Hailey's HomePage
Hi Everyone,

This is my first time doing something like this so I hope that it comes out okay.

I am 22 years old and my birthday is June 4, 1981. I the second oldest in a family of four.  I have an older sister named Jill Rodriguez(23), my youner sister is Raylene Stableford(21), and my younger brother is James Guerrero(20).  Jill and Raylene both are married and have two children apiece. James is currently in a relationship but is not married. He lives in Houston TX with his best friend and is working with our older half brother at an electrical company. Jill lives in Pleasanton TX, our hometown, and is a stay at home mother. Raylene lives in Johnson City TX and is also a stay at home mother. Jill's children are Elizabeth and Brody; Raylene's children are Jessen and Thomas.  All of the  kids are so wonderful and life is so much better with them. I am expecting my first child on April 15, 2004. It is supposed to be a girl but we would be happy with a healthy baby. I am currently in a relationship of 1 1/2 years with a man named Virgil. I adore him and I feel that he is my soulmate. We hope to get married after I graduate college next fall. 

I am currently a senior at Texas A&M University at Corpus Chrisit. My major is Psychology with a minor in Technical and Professional Writing.  I hope to have a career in technical writing someday.  I also hope that someday I would be able to own my own business.

I hope that you all enjoy my page. Like I've said before I've never done this so if you see something wrong just email me at tenna_lea@yahoo.com. This will help me better this site. 

Love Ya' Lots Hailey
I am going to change this picture as soon as I can get one downloaded.
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English 3380 Class Page
Project Proposal Final Draft
Mid-Term Portfolio
Semester Project
My Info:
Hailey Guerrero