The Seasons

September / October

During September/October we once again awake in the mornings seemingly perched upon a sea of mist - it is almost as if we are floating in the sky. As we drive down onto the coastal plain towards work it is very scenic with tree-tops seemingly afloat upon a white sea.   During the month the dark clouds begin to lift, the sky becomes a soft blue and sunlight strikes the earth, glinting on puddles and greening the ground. The wind is softer though slightly chilly and shredded clouds scud gently across the sky.

Spring finally begins to wake from its brooding sleep, as the Winter coldness edges from the land, unlocking with some private incommunicable note of triumph, marching forward with a burst of colour into another cycle of life. The architrave of the sky creeps earlier and later towards light as the sun rises higher each day to cover the shivering earth with fingers of warmth. The tangled bare branches of sleeping trees and bushes are rendered into bead strings of buds, which burst forth in a blaze of colour. Wattle trees are puffed out in a thousand yellow flowers. Working in the garden is a joy digging in the damp earth surrounded by nodding daffodils and blossom, watching the dormant plants come to life and to see those we'd planted and cut back in the autumn spring forth with new growth.

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The Murray

Lake Mungo



The Coastline

Broken Hill

The Bush