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Hair cut day and pics

Juan asleep in my bed...great.

Paul..in Em's bed...um...bad memory...let's take a moment for Em's bed.

Trying to get my clothes off Paul...he was trying them on for Halloween

Shawn after having that waz in his hair

Jack and Shawn standing outside of the dorms. Jacks getting his hair cut!

Shorty cutting Jack's hair...wow Jack look um feminine..

More hair cut

Would you trust Shorty???

Half way done

Aeri and Em

Em and her tilty pics.

Shorty. Aww so cute!

Shawn still has the wax in his hair... & after Heather playing with it.

Shorty parting his hair.

This is a cute pic, and Shorty flips the bird. *huff*

Heather onto of the $1.50 dryers

Shorty almost looking holy...well he is a reverand

Jack...reminds me of ET..

Shorty all done.