Buddhism for the Lay Practitioner

Not to do any evil; To cultivate good; To purify one's own mind: This is the teaching of the Buddhas. -- Dhammapada 183

Welcome to Buddhism for the Lay Practitioner. I have put together a collection of resources for those who are interested in exploring Buddhism. The Buddhist Directory contains links to some of the best sites about Buddhism on the Internet.  The Canadian Buddhist List is a comprehensive listing of Canadian web pages dealing with Buddhism. The Householder Sutta Page will give those interested in the teachings of the Buddha a place to begin.  It is designed for both lay practitioners and others who are curious to learn about day-to-day Buddhism for the laity. I have included a page dedicated to the importance of sila (virtue) to our practice. I have written a small piece about how I came to Buddhism and what it means to me. I have also added a shrine room where visitors can spend a few quiet moments. I hope that all who enter here will find the peace they seek.  May all beings be free of suffering.

The Buddhist

The Householder
Sutta Page

The Importance
of Sila (Virtue)
Shrine Room Why Buddhism?

Please Note: As of May 2, 1999 I will no longer be posting updates at this location. All updates will now be posted here. Please revise your bookmarks. Metta, Greg.

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This page was updated April 9, 1999