a toad if you wanna get high....
Youji: *sniffs flowers*
Girls: *swooning* He's even sexy when he's sniffing flowers!
Schu: THE BUTTER!!!! (don't ask...)
Entrance of Brad Crawford and Schuldig in diguise! (Meeep!) Schu's the girl who's pointing and Brad's sulking in the background
Omi: Youji-kun! don't you be telling these nice girls your bedroom stories!
Youji, who (of course) dosen't know that the girls are Schwartz in disguise, says something coy and sexy (something he does well, in other words) and Schu-schu and Bradley, being the good actors they are, blush convincingly. ~.^
Schuldig nearly blows their cover and screams "You're still just a stupid scheissker (bastard), Yo-tan! >P" Before Brad, (offscreen) effectively shuts him up with a hard slap to the jaw.
Brad, then, suddenly gets a premonition!
The sun! it burns!
...while Omi blinks...
*insert dramatic farting noise here*
Brad's horrible premonition of impending doom: Someone's gonna fart and blow up the world! *gasp*
Nagi the telemarketer... PH33R him!
some more stuff happens that we also didn't find particularily amusing...
the OTHER 2 members of Schwartz appear! Nagi is the chick with the Glasses while farf is in the background...
Farf's drinking healthy!
yup yup yup! That's Farf alright! O.o;;
Shuichi gets in another innocent bystander's way...
somewhere in Tokyo... Brad, who's running errands (He's always on a freakin' schedule, even when he's posing as a woman for a mission... ) trips and lands on a ketchup bottle... *what an embarrassment for him!*
"Must... get... CHEEZZY POOFS!"
And, because he's hungry, goes to reach for those cheezy Poofs in the foreground!
Yay! Running with scissors!
and, in another part of Tokyo, Ken and Aya are driving in a truck, while singing, what else!? The Truck drivin' song by Weird Al Yankovic! "I'm drivin' a Truck! Drivin' a big 'ol truck! Pedal to the medal hope I don't run out of luck! Rollin' down the highway untill the break of dawn, drivin' a truck with my high heels on!..."
it's those pesky schwartz again! at least they don't have a dog...
Oh? and it looks like they've figured out the secret behind those Pesky girls!
To be continued...
When I find the time to finish scanning in those stupid pics... *It breaks the spine of my artbook! >.<*