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Here is my scenario for the upcoming decades and beyond. It is based on my extensive reading and thinking about future technologies and their effects on society. There are many websites that have the latest stories about all sorts of new or predicted technological and societal developments, but they present the future in a piecemeal fashion. I haven't seen any websites that digest all of those stories and put them together into a coherent timeline of the future, so I guess I'll just have to do it myself. I try to stay up-to-date, and periodically check the best websites for new developments, and update my scenario whenever I find out something new. For an explanation of the thinking behind the accelerating rate of change in my scenario, see my essay The Singularity on my Singularity page.

Predictions as of 8-16-08:


2010 - US politics

The US continues self-destructing politically, due to its thoroughly corrupted, antiquated system. Most likely, the Democrats manage to do the impossible again, and win another presidential election in 2008 with a small-enough margin, even after the most disasterous presidency in history from the opposing party, that the Republicans have enough plausibility to steal another election, using even more massive election fraud than in the previous 2 presidential elections. But even if Obama wins, it makes little difference, since he also serves the ruling oligarchy, only he chooses to hide it better.

But one possibility is that Cheney and Bush attack Iran before the election, and the backlash from Iran and the rest of the world (see below) gives Bush the excuse to declare martial law, suspend the last vestiges of democracy in the US, and continue on as dictator. Another possibility is that another major terrorist attack in 2008, possibly in backlash to what Bush has done in the Middle East, possibly aided by Bush as 9-11 may have been, gives him the excuse to declare martial law. Still another possibility is that Obama is assassinated before the election. Large numbers of liberal Americans start trying to escape the country, mostly to Latin America, but millions of Americans are barred from air travel, with the excuse that they are potential terrorists. When they try to escape by car, the same border security used to keep Mexicans out is used to keep Americans in, with the excuse that they will try to mount a terrorist attack from outside the country. The last vestiges of free speech are eliminated, and large numbers of Americans who were active in opposing Bush are arrested, thrown into the numerous concentration camps being built around the country, and disappear, tortured to death. Almost all dissent in the US is squashed.

Assuming the illusion of democracy continues, and another Republican becomes president, there continues to be a growing political rift between the southern states and the rest of the US, just as before the Civil War. If the new president reinstitutes a draft, as will be needed to continue the wars in the Middle East, that may unintentionally provoke a crisis that further widens the rift. Unlike during the Vietnam War, being gay is no longer a stigma among liberals, yet most Republicans would never allow gays in the military. Therefore, massive numbers of Americans, liberals mostly from the North, would probably evade the draft by simply claiming that they're gay. That might provoke the president to retaliate in a way (such as jailing everyone who makes that claim) that further polarizes the country politically, and pushes calls for a break-up of the Union into the political mainstream, this time among Northerners, 145 years after the end of the Civil War. However, it would be even more dangerous if gays were allowed in the military, getting rid of that way out of being drafted. At least a draft would finally provoke massive demonstrations, as during the Vietnam War, but the government would simply ignore them, or find an excuse to declare martial law after the 2008 elections rather than before.

2010 - US economy

The US continues self-destructing economically as well. Bush has just about completely eliminated taxes on the rich, and massively increased corporate welfare, mostly through military spending. Rather than increasing taxes on everyone else to make up for it (since Republicans must keep up the fiction that they are for the little guy by lowering taxes), or decreasing government spending, he massively increased government spending, and ran up massive government deficits. To keep consumers spending even as he instituted every policy possible to drive wages down, he and his henchman Alan Greenspan drasticly lowered interest rates to create the housing bubble, so that ordinary people would be encouraged to run up massive debt, borrowing against their home equity. An economic crash was inevitable, since there is only so much that consumers can borrow before lenders become too nervous to lend them more. Such economic policies were almost identical to those in the 1920s that led to the first Great Depression. The economy is like a house of cards, that gives the appearance of doing well, right up to the moment when it crashes. The right-wing corporate media kept the public in the dark about what would happen, right up to the moment when it happened. By then, it was too late, and massive amounts of money had already been transferred from ordinary people to The Billionaires. Just as The Billionaires did with companies such as Enron, they kept up the fiction that "everything is going GREAT!!", right up to the moment of collapse, and just before the collapse, The Billionaires had already run off with all the money.

The Crash of '08 that started Great Depression 2 began in late 2007, when the housing bubble burst. As adjustable-rate mortgages reset at higher interest rates, a wave of foreclosures created a glut on the housing market, further lowering house prices. Increasing numbers of people owed more on their mortgages than their houses were worth, so they considered what they'd already spent on their houses as rent, and walked away from them, increasing the glut, in a vicious cycle. Housing prices collapsed to 1/10 of what they had peaked at, just as during the first Great Depression. The only advantage of this was to first-time home buyers, who could now afford the cheap prices.

However, the value of the US dollar crashed as well, as investors grew wary of dollars because of the US's massive trade and budget deficits. It may have also crashed because China, Russia and other countries retaliated economically against the US for its attack on Iran in 2008 (see below) by calling in the debts that were financing the US's wars, in an attempt to halt it. Also, after the US attacked Iran, the price of gasoline jumped from around $4 a gallon to around $10 when Iran retaliated by closing off shipping through the Persian Gulf. The dollar lost its role as the world's reserve currency, and the Euro took its place. As a result, even as domestic goods and services, such as housing and health care, plunged in price, after previously skyrocketing, imported goods such as oil and consumer electronics and everything else skyrocketed in price. The prices of domestic goods and services plunged because consumers, after having to spend so much for gasoline and other imported goods, and getting little work as the economy collapsed, had little money to spend on anything else. After the initial crash of the dollar, the prices of imported goods stabilized, then began to fall, and a general deflationary spiral set in, as happens during depressions.

Most Americans have become destitute. As consumer spending plunged after the housing bubble burst, leaving consumers with little way to borrow to continue spending, the economy slowed drasticly, so jobs disappeared. Unemployment is 25 or 30%, same as during the first Great Depression, and, with the rise of temporary and part-time jobs, many more Americans are underemployed rather than completely unemployed. (They are only underemployed in the sense that, at the low wages employers are paying, they need more work than they are getting to survive. Actually, due to the high amount of automation already by 2010, there isn't much work to be done, and the economy could provide for everyone even at their short working hours. It doesn't only because the rich are getting all the money.) Lenders will not lend money to people, knowing that with the depression, they will likely not be able to pay it back. Most who are working at all are working at part-time jobs that pay little. The US becomes a Third World country, with the sort of economy that such countries have: massive disparities of wealth, with most people destitute, and a low cost of living, but even lower wages. Once the dollar has collapsed, American workers are Third World workers, and no longer have the economic disadvantage they used to, so jobs start coming back to the US from Third World countries. However, much work is being automated away, so there are fewer jobs left to come back. Also, the US has dragged the whole world into a Great Depression, albeit not as bad for the rest of the world, so there are fewer jobs to come back. The price of gasoline is so high, and wages so low, that it barely pays for people go work anyway, since most of what they earn goes to paying for the cost of commuting. Increasingly, Americans must live very close to their jobs so they can get to work by bicycle, car pooling and bus. Those who can even afford to buy cars anymore shift to small energy-efficient cars, and plug-in hybrid cars. Telecommuting is becoming common, not for the good of workers, but so companies can weather the economic storm by saving money on office space. High unemployment gives them such an upper hand over their employees that they can chance letting them work out of their sight, plus technology allows them to monitor their work from home. Many companies still refuse to allow their employees to telecommute, however, since they can always find enough desperate workers that employers have the upper hand.

Crime skyrockets, of course, which is ironic, because of all the people who voted for conservatives because they would be tough on crime. They are, but their economic policies breed even more crime.

The pace of automation is quickening, and eliminating jobs. Around 2010, advances in sensor technology, along with continued slow advances in artificial intelligence, allow computers and robots to do more of the work, and robots start becoming a part of daily life. They rarely look humanoid, however, unlike what science fiction always portrayed.

2010 - international

The US continues self-destructing as a superpower as well. Regardless of whether the fascist Republicans or the fascist Democrats win the 2008 election, assuming there even is one, World War 3 - which most people are calling the War on Terrorism - continues and engulfs more of the world, regardless of what the public wants. In 2008, the US attacks Iran next, using the same bogus excuses that it used to attack Iraq. Iran retaliates by attacking US troops in Iraq, especially firing missles into the Green Zone, a convenient target where Americans are concentrated, and attacking ships in the Persian Gulf and destroying oil facilities in the region. This creates an enormous oil shortage, since oil tankers cannot get out of the Persian Gulf, and the price of oil skyrockets, throwing the world economy into Great Depression 2, when it was teetering on the brink of collapse even without that additional shock. The US loses its superpower status, both economically and militarily, as much of US forces in Iraq, already crumbling before the Iran attack, are destroyed.

In addition to the debacle in Iran, the US is possibly attacked again, and perhaps the White House is destroyed, or a major city, most likely New York City or one in Europe or Isreal, is nuked, most likely with a "dirty bomb", a conventional bomb that spews radioactive material. Bush may have conspired in the attack, just as he may have done with 9-11. The Republicans probably use that attack or the backlash from the war with Iran as an excuse to impose marshal law in the US and suspend what's left of our democracy and freedoms. They then go on to attack yet another country, most likely Syria. But their wars backfire as fundamentalists overthrow the governments in Pakistan (thereby getting hold of nuclear weapons), Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and then the US prepares to attack them too. As our regular armed forces are destroyed, Bush and then McCain shifts to using his own private army, Blackwater, to take over for them. China, finally alarmed enough over US attempts to occupy the Middle East and control its oil, attempts to stop the US by calling in its massive US debts to China that grew as a result of our trade deficit with China, causing the dollar to crash. China was basically funding our wars by lending us the money for them. However, as the economy crashes and there is no other way to fund their wars, The Billionaires who Bush represents increasingly use their own money to fund them, and Blackwater as their private army to wage them. They hope to get more than they spend by taking over the whole Middle East and stealing its oil.

Europe and the rest of the developed world increasingly view the US as a rouge nation and threat to world peace, and US relations with the rest of the world continue to deteriorate. The US completes its transformation to a Third World dictatorship, run by an oligarchy with its own private army, and supported by insane Christian fundamentalists who deliberately start wars in order to bring on the prophesied end of the world. The rest of the world grows increasingly alarmed at our attempt to control the oil in the Middle East, and at the possibility of a nuclear war between insane Christian fundamentalists and insane Muslim fundamentalists.

Increasing robotic military technology makes the private US military even more formidable, even as we can reduce the number of people in the military needed to fight any given war, and we can fight wars with even fewer casualties. Increasingly, remote-controled vehicles fight wars, and military personnel control them in safety from a distance. As those vehicles become more autonomous, a single military employee can control greater and greater numbers of them at once, only directing them when non-routine events are happening. So the US has the resources to keep an increasing number of countries under occupation simultaneously, though not to completely suppress guerrilla warfare. So even if we remain bogged down in Iraq and a growing number of other countries, we have kept developing the capability to invade additional countries. We increasingly adopt the attitude of accepting that we won't completely suppress opposition, and occupy an increasing number of countries imperfectly rather than a smaller number of countries completely.

China is rapidly becoming a developed nation, and the world's 2nd superpower, after having absorbed much of the world's manufacturing jobs, and possibly invades Taiwan while the US is too involved in the Middle East to do anything about it. North Korea also possibly uses the opportunity to do something insane, now that it has nuclear weapons and missles, but most likely its deranged paranoid leader just uses them as a threat to prevent an attack on North Korea. India is also rapidly becoming a developed nation, by absorbing much of the developed world's information jobs.

There is increasing economic and social chaos in the Third World. All the jobs that corporations had moved there, because those workers were willing to work for a fraction of the pay of workers in developed countries, begin to disappear, between the depression and increasing automation.

Thanks to the US self-destructing over the Middle East quagmire, socialism continues to spread in Latin America, and elsewhere, while the US is too involved and weak to do anything about it. Previously, socialism could never advance, despite continuous effort, because the US was always squashing it. However, since socialists tend to glorify work instead of getting rid of that source of lack of freedom, and are too stupid to realize that socialism will not work well without them automating away work in order to increase worker productivity, those economies do not fare well, except in countries with some fairly easily-obtained natural resource to sell, such as oil.

2010 - energy

To add to the economic problems, even aside from the temporary disruption of oil supplies caused by the US attack on Iran, there is an increasing world-wide oil shortage, which causes oil prices to soar. World-wide oil production has peaked around 2005, and is starting to decline slightly, even as demand continues to go up, especially because of China's and India's rapid economic development (although that development is temporarily slowed by the depression). Considering how oil prices quadrupled in the 1970s as a result of a mere 5% shortage, gas prices in the US don't decline much from $10 a gallon even after oil shipments resume after the US attack on Iran. As renewable energy becomes economically competitive with oil, renewable energy production starts to soar, especially outside the dysfunctional US, in the rest of the developed world where governments give incentives to convert. Large areas are being covered with windmills to generate power, people's rooftops and parts of the deserts are being covered with solar cells, and a growing portion of the nation's garbage is being converted into oil. But even more important, just as happened after the oil crises of the 1970s, the oil shortage is relieved more by conservation than greater production or new forms of energy. Almost all new cars sold are plug-in hybrids, and SUVs lose their popularity. The switch-over to renewables plus conservation keeps the oil shortage from growing further, and prices stabilize at some higher level. The oil shortage causes the US to step up its wars in the Middle East, as the US increasingly blatantly escalates the war in order to control the dwindling oil. That causes tensions to escalate between the US and Europe, Russia and China, the major powers that also want the oil, which causes them to retaliate against the US economically, as I said above.

2010 - computers and artificial intelligence (A. I.)

The world's most expensive supercomputers, costing around $100 million, have probably reached the information processing power of the human brain by now, depending on what estimate of the brain's power is correct. Such supercomputers are not used to mimic human intelligence, however, since almost all humans cost far less than $100 million to employ. It would make no sense to use computers for the same purpose, even if computers had the same abilities as humans yet. However, due to some increase in success with A. I. since around 1995, research money has finally flooded into the field after decades when it received little funding. A. I. researchers now have access to computers with close to the power of the human brain, and they are getting impressive results. Such computers can now drive vehicles about as well as humans, recognize, pick up and manipulate objects, and comply with simple verbal instructions. Experimental robots can perform as well as human manual workers on most simple tasks. The first experimental artificial intelligences can converse with people to a limited degree. They still have a long way to go, but at least make it convincing to most people, who up till now had been highly skeptical, that human-like artificial intelligence is coming. Computers and robots in the $100,000 range, now with about 1/1000 of human intelligence, can compete in price with many low-paid human workers, since they work 24/7, and can work as many hours as 4 humans earning $25,000 a year. Such things as robotic carts have become an occasional sight, which transport objects around within businesses. Robotic vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers already went on sale in 2002, and are quite popular. By now, robots have gone on sale for a few more, simple tasks, each robot specialized for only one task. General-purpose robots are still impractical things, and just for hobbyists.

For the first time, a majority of the general public has lost its skepticism of the approach of A. I., and a large minority has become aware of the idea of an upcoming tidal wave of technological change, bringing all the science-fictiony things that had been predicted for a long, long time. And yet they have mostly still failed to make the connection that artificial intelligence would be the death of the work ethic. Liberals worry that they'll lose their jobs, and fear automation, while conservatives reap the benefits of automation, as profits go up when they eliminate workers, with no thought about what the poor and middle class will do when they lose their jobs. Virtually no one is willing to suggest that we should increasingly de-link work from pay, both so that people would no longer have to worry when their jobs disappear, and so that consumers would have the money to spend to keep the economy going.

Computer programs are increasingly used to make high-level decisions, better than people can. Computers have proved to be better than people in deciding whether to approve loans, hire employees, pick winning stocks, even predict which songs will become hits based on how much they resemble previous hit songs in some abstract way.

Even though A. I. is still mostly in the experimental stage, and cannot contribute appreciably to productivity yet, people continue to find ingenious ways of making a little technology go a long way, just as has happened in the two centuries since the Industrial Revolution began. In that period, the productivity of farmers went up by at least 100 times, and it obviously didn't happen with A. I. or robots, since those did not exist.

Most important, the productivity of scientists continues to increase, and the more it increases, the faster the rate of scientific and technological change. For example, in the Human Genome Project, automated gene sequencing machines increased the pace of the project so vastly that it could be completed in a decade instead of thousands of years. There are now machines that conduct series of experiments on their own, and even automatically adjust later experiments based on the findings of the previous ones, and automate the routine gathering of data that is at the heart of science, and makes up the large majority of scientific work. Increasingly, scientists only have to do the creative part of science, and are freed from the drudgery of doing experiments and collecting data, and the time it takes to do the drudgery. Computers are even being used increasingly to do non-routine scientific work and invent new technologies. Computers have been doing so for several years, and have already produced inventions that have been awarded patents. As computers assist scientists and researchers in becoming extremely productive, including those people working on creating more powerful computers, they further speed up progress in an increasing snowballing effect.

As the pace of scientific and technological progress increases, productivity increases at a quickening pace. Productivity has soared another 20% in 3 years, and yearly increases have reached a phenomenal 8% or so. More and more stores are becoming almost totally automated, especially fast-food restaurants. The customers order their food by pushing buttons on a kiosk as they enter, the food is cooked by robot arms or other automated devices, and the customers pay by credit card. Kiosks are already being used increasingly in airports and hotels, so that travelers can change reservations and check themselves in without requiring the time of employees. In supermarkets and other stores, the customers increasingly bag their purchases and check out by themselves. There are far shorter lines than when cashiers had to do it. And of course, the amount of business conducted automatically over the internet continues to increase.

Even more jobs are eliminated behind the scenes. Packages are starting to have tiny chips, called RFID (radio frequency identification) chips, that uniquely identify them and their locations to sensors so that computers can track them. In the next decade, this allows shipping and warehousing to become almost totally automated.

In 2008, The first car went on the market in Europe that can drive itself, although a driver is still required to sit behind the wheel and take over if necessary. In the more litigious US, car companies will not put such cars on the market because even if they had fewer accidents than human drivers, unlike with human drivers it is the car companies that would get sued in case of accidents. Otherwise, the latest cars have distance sensors and automatically avoid hitting into things, so car accidents are starting to decrease, along with the auto insurance for people with that new feature.

The latest personal computers have no moving parts; much more durable flash memories are replacing rotating hard drives. Companies are starting to make 3-D chips as the cost of miniaturizing 2-D chips further, in order to increase their speed, becomes prohibitively high, and computer processing power keeps increasing. (3-D chips minimize the length of wires that data must pass through, reducing travel time.) Massively parallel computer processing is being used more and more to increase computer speed, for applications that lend themselves to that sort of computing, such as weather forecasting and artificial intelligence. Unused processing time on millions of personal computers connected to the internet is also being used to function like supercomputers. The cost of personal computers is coming down because of new nanotechnology allowing the most expensive part, the screens, to be produced much more cheaply, and computers become small-ticket items.

More and more people walk around everywhere with small computers that can connect them to the internet at all times. They also increasingly record every moment of their lives with miniature devices, both as a crime deterrent and for future reference. Tiny surveillance cameras are everywhere, cutting crime drastically, but also provoking a libertarian backlash, between privacy issues, the certainty that breaking any traffic laws that almost everyone formerly broke will result in a ticket, and the certainty that all victimless "crimes", formerly not decriminalized because few people got caught, will now be caught. But it isn't only the government endangering people's civil rights. Far worse, companies that hire employees are increasingly able to look up all sorts of details about them as people leave an increasing electronic record that becomes increasingly easy to access. Corporations can find out the political party people belong to, the books they read, the pornography they watch, etc., and refuse to hire them if they don't like what they see. Americans live in a totalitarian society, created not just by government, but corporations. They lose their freedom to express their opinions, or even buy books or borrow them from libraries, for fear that companies won't hire them. Increasingly on the job, their every move is monitored. Most Americans are so fixated on the threat to freedom from government, and so blind to the threat from corporations, that they are slow to realize what their employers are doing to them, or care.

2010 - medical progress

Major medical advances are occurring more frequently than ever. 60% of cancer cases are now curable. The first drug is on the market that unclogs clogged arteries, virtually eliminating heart attacks, and heart bypass operations. The first drug is on the market that has been scientifically proven to slow the aging process, by causing the metabolism to slow down, as happens with people on extremely low-calorie diets. However, far-right economic policies in the US make it increasingly difficult for people to afford those advances, as drug companies are allowed to charge whatever the market will bear, creating an increasing political uproar. The incomes of the rich continue to skyrocket, especially those with investments in the pharmaceutical companies, and they get those incomes without working. Meanwhile, people who can't afford those drugs without working increasingly wind up being forced to be virtual slaves, since it is literally "your money or your life". There continue to be advances in non-invasive, less-expensive medical scanning, but also in new expensive procedures that keep the cost of healthcare up. People who can afford those advances begin to take it for granted that they will live into their 100s.

2010 - space

After decades of little progress with government programs, if all goes well, we enter the start of a new era, of private manned space travel. Progress in space suddenly resumes at the frantic pace of the 1960s, after 4 decades of stasis or even decline. Private enterprise starts putting people into space on a regular basis. First of all, since 2002, a few very rich tourists have been taking the Russian Soyuz rockets into space, and have been doing so on a regular basis since late 2005, twice a year. Those tourists visit the ISS (International Space Station) and stay up for 10 days, for a cost of $20 million for each flight. But the Soyuz was originally a government program, only later privatized. Also starting around this year, private suborbital flights in the US start taking hundreds, and very soon, thousands of rich tourists up into the very edge of space each year, briefly, for a cost of $200,000, in order for them to experience a few minutes of weightlessness and look at the view from that high up. With each year thereafter, more companies get into that business. But suborbital flights at only a small fraction of orbital speed are far easier than orbital flights. They are ephemeral things, not really true space travel. Only by reaching orbit can people stay for long periods and build permanent structures in space. But starting around this year, the first private US company, SpaceX, starts putting people into orbit on its own rockets, and puts up a small orbiting space hotel for tourists to stay at. The hotel is a space station with an innovative design that consists of balloon-like modules that are inflated once in orbit. Such private flights immediately begin to eclipse the government programs of the 3 countries with manned space programs (the US, Russia and China), putting up more people, far more often.

Meanwhile, the US manned space program is still just limping along. The space shuttle program ends this year, and the plans are for the rocket to replace it to not be ready till 2015, not even counting the usual delays. In the meantime, NASA buys space on manned and unmanned flights from SpaceX and from Russia. The construction of the International Space Station, a nearly pointless boondoggle, is supposed to be finished. Thereafter, NASA buys flights from SpaceX, and Russia and Europe contribute to keeping it manned. The number of people staying on the station is supposed to be increased from 3 to 6 in 2009. The US military has its own space program that may be launching people into space by now.

A series of lunar orbiters and landers are supposed to start searching for ice at the moon's poles, and for the future site for a moon base. A probe to thoroughly map Mercury, called MESSENGER, made a flyby on January 14, 2008, and will do so again on Oct 6, 2008 and September 29, 2009, before going into orbit on March 18, 2011. The only previous probe, back in the 1970s, only photographed half of its surface. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to land in the summer of 2010. Also, the Russian-Chinese Phobos-Grunt probe is supposed to land on Mars' moon Phobos in August or September 2010, collect rock samples, and return them to earth in 2012.

Meanwhile, Russia's space program continues to limp along on little money, sending manned missions to the ISS twice a year, including tourists. But it too is working on a replacement for its space vehicle that has put people in space for decades, the Soyuz capsules, with help from the European Union. China continues to put astronauts into orbit occasionally, about once every 2 years, just for prestige.

2010 - rate of change

The rate of change, which had already sped up noticeably since the late 1990s, has sped up further still between now and 2010. It is as if a decade's worth of progress has occurred in just the past 3 years. As much change will have occurred in the next 3 years as has occurred since around 2002. Someone who'd been in a coma between now (2008) and 2010 would be a bit bewildered by the changes, as would someone who jumped from 2002 to now. (They would be astonished at what happened in the world in just 5 years, since fascists took control of the US government after 9-11 happened. Back then, DVD, CD burners, digital cameras and MP3 were only first appearing, and they would not know what iPods, TiVo, Wi Fi or flash drives are.)

2010 - summary

So in summary, more of the same trends as today, and not yet radically different than today, the major developments being the beginnings of true, convincing artificial intelligence, though still primitive, and the beginnings of rapid automation..


2015 - US economy

Great Depression 2 continues, and deepens. It is even worse than the first Great Depression, with 40% unemployment so far, and growing, and far greater underemployment. Rapidly-increasing automation keeps throwing those remaining people still working out of work. Consumers have little money to spend, so business activity slows, and even more people are thrown out of work. We experience increasing deflation, because automation is lowering the cost of producing everything by eliminating the workers, because of low consumer demand, and because wages plunge as workers are priced out of the market by machines. The economy bifurcates even more so than it already is, into 2 almost independent economies, one for the rich and one for everyone else. People with enough savings and investments to live off of benefit, since they don't need jobs, and the value of their savings keeps growing because of deflation. While businesses are doing poorly, they are able to make up for it to a large degree by cutting costs by getting rid of employees, though that only deepens the depression. The top 1% already had such a large share of the wealth that while the businesses they own lose business from the rest of American consumers, they still retain the business from each other, which generates profits, which enables them to keep spending. Everyone else, with little or no savings, who depend on jobs for their income, are in increasing desperation.

In the rest of the world, the Depression is not so bad, because most of the rest of the world has leftist policies that increasingly pay people whether they work or not. Since they are paid, they have money to buy things even when there are no jobs. Since they have money to buy things, there is more economic activity, which produces some jobs for people who want more than the guaranteed minimum income their governments provide. After the initial hit from losing most of the business from American consumers after the US economy collapsed starting in late 2007, other countries start to recover, building up business among themselves. With their leftist policies, the more that work is automated away, the better their economies do, rather than the worse they do as in the US.

2015 - US politics

Most Americans only care about the Depression, not about their decent into dictatorship. In fact, as usual with fascists, rather than blaming The Billionaires who brought on their poverty by taking all their money, The Billionaires get them to blame those even farther below them rather than above them. In Germany in the 1930s, they blamed the Jews, and in the US in the 2010s, they blame the Mexicans and other Latin Americans, and other foreigners. They respond to the Depression by demanding an increasingly brutal crackdown on immigration. Assuming there are even fake elections in the US still, both the fascist Republicans and the fascist Democrats are happy to oblige. Millions of Latin Americans living in the US are thrown into concentration camps, and then forced to provide slave labor for Americans. Strangely enough, this does not improve most Americans' economic situation, only that of the few who are already rich and whose businesses are using their slave labor, but most Americans are too stupid to notice. They only begin to think that perhaps fascism has gone too far when the government reinstitutes debtor's prisons for the first time since the 19th Century, and starts throwing much of the population in jail and into slave labor, along with the Mexicans -- especially when they themselves are the ones thrown in jail. But by that point, there's nothing they can do about it.

Normally, economic desperation leads to a great increase in crime, and political activism, but surveillance of all public places, and even private places, with microscopic cameras everywhere, and surveillance of all communications, keeps the lid on both, and the US becomes the ultimate totalitarian society. But many Americans like it that way. Most Americans like that violent crime has almost been eliminated, and have become resigned to having cameras watching them everywhere.

The economic collapse and fascist dictatorship further widen the divide between the "red states" and the "blue states". Those in the Union increasingly depise those in the Confederacy as having been the ones who brought fascism and Depression upon them, and an underground movement grows into the prevailing opinion in the Union, calling for allowing the Confederacy to secede from the Union, 150 years after the Civil War ended. But unfortunately, no open dissent is allowed in the US.

2015 - international

World War 3 continues as The Billionaires in the US keep invading and occupying much of the Middle East with their private army, Blackwater. They increasingly rely on remote-controled armed vehicles to fight wars, keeping people out of harm's way. As the vehicles become more autonomous, the military can cut down on manpower, for a single person can control an increasing number of vehicles. They can also recruit people much more easily, and therefore cheaply, since increasingly, "soldiers" just stay at home and push buttons to conduct the war, and never are in any danger. Due to the Depression, about the only source of employment is in the military anyway. As time goes on, the vehicles approach the point of being completely autonomous, in other words, robots. The effort by China, Russia, the European Union and other countries to stop US aggression by attacking the US economically has largely failed because the US itself is no longer waging war, The Billionaires from the US are. It has partially succeeded by causing most Americans to have no money left to be taxed and given to The Billionaires to continue their wars. But The Billionaires still have plenty of their own money to use. Therefore, China, Russia, the European Union and other countries start attacking Blackwater itself militarily.

Increasing world-wide surveillance of public places is decreasing the threat of further terrorist attacks, and is enabling the US to suppress opposition in the Muslim countries that it occupies. There are spy planes the size of insects, and new weaponry such as "smart" bullets, small guided missles that kill individual targeted people. Most developed countries strike the right balance in maintaining freedom despite the new technologies, but aside from the fascist US, the remaining dictatorships tend to be just the countries that are the least advanced technologically, such as North Korea, where such technology has yet to arrive.

China is increasingly a developed nation. But it is also increasingly a totalitarian surveillance state, just like the US. As China becomes increasingly powerful in the world, and the US self-destructs, China challenges the US for superpower status, and competes with the US for oil in the Middle East, to fuel its rapidly-growing economy. While increasing military automation is enabling the US to project more power with less effort, it is doing so for other developed countries as well, which can buy the same technology. More than a decade of disasterous economic and military and anti-science education policies in the US is starting to take its toll, and the US is further sinking in superpower status relative to other countries, especially China. India is also becoming a developed nation. Between the formerly developed world, most of North America, Europe, Australia and Japan, with around 1 billion people, and now most of Asia, with well over 3 billion people, for the first time a majority of the world is developed, and the Third World, mostly Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, with over 2 billion people, is a minority of the world. Now it's the turn of Latin America.

2015 - energy

As the production of oil decreases and demand rises (probably slowed greatly, temporarily, by diminished economic activity during the depression), we continue to switch over to renewable energy. The increasing price of oil rises above the decreasing price of renewable energy. There are finally cheap flexible solar cells that can be tacked onto roofs, when the space on roofs in the US alone would provide all of our electric power. Unused space such as over parking lots and parking spaces in front of houses are also covered, and serve the dual purpose generating power to charge the batteries of plug-in hybrid cars, and of shading cars in the summer so that they don't get extremely hot. There may even be spray-on solar cells: a type of paint that gathers solar energy. Hydrogen power finally becomes practical, with the development of better fuel cells. Solid-state batteries are cheaper, smaller, more light-weight and hold much more power than current batteries, and they make mobile devices such as electric cars and robots practical. LED lightbulbs, that emit light the way calculator displays do, use 1/10 the electricity of conventional lightbulbs.

2015 - computers and artificial intelligence

The world's most powerful supercomputers have about 10 times the processing power of the human brain. Computers with the processing power of the brain have dropped in cost to about $10 million. As the computers that A. I. researchers get to work with pass the power of the brain, the results they are getting are more and more impressive, and are approaching the level of the fictional HAL, about 15 years late. Such A. I. research is not conducted to make an immediate profit, since it still does not pay to use computers to emulate human workers, when human workers are generally around 1/100 the cost. Such research is conducted so that when computers with adequate processing speed come down in price sufficiently to be cheaper than hiring humans, the software will be up to the task of emulating the abilities of humans.

Computers that businesses can afford have more humanlike abilities. Artificial intelligence in daily life is improving, but still, computers have a suite of isolated, rather specialized talents, and not the generalized, flexible intelligence that humans have. Even computers costing $100,000 have 1/100 as much processing power as the human brain, and can replace human workers for many manual and mental tasks, and since they can work around the clock, they are competitive in price with typical worker salaries. As a result, productivity increases each year are skyrocketing, now at around 15% a year. At that rate, wealth could double every 5 years, or leisure could massively increase as working hours halve every 5 years. That is happening in most of the developed world, and increasingly in the developing world, but in the US, instead, unemployment is massively increasing as technology halves the amount of work in the economy every 5 years.

Inexpensive single-purpose robots, with animal-like abilities to move around and manipulate objects, come into widespread use. Rich people in the U. S. have expensive prototype household robots for use as servants, and somewhat less-wealthy people can rent them to clean the house periodically as some people now hire maids. In Japan, where they are robot-crazy, most ordinary people have robots in their households, and hobbyists in the US have them as well. Even expensive robots are still very primitive and highly inflexible, and can only do a small number of set tasks, such as vacuuming, washing and putting away the dishes, carrying laundry to the washing machine and putting it away afterward, or cleaning windows and mirrors.

As computers become more capable, computers, used for scientific purposes, are pushing scientific and technological progress at great speeds, with a rapidly-increasing torrent of discoveries and inventions being announced every year. Computers now create most inventions and conduct most scientific research, leaving humans increasingly in the dust. As those computers continue to double in speed each year, with the doubling speed itself starting to speed up rapidly, the pace of progress, already about 4 times as fast as over the past century, starts further increasing rapidly each year.

Nanotech-produced reconfigurable nano chips have 1000 times the current number of components packed into the same space as now, produced far more cheaply than today's silicon computer chips. They consist of a uniform grid of electronic components something like a crystal. Rather than having specific circuitry as current chips have, they are programmed to function as if they have specific circuitry, and are completely flexible because the programming can be changed at any time. Computer chips have become 3-dimensional to shorten connections and speed up processing time, and the size of the components is approaching the size of individual molecules. Massively parallel computers, with millions of processors working on a problem at the same time, can simulate complex phenomena such as biology and human intelligence.

Most products now have those tiny RFID chips in them to allow computers to uniquely identify and locate them, and now supermarkets and other stores are starting to replace the scanners that use bar codes, that must scan each item separately, with ones that scan a whole cart full of purchases at once. Even stores that eliminated some cashiers by allowing customers to check out faster by scanning bar codes themselves had to have people spy on them to make sure they were scanning all purchases. Now, that is unnecessary, since the scanner never misses anything, and checkout is fully automated. Customers bag their purchases themselves as they select them in the store aisles, before they get to the automated cashier where they pay by credit or debit card.

Computer-controled cars in Europe can drive themselves with increasing safety, but in the litigious US, car companies are still too afraid to put them on the market.

Airliners can basically fly themselves, and the pilots are just there because people don't yet trust the idea of pilotless airliners. In order to prevent the possibility of hijackings, airliners can be remote-controlled from the ground, so that control can be taken away from hijackers. Airliners' computers also have increasingly sophisticated software that recognizes if the planes are being flown into skyscrapers or other objects, and refuses to allow that.

2015 - other technologies

Perhaps we enter the Diamond Age sometime around now -- diamond can now be produced in huge quantities, and used as a building material far stronger than any other. If people wanted to, they could build buildings 300 miles tall, that would support their own weight. Suddenly a new race is on around the world to build skyscrapers far taller then the previous record-holders. Walkways increasingly connect between neighboring skyscrapers so that people can escape in case of fire or terrorism.

Personal fabricators, computer-controlled machines that can produce objects of any shape specified, are coming down in price to the point that some individuals can own them, so that all manufacturing capabilities are shifting downward from centralized factories to small businesses and later into individuals' homes. (They're coming down in price especially because personal fabricators could make almost all the parts for more fabricators.)

Perhaps some of those rare pro-technology liberals in the US, who want technology to increase wealth and leisure and want to spread them to everyone, retreat to high-tech egalitarian communes, or virtual communes connected to each other via the internet, out of disgust with what's going on in the rest of the US, between conservatives promoting technology but keeping all the benefits with the rich, and liberals often fighting technology and the liberating end of work. In the past, communes had little success because they were low-tech and work-intensive, and people didn't want to do the work, but now, even small-scale technology, those personal fabricators, and increasingly capable household robots, could provide for everyone's needs with little work.

2015 - medical progress

80% of cancer is curable. Better drugs come out to slow the aging process even further. Life spans are increasing at virtually 1 year per year, and people are starting to get used to the idea of having indefinitely long life spans, barring accidents, assuming they can afford the treatments.

2015 - space

Private companies in the US are putting dozens of very rich tourists into orbit each year for about $5 million a flight, and they stay at small orbiting space hotels. Each flight takes up 4 to 6 people. A few flights even go on to do flybys of the moon for $100 million a flight, so that people are going beyond earth orbit for the first time since the Apollo Program ended in 1972. Thousands of people a year go on brief suborbital flights for $100,000.

Meanwhile, if all goes well (which it usually doesn't), NASA's Project Constellation begins, its manned space program after the shuttle was retired 5 years earlier. NASA separates the manned and cargo aspects of the space shuttle, and use pieces of the shuttle by themselves, and just retires the manned orbiters. For the manned flights, it uses a single solid rocket booster (those 2 small rockets on each side of the shuttle), which is slightly modified, with a smaller upper stage rocket atop it, and a manned space capsule atop that, going back to the way astronauts got into orbit before the shuttle. That space capsule is called the CEV, or Crew Exploration Vehicle. It takes up 3 to 6 people at a time. For large cargo, NASA might continue to fly the space shuttle in its current configuration, but unmanned, so that no one would be killed in case of accidents. With no lives at stake, such flights would not need to be as safe as with the current manned shuttle, and that would reduce the cost of the flights. Later in the decade, NASA would use the full shuttle configuration, but with a large cargo hold instead of the winged shuttle orbiters, on unmanned flights to put up 4 times as much cargo as the current shuttle can put up in the cargo bay of the orbiters. That is as much cargo as the Saturn V took up, that took astronauts to the moon. Russia and Europe in partnership are working on a similar program.

However, at the same time, private companies continue using their own rockets to take up people, and putting up cargo with their own Saturn V -sized rockets. If they are able to do launches more cheaply than NASA's shuttle replacements can (which is most likely), NASA might simply buy seats and cargo space on those private flights, and contribute to funding their development, and not develop its own shuttle replacements. At a mere $5 million a flight per astronaut (compared to shuttle flights, which cost about $1 billion each, and took up to 7 astronauts into orbit, plus cargo), NASA could afford to put up many times more astronauts than before. With relatively inexpensive flights, and far more government money than private enterprise and tourists could afford, the number of manned flights could later shoot up to monthly or weekly. (Of course, the Depression will probably severely limit spending, and maybe even end the government space program altogether.) But in the mean time, NASA is devoting most of its funding to developing the rest of the new vehicles of the post-shuttle era. Most likely, NASA will develop both strategies at once, developing its own new vehicles and buying space on private companies' vehicles, rather than putting all its eggs in one basket the way it did with the shuttle. So there will be an increasing number of organizations all putting people into space at once, both NASA and a number of private companies, and that redundancy will assure that space activities are not vulnerable to the interruptions now, when all manned US launches stop for years at a time after an accident, and that progress will go more quickly.

The US and Russia take turns sending 2 flights each, each year, to keep the International Space Station permanently manned with 6 people. Meanwhile, larger space hotels house greater numbers of tourists, and growing. The US military possibly has a permanently-manned space station of their own by now.

Increasingly, as robots become more capable, companies use teleoperated and increasingly autonomous robots to perform various tasks that formerly could only done by humans, making it possible to accomplish more things in space without going through the greater expense of sending up people. At first, such tasks are probably limited to satellite repair.

A US unmanned probe called Dawn is scheduled to orbit and photograph 2 of the largest mini-planets (asteroids) between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, Ceres and Vesta, Vesta from September 2011 to April 2012 and Ceres from February to July 2015. It may be sent to another asteroid after.

Also in 2015, on July 14, an unmanned probe, New Horizons, is scheduled to pass by Pluto, the first object discovered in a belt of mini-planets out beyond Neptune. (At the time it was built and launched, most astronomers were still calling Pluto a planet, only for sentimental reasons, but they finally demoted it soon after).

2015 - rate of change

The pace of progress speeds up still further. It is as if we are have traveled into the future by around another 2 decades in just the past 5 years. There has been as much change in the past 7 years (2008 to 2015) as there was from around 1987 to 2008, adding a bit more to that hypothetical coma victim's bewilderment. (Someone from the late 1980s waking up now would be amazed at numerous things in addition to what has changed since the early 2000s that I listed above. They would not know what the internet is and how it has changed people's lives and the business world, or know what laptops are, or know how to use the current graphical computer screens that first appeared around 1990. They would notice that most vehicles on the road are now SUVs instead of cars, that people walk around with cell phones like the communicators on the original Star Trek series, that most people own personal computers, with more power than the supercomputers of back then.)

2015 - summary

In short, things are starting to get science-fictiony, and we're clearly on the verge of monumental changes, with universal prosperity, all work automated away, unlimited life spans, widespread space travel, and buildings miles tall made of diamond. But we're still only at the beginning of those changes. In the meantime, in the US, outmoded conservative attitudes, from an age of scarcity and necessary work, have led to fascism and economic collapse.


2020 - US economy

The 2nd Great Depression continues to spiral downward in the US. Unemployment reaches 50%, and rising, and even those working are working very short work weeks. Prices plunge in out-of-control hyper-deflation. Those with savings can live off those savings even by keeping them under the mattress, because the value of their money keeps increasing tremendously, but most Americans had little or no savings and had to go through them already to survive. Because of deflation, and the fact that people can in a sense earn money just by keeping it under the mattress, investment in new businesses disappears. However, existing businesses react to plunging profits by buying more labor-saving technology to decrease their payroll costs, further exacerbating the depression, just as happened during the first Great Depression.

But even as ordinary people keep becoming worse off, the economy starts skyrocketing back upward for the rich. The more money they have, the more they spend on products from each others' businesses, increasing profits, so increasing their investments, so the more money they have. Since their incomes never depended on working, the disappearance of jobs never affected them directly. It only affected them indirectly, as ordinary people lost jobs and could no longer afford to buy the products businesses (mostly owned by the rich) sell. After they took an initial hit when the non-rich lost their jobs and could no longer afford to buy things, once the non-rich had no further to fall, there was nowhere for the rich to go but up, from their own independent economy.

For everyone else in the US, out of that economic loop, the economic cycle has been broken. They depended on income from working, yet there is almost no work. Hopefully, politics finally shifts far to the left in the US, and the rich are not successful, as they usually are, in deflecting blame to the poor, foreigners, anyone but themselves. There is so much wealth, as a result of automation, but it is so concentrated among the rich, that the richest person on earth is now a multi-trillionaire or even a quadrillionaire (in today's dollars). That one person in 2020 has more wealth and income than the entire current world economy! And that doesn't even count the additional greater total wealth from the other world's richest people.

After the Republicans completely eliminated all taxes on the rich in our decade, politicians, or the people voting directly if they have gotten that power by now, begin taxing a small percentage of the income of the rich, and that tax is enough to support everyone else in the US, and soon the world. Once that happens, the economy soon starts recovering for the non-rich as well. The economic cycle is rejoined, and money flows to the rich when the non-rich buy their products, and back to the non-rich so that they can buy more products. As incomes from the rich skyrocket even faster than before, now that everyone has money to spend, the taxes from them, and therefore the amount that government gives to the non-rich, skyrockets upward ever faster. Even most of the rich see that being taxed doesn't hurt them, and even helps, because the money only comes back to them when ordinary people buy their businesses' products.

However, in addition to a sudden shift to the left politically, people cope with the crisis in a variety of ways in order to survive in the mean time. Americans start using all the free time they now have to engage in do-it-yourself projects and chores that they used to pay others to do. For tasks that require more specialization, they form support groups and virtual communes, and use their skills to engage in volunteer work for each other on a massive scale, helping each other to survive, often using the internet to connect people who need help with volunteers willing to provide it.

2020 - US politics

If the US had turned into an overt fascist dictatorship, the fascist government collapses after its mercenary army is defeated (see below).

Americans have a choice between the Republicans, with their brutal policy of throwing people out of work and therefore not paying them, and the Democrats, with their stupid policy of forcing people to do make-work as an excuse to pay them. It takes a few more years before a third way gains political acceptability, of abandoning the connection between work and pay, and throwing people out of work, and STILL paying them.

Even assuming there was any democracy left in the US by now, regardless of whether the Republicans or Democrats are in charge, they reluctantly put paltry ad-hoc measures into effect to deal with the situation. In reaction to the Depression, the US populace has been shifting to the left, except in the Confederacy, which becomes even more fascist. However, the politicians of both parties are strongly resisting any shift to the left. Unemployment insurance is reinstated for people out of work, almost all of whom have long passed the normal 6-month end of their unemployment pay. But the poor and others who were out of work before the Depression began are carefully left out, and get nothing. At that point, what used to be the middle class starts getting some income, at least the economy starts to bottom out overall, and even starts rising again for the rich. We likely see the world's first trillionaire (in today's dollars), and then possibly even the world's first quadrillionaire. But even still, jobs keep disappearing as automation keeps picking up speed.

It begins to dawn on Americans that maybe the jobs aren't ever coming back, due to rapid automation caused by the approach of human-level artificial intelligence, and that maybe they should even be paid well despite them not working, and that maybe even those who were poor or out of work before the Depression began should be paid as well. They still don't get the idea that redistributing wealth downward would even end the Depression, because consumers would then have money to spend, or connect the fact that the economy slowed its downward spiral as soon as people were given some help.

In the "blue states", better known as the Union, the poor riot until they receive help, and the lower middle class protest for more money. What used to be the upper middle class, getting by with unemployment insurance and some income from investments, can no longer object to the idea of the poor getting something for nothing, since they aren't working themselves. Even the rich, who have taken a big hit from the stock market plunge, have so much wealth that they can support everyone else with a tax on a smaller and smaller percentage of their incomes, and a majority of them finally decide to help the masses under them before they come after them with guillotines.

However, in the Confederacy, there are massive riots among the entire populace, as enraged people scream "SOCIALISTS!!!!", when the government attempts to give them more money. All efforts to help them come to nothing, as they immediately give any money they are forced to receive to billionaires and televangelists.

People have more time for community affairs, and can vote from the convenience of their homes, and the economic crisis spurs people to take matters into their own hands, so there is a move toward direct electronic democracy, possibly first at the local level, later at higher levels, in which people vote directly on issues instead of voting for politicians who in turn do so. On matters where the public feels it has insufficient expertise, it votes for a panel of experts to make decisions, assembled ad hoc, on an issue-by-issue basis. Increasingly, the idea of political parties disappears, as people can vote independently on individual issues instead of having to take the parties' combinations of stands on issues as a "package deal". Even if direct democracy isn't instituted, instant runoff voting is. Voters get to number the candidates in order of preference, so they no longer have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils rather than waste their votes. Thus the monopoly the 2 political parties (which are really the same party) have on elections is broken.

2020 - international

As a reaction to Great Depression 2, most of the world has become socialist. The only major exception is, of course, the US. The economies of the developed countries are back to booming again, and those of Thirld World countries are also doing better. Rapid automation is increasing worker productivity, and socialism is ensuring that everyone is getting the benefits, mostly in terms of shorter working hours in the developed countries and increased wealth in Third World countries. The work week in Europe and other developed countries is under 20 hours, and each year it is reduced further. Leftists are finally rediscovering the idea, largely forgotten since the 1960s, that automation is a great benefit to everyone as long as it is combined with socialist policies that spread the benefits to everyone, and that socialists should embrace automation instead of resist it.

A coalition of countries, alarmed at the spread of US fascism by force, and the threat of nuclear war between fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, finally defeat The Billionaires' US forces, both in the Middle East and in the US, due to the US's growing weakness. Cheney, Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Nancy Pelosi and others are hanged at Nuremburg for war crimes, the same place where previous Nazis were hung after World War 2. The US possibly splits up into separate countries. The Northeast, northern Midwest and the Pacific Coast from northern California upward join Canada. Part of the Southwest is given back to Mexico, and the rest is given to Native Americans. The Bible Belt, which includes the Confederacy and the southern Midwest, remains under UN occupation indefinitely, along with most of the Muslim Middle East, because they are deemed a danger to themselves and others. It is decided that polls will be taken each decade, and whenever a small enough minority of the populations believe in fundamentalist religion that they are no longer a danger, the occupation will end. (A man can dream, can't he?)

After the prices of various kinds of renewable energy go below that of oil, oil becomes less and less important. So even if the US hadn't self-destructed, it would still lose interest in occupying the Middle East, and so do other countries.

2020 - energy

The price of renewable energy comes down as technology improves, and the pace of that improvement keeps increasing along with the pace of all technology. As the price of renewables falls, the price of oil is forced down by the competition from renewables, and technological improvements lower the cost of extracting oil also. It probably remains a convenient fuel in use for many decades, until little is left in the earth to be found that can be extracted using less energy than the oil itself contains. At that point, oil is abandoned as a fuel altogether.

2020 - computers and artificial intelligence

The world's most powerful supercomputers have 100X the processing power of the human brain. Computers that businesses can afford, that could compete in cost with human workers ($100,000, at today's prices), that are in widespread use in business, have reached 1/10 the processing power of the human brain, the amount of typical mammals, and are rapidly eliminating jobs. Robots in widespread business use have become versatile enough to perform most manual tasks. Household robots that have practical use are still expensive, but coming down in price fast.

Cars that drive themselves approach a record of safety in Europe that drivers are no longer required to be ready to take over, but can even sleep if they want. Truckers now merely own their trucks, but don't have to drive them. Perhaps car companies even introduce self-driving cars in the US by now, especially if they have the law changed so they cannot be sued for accidents. Since they drive much more safely than people, car insurance rates plunge toward zero, and the concept of needing such insurance becomes obsolete. Perhaps tiny magnetic road markers are embedded in all roads to make it easier for cars to drive themselves (such a huge project made faster and easier and less expensive with automated machines that embed the markers), but most likely, computers increase in ability to drive, faster than we could put down all those markers, so before we could finish, they no longer need them. Laws designed to increase people's safety, such as driving laws, are being made more lenient as technology is taking the human element out of everything and making life safer. Cars that drive themselves mean that speed limits can be raised, and tailgating laws eliminated. Traffic jams become less frequent, because computerized cars can travel at high speeds even practically bumper-to-bumper, and can keep track of all other cars in the vicinity and react in a way that prevents tie-ups. Besides, rush hour has disappeared because most work has disappeared.

Intelligent computers have taken over almost all science and invention, and are pushing progress at many times the current rate, and rapidly accelerating. Scientists' jobs change to merely keeping up with understanding what the computers are coming up with, and even that is becoming increasingly difficult.

2020 - other technologies

Personal fabricators, those computerized all-purpose manufacturing devices, undergo increasingly explosive growth among the world population, and quickly evolve better capabilities. They now have the ability to make copies of themselves given the raw materials, so everyone on earth receives copies from friends, and in turn make copies for friends.

Between personal fabricators and robots, the economy is shifting from one of huge centralized corporations that produce goods and services, to one that is increasingly decentralized, where small groups and then individuals have come into possession of enough technology to produce more and more of what they need. Those who do happen to own robots lend them to others to perform needed services, and those who happen to own personal fabricators use them to manufacture products for others, either voluntarily or to barter for other things. Since robots and those personal fabricators can increasingly reproduce themselves with a decreasing amount of human involvement, people who own them increasingly use them to create additional copies of them, and give them to both friends and strangers, the way people now make (technically illegal) copies of music for each other, so those technologies soon come to be owned by everyone.

Some individuals tinker with them to improve them, so that they can make more complete copies of all of their parts, using more commonplace raw materials, and can copy themselves faster. Each improvement rapidly gets copied, faster than the previous one, and sweeps around the world.

The means of production therefore rapidly shifts downward, from huge centralized corporations, to small businesses, to small communal groups of people, and finally to households and individuals, so that they are increasingly self-sufficient. As that happens, people have a decreasing need for trade with each other, therefore a decreasing need for money. Individuals in the US, as well as governments in Europe and other places in the liberal rest of the developed world, start using their technology to run off extra copies of those devices, and start shipping them off to the Third World. People all over the world become increasingly self-sufficient and prosperous.

2020 - transportation

Mass transit becomes obsolete as cars can drive themselves, so that inexpensive automated taxis can take people to their destinations door-to-door, in a sort of hybrid of the best features of mass transit and privately-owned cars. Increasingly, people stop buying their own cars because those automatic taxis are cheaper than owning a car, and just as convenient, since the nearest ones that have just dropped off passengers arrive within a minute of being called. Such taxis would not waste money by sitting idle most of the time, as privately-owned cars do, and would not take up the enormous space for parking that privately-owned vehicles do, since only some of them would park during off-peak hours, and most would immediately pick up the next passengers.

An alternative to automatic taxi cars that run on existing roads is to put up systems of overhead monorails, with car-sized vehicles to take individuals or families directly to whereever they individually want to go. Such systems would not require artificial intelligence, only conventional computers, since they would run on rails, and would have no unexpected obstacles such as pedestrians to contend with, so could be put up even today. Several companies promoting such plans claim that, due to the fact that overhead systems would require almost no land costs, they would be less expensive to build even if such rails cost more than paving roads. The vehicles would travel at around 100 mph within cities, and would get people anywhere within minutes, although passengers would have to walk up to half a mile to the nearest line. Between cities, the vehicles could go 150 mph. At that speed, it would be about as fast to travel up the east or west coasts of the US that way as by plane, given the time it takes to get to and from airports, wait for flights, and wait for luggage. Even travel from NY to LA would take 20 hours, so would just be feasible to do in a day, in about twice the time as by plane, but far less hassle. A disadvantage is that they would be more unsightly than roads. Perhaps a few cities will put up such systems, but given the lack of public knowledge of them, and the speed that governments make innovative decisions, most likely A. I. will develop first, and we will see ordinary cars that drive themselves on existing roads.

2020 - medical progress

Major medical advances are occurring all the time, rapidly ending the threat from diseases, and aging itself. Cancer is almost always curable. The aging process can be virtually halted. Smart nano devices are injected into the body that continually diagnose problems, clean out arteries. One type can transport oxygen with vastly greater capability than red blood cells, so that people would rarely need to breathe, and could dive underwater for an hour without scuba gear. Artificial immune systems are capable of dealing with all invading organisms, including ones that our natural immune systems are incapable of handling such as AIDS, and they wipe out all infectious disease.

2020 - space

Private manned orbital flights increase in frequency, to weekly, the cost of a ticket has come down, to perhaps $2 million (in today's money), and hundreds of rich tourists go into orbit each year, and stay at increasingly large orbiting hotels. Dozens go on lunar flybys for perhaps $10 million. The first tourists land on the moon, the first people to do so since 1972, with perhaps 2 flights a year, and then an increasing number forever after. This time, people have returned to the moon for good. Many thousands of people go on cheaper suborbital flights for perhaps $50,000.

Meanwhile, the official government space programs of the US, Russia, Europe and China are becoming rather pointless. The US, and a joint effort of Russia and Europe, are planning the first manned moon landings for around 2020, but tourists are already landing on the moon, beating them to it. Those government programs are struggling to keep up and revise themselves so that they are not reduced to irrelevancies. As of 2008, the US, and Europe and Russia in partnership, plan to resume manned lunar landings in 2020, and then go on to Mars. Soon before the manned moon landings, the US plans several other interesting manned missions in the late 2010s, before it builds the landers needed to land on the moon or Mars, with their substantial gravities. It plans a manned lunar flyby, a manned visit to an asteroid, and a manned visit to Mars' 2 moons. But as usual, the dates for these missions keep slipping by almost 1 year per year, so that it never seems to get much closer.

2020 - rate of change

The amount of technological progress in the last 5 years is breathtaking. It is as if the world has been catapulted another 3 decades into the future, and this year the rate of change is approaching a decades' worth of progress per year, and rapidly growing. The world is as different from today, a mere 13 years from now, as today's world is from more than half a century ago, around 1950. People from then would of course be amazed at photos of the earth from space, and old photos of manned moon landings, and photos from all the space probes of the past decades. In addition to the gadgets people have now that didn't exist in 1987, that I listed in 2015, they'd be amazed at all of the gadgets that didn't exist in 1950: microwave ovens, all electronics including even lowly calculators and digital clocks, VCRs that are already becoming outmoded. Most of all, they'd be stunned by the changes in our culture since then, and would probably have a hard time fitting in. Even people living through those changes in 2020 find it difficult to keep up with them, but someone from today who suddenly woke up then would find the world somewhat incomprehensible. After technological progress lagged behind optimistic predictions for decades, we are suddenly catching up to where people were expecting up to the 1960s that we would be at by now.

2020 - summary

In short, the rate of progress, noticeably accelerating year by year before, begins to explode. Already, though it is only a little more than a decade from now, it is as if we have reached about half a century from now. We are close to having achieved artificial intelligence, the end of work, unlimited life spans. Now even the beginnings of civilization's breakout into space have begun. But the end of work brought economic collapse in the fascist US, which is only starting to recover, so Americans cannot enjoy the progress that has occurred yet.


2025 - US economy

Americans (with the probable exception of those in the Confederacy, so far) have finally realized that since work is disappearing, there is no longer an excuse for differences in wealth. Enough work has been automated away that people are willing to do the rest without monetary incentives. Therefore people shift even farther to the left, and clamor to raise the percentage of the income of the rich that is taxed and given to them. Unemployment has reached 90%, but now that people are paid whether they work or not (though those still working are paid more), no one cares. Robots can produce almost unlimited quantities of anything, and now people are being given the money to buy them. Previously, robots could do most of the work, but that didn't help if people had no money to pay the businesses which owned the robots for their goods and services.

However, by now, the economy has become so decentralized, as people have the ability to produce most of their own goods and services, that the use of money is rapidly disappearing.

2025 - US politics

Americans shift far to the left not only economically, but on issues of religion vs. science. The resurgence of fundamentalist religions that occurred from the 1980s to the early 2000s rapidly reverses in the late 2000s through the 2020s as growing numbers of Americans and people around the world embrace science and rationality again, for a number of reasons.

The tide started to turn away from science during the 1960s. At that time, the pace of technological change started to slow in that lull between the Industrial Revolution and the Information Age, and predictions for such things as robots and cities on Mars failed to come true, so people became increasingly skeptical of radical technological progress. Widespread concern arose about technological problems such as pollution and nuclear war, and stupid liberals put the blame on technology, rather than on the conservative policies that misused technology, so that we had not just a resurgence of traditional religion on the right, but New Age beliefs on the left. And during the Cold War, when the US's enemy was atheistic communism, Americans, in knee-jerk fashion, became more religious because that was the opposite of our enemy's ideology.

But all those things reversed starting in the 2000s. Americans got a taste during the Bush years, and in their aftermath, of just what stupidity and irrationality bring. The pace of technological progress started to pick up with increasing acceleration, and people regained respect for the prospect of radical technological advance. The prospect of indefinitely long lifespans especially took away most of the need for religion, which soothed people's fears of mortality by claiming that when we die we don't really die. Pushed to the limits by the 2nd Great Depression, Americans finally took the necessary radical measures to stop conservative misuse of technology, and finally saw its liberating potential again. And after the Cold War ended, and the "War on Terrorism" (really the War Against Muslim Fundamentalism, in addition to the War to Grab All Their Oil) began, our enemy was now religion rather than atheism, so a counter-reaction began that grew into a great political movement in favor of rationalism again.

At first, Christian fundamentalists were the main opponents of Muslim fundamentalists, while stupid liberals preached tolerance of intolerance. But the disasterous rule of Bush decreased the political power of the Christian fundamentalists in the US. And the threat of both Christian and Muslim fundamentalism, both in the US and in Europe, provoked a militant atheist backlash. In the US, people feared a Christian theocracy and Muslim terrorism from abroad, and in Europe, with its large imported fundamentalist Muslim population that threatened to become a majority due to high birthrates, people feared a Muslim theocracy, and Muslim terrorism, and a US - Middle East fundamentalist Christian - fundamentalist Muslim nuclear war.

2025 - computers and artificial intelligence

Computers are approaching their ultimate limits, their components approaching the size of individual molecules. The world's most powerful supercomputers have 1000X the processing power of the human brain, so can think 1000X as quickly as people can. Ones in widespread use in scientific and technological research have reached dozens or hundreds of times the speed of the human brain. Ones with the processing power of the brain are less expensive for businesses to buy than hiring employees. Artificial intelligence has been nearly perfected, and almost all formal work has disappeared. Computers are somewhat like autistic savants, and have strange suites of abilities, far above humans in most ways, but with extremely strange "personalities" that lack some abilities of human personalities. They have been designed to be nonthreatening, and have no desire to "take over the world", as in so many science fiction stories. A small intellectual elite assists intelligent computers in producing all technological innovations, for fun. Everyone else either lets computers and robots produce the goods and services they use, or they produce part of their own, or each other's voluntarily, for fun. With no jobs needing qualifications, formal education disappears as well, except for fun and personal growth.

Computers, acting as scientists and inventors, thinking many times faster than people, accelerate progress in a rapidly snowballing effect, called The Singularity, so that in a very short time, computers reach their ultimate limits, thinking thousands of times faster still, and produce decades, centuries, maybe millennia's worth of innovations and discoveries each year. Most importantly, computers invent the next generation of computers that are far faster than they are, therefore can invent yet the next generation of far-faster computers far faster still. Those most powerful, most expensive computers quickly become virtually free, along with everything else, so that everyone soon owns them, and soon many people own enough computing power to out-think the entire human race.

2025 - other technologies

Life spans are now unlimited. Biotechnology has reached the point that tissues from any plant or animal can be grown without growing the entire organism, so that food, the last commodity whose production hadn't moved down yet to the individual level, can be grown in a vat, more simply than on farms. That production in turn becomes decentralized, and moves down to the local level.

Thanks to the use of diamond and other super-strong materials in large-scale construction, cities are starting to have forests of skyscrapers a mile or more tall. The only thing limiting them from going higher is the lower air pressure that makes people dizzy on mountains, starting at close to 2 miles high. The connections between buildings (begun in order for people to escape in case of terrorism or other disasters, and just so that people can travel from building to building more easily without having to go down to ground level) are evolving into entire city levels far above ground, with their own horizontal transportation systems, etc.

Now that people can order robots to do anything, massive projects become feasible, which would have been prohibitively expensive before because of the expense of paying all the workers. Groups start building idyllic floating cities on the tropical oceans, which soon multiply to the point that they can house most of the earth's population. They are powered by OTEC (Ocean Thermal Electrical Conversion), which uses the difference in temperature between the surface and deep waters to run turbines to generate almost unlimited amounts of energy. A side effect of that process is that nutrient-rich deep water is pumped up to the surface where the sunlight is, creating massive algae blooms, creating massive blooms of fish and shellfish that people eat, in regions of the oceans where formerly, there was little life because the sunlight was at the top but the nutrients were at the bottom. With the creation of those new ecosystems, the amount of humans that the earth can support increases massively. Billions of people start moving off of the land to those floating cities, and start taking the pressure off of existing ecosystems.

Meanwhile, humans gain complete control over ecosystems, and can alter them for the better without worrying about unintended bad side-effects. People can produce countless numbers of tiny and even microscopic robots, which can be ordered to overwhelm and eliminate any unwanted pests, from rats to insects to harmful microorganisms. For instance, a few months after the project is begun, the last species of mosquito on earth is driven to extinction. Some rabid environmentalists protest this, and are attacked and killed by angry mobs. (Maybe not, but wouldn't it be nice? I'd settle for just tying them down, naked, in the Everglades in August, and leaving them there overnight, without insect repellent on, of course.) People no longer have to worry about infectious diseases evolving faster than medical science can find cures for them, because the pace of technological progress now exceeds the pace of evolution of infectious diseases.

2025 - space

A variety of ways are developed to get into space at virtually zero cost. First of all, since everything is automated, even current technology, run by robots, would bring the cost of getting into space to virtually zero, by eliminating all the workers, and therefore their salaries. But there are far better technologies by then.

Companies put rotating tethers in low earth orbit, super-strong cables hundreds of miles long that ships hook onto to get a boost the rest of the way into orbit. Since the rockets then only have to reach suborbital speed, which is far easier to reach than orbital speed, the price to orbit drops to not much more than suborbital flights. Tethers would work like flywheels, gaining energy from ships returning down to earth, and using that energy to boost up other ships going up into space, so that ships could go up and down using no net energy or fuel, as long as there was equal amounts of traffic both ways. Next, they put up additional rotating tethers in slightly higher orbits to fling ships from low earth orbit to lunar orbit, and next put tethers in orbit around the moon, which gently deposit passengers and cargo on the surface, and pick up passengers and cargo going the other way.

Another possibility is scramjets: rockets that scoop up oxygen in the atmosphere on the way up in order to burn their fuel. Current rockets have to carry up oxygen as heavy fuel, when oxygen typically weighs 7/8 of the total amount of fuel, so scramjets would only have to bring up 1/8 of the fuel they do now, and could therefore take up far more cargo at far lower prices. Scramjets could lower the cost of the initial part of the flight, though the atmosphere, and rotating tethers could eliminate the cost of the remaining part of the flight.

Another possibility would be to build long tracks angled up the sides of mountains that would give rockets a boost magnetically, in the same way that maglev trains work, and reduce the amount of fuel they need to carry, therefore greatly increase the cargo they can carry, since a great deal of fuel is used just to get ships a short distance off the ground. Unfortunately, such tracks could not boost ships all the way to orbital speed, because atmospheric friction would become impossibly great. However, if the Diamond Age has begun, and diamond is used as a building material, such tracks could be put up on stilts at least 20 miles high, above almost all of the atmosphere, and atmospheric friction would be minimal. In that case, ships could be boosted into orbit magnetically, and no fuel would be necessary. Such tracks, called rail guns, would need to be several hundred miles long in order to boost ships all the way to orbital speed without imposing more acceleration on passengers than they can stand. Shorter tracks could initially boost ships to a good portion of orbital speed, and then far-smaller rockets could boost them the rest of the way. Shorter tracks could also be used to boost cargo, which can stand far higher accelerations than people, into orbit.

Another possibility would be to use nanotechnology to produce ultra light and strong and almost maintenance-free rockets, made out of such materials as foam diamond.

Finally, if public knee-jerk hostility can be overcome, perhaps nuclear-powered rockets are developed, which reach orbit with little effort and by wide safety margins.

Suddenly, tourists are going into space and visiting the moon by the thousands, and large orbiting hotels, and then hotels on the moon, are being built to house them. NASA and other governments' programs become almost irrelevant, as private companies have rapidly overtaken their meager plans. Thousands of people are staying in space to live there permanently. Large space stations rotate to create artificial gravity. They are begun as 2 capsules spinning at opposite ends of a cable, and then more segments are filled in until a complete wheel-shaped station is completed. There are also huge zero-gravity habitats, a good fraction of a mile across, which consist of little more than giant plastic bubbles filled with air, and are relatively easy to set up.

2025 - pace of change

In just 5 years, it is as if we have jumped a century into the future, and the rate of change passes many decades per year. The world is as different as our current world of 2005 is from the 1800s. People from back then arriving at our world would find much of it incomprehensible. Even for people living through the changes, their reactions range from terror to exhiliration. Most people have trouble dealing with change, even change drastically for the better. And most people, with good reason, fear that there will always be a downside to everything, and a spectacularly bad downside to anything spectacularly good. Indeed, we surely go through many technological crises in these few years. First, the 2nd Great Depression, as a result of human stupidity. And in addtion, many incidents in which evil or stupid individuals, such as the ones who create internet viruses today, or blow themselves up in terrorist incidents, use the powerful new technologies, especially ones that self-replicate like proverbial rabbits, for spectacular mischief, either for political ends or not. Some just do it for self-aggrandizement, because it makes them feel powerful, while others, either religious fundamentalist loonies or environmentalist extremists (same thing really, just different religions), do it for political ends.

2025 - summary

In short, the world is emerging from the economic crisis utterly transformed. Now that we have solved the economic crisis by getting over the work ethic and letting everyone share the wealth, a new solution presents itself as technology allows the means of production to shift downward from centralized corporations to the individual level, ending the market economy, and the self-reproduction of that technology allows its rapid dissemination to everyone. The end of the constricting work ethic frees humanity to achieve great things, now that the cost of paying people salaries disappears from everything. The migration to space and the earth's oceans begins.


2030 - nanotechnology

Nanotech replicators are being developed, which can produce anything needed by rearranging atoms into any desired objects, given sufficient quantities of the elements things are made of. They start to replace both personal fabricators that produce objects made of simple uniform substances, and the biotechnology vats that produce food made of complex organic substances. For instance, today's food could be produced from yesterday's garbage, or machinery from old machinery or from a heap of dirt. The range of substances they can produce gradually widens, and as soon as they can produce more of themselves, as soon as each advance in capabilities is made, the new replicators sweep around the world to everyone in days. Replicators bring the ability to produce all goods into individuals' homes. Since households are becoming self-sufficient, there is no need for trade, therefore no need for money. The economy switches from one based on universal welfare, barter, volunteerism and do-it-yourself to almost complete self-independence. The use of money disappears except for a few luxuries that are inherently in limited supply, such as beachfront property, since there is inadequate shoreline in the world to accommodate everyone, and large tracts of land, since there is only so much land on earth.

2030 - ocean and space habitats

However, even new land is being constructed, as giant floating cities are built on the tropical oceans, and the first space habitats are constructed (see below). High technology is being used to enable people to live well without destroying the environment, and then to reverse environmental destruction.

2030 - new technological issues

Technology starts moving politics into strange new areas. People are enhancing their intellects with computer interfaces, and enhancing their bodies with machines, blurring the line of what it means to be human.

A split develops between environmental groups, who want to return the environment to its natural state, and animal rights groups, who are against all the suffering in the natural world and want to use nanotechnology and robots to turn the Earth into a kind of giant park or zoo, in which all conscious animals are cared for like pets. Currently, the same people are usually both environmentalists and animal rights advocates. But yet another, even more radical political group emerges, which is anti animal rights and pro (enhanced) human rights. That group argues that animals are like humans with extreme retardation, and it is immoral to bring such genetically disadvantaged beings into the world if we can prevent it, and should only bring the most enhanced human intellects into the world instead. A slightly less radical faction of that group argues that it is okay to bring animals into the world, as long as we enhance their brains up to the level of enhanced humans (and also, in the case of cats and dogs and other animals, provide them with prosthetic manipulative arms, to make up for the disadvantage of their rather useless paws, prosthetic voices so they can speak languages, etc.).

2030 - environment

Global warming continues. By now the Arctic Ocean has become completely ice-free in the summer, and Greenland is starting to lose a considerable amount of its ice cap. Polar bears become extinct in the wild, only live in zoos. Rising oceans are threatening low-lying places such as beaches around the world, and Venice, which was already in trouble as it was. Hurricanes are not more frequent than before, but when they do occur, they are stronger. However, the limited amount of global warming that has occurred so far has had beneficial effects as well as harmful ones. People can live farther north in the arctic than before, and the first permanent settlements have been established near the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Warm climates are slowly spreading away from the equator, and palm trees are growing progressively northward along the US east coast, approaching New York City, which is now 5 degrees warmer in winter than it used to be. Increased evaporation is causing increased rainfall in many areas worldwide, so that the Sahara and other deserts are losing their aridity and becoming grasslands, and India's monsoons are much more dependable. However, since food is increasingly created by nanotechnology rather than farming, rainfall ceases to matter. As the era of fossil fuels winds down, and people develop the technology that enables them to control the world climate deliberately, people decide to keep the warmer, wetter world climate rather than letting it revert to its natural state.

2030 - space

Space travel is as common as air travel is now. As space tether technology improves, the lengths of the tethers that boost suborbital flights into orbit become longer, and the rotation speeds increase, so that they can come closer to having the tips of the cables negate orbital speed and match the speed of the earth's surface as the earth rotates. The more they do that, the lower the speed the suborbital flight has to reach in order to rendezvous with the tip of the cable, so the less fuel it uses, and the less difficult it is. It might be possible to decrease the speed so much that supersonic jets or even ordinary airplanes could rendezvous with tip of the cable. It isn't clear yet whether it is feasible, but it might be possible to have a space tether that's stationary in relation to the earth's surface, called a space elevator, that would be anchored to the ground, so that there would be no need for a flight at all. People would simply get in the elevator at the surface of the earth and ride all the way up into space.

Additional rotating tethers are put into earth orbit in order to fling astronauts beyond the earth's region and into the rest of the solar system. The first astronauts are sent to Earth-approaching asteroids. Soon after that, the first astronauts are sent to Mars, but perhaps they don't land yet, only fly by, and land on one of its moons. Soon after that, rotating tethers are put in Mars orbit so that people can easily go down to the surface and come back up again, and the first people land on Mars. Tourists soon begin to explore the whole solar system.

The first large space cities are being built in high Earth orbit. They consist of enclosed rotating cylinders a mile across. People live on the interior surface, which has houses, trees, lakes, etc. The number of people living in space is quickly shooting up toward the millions.

2030 - pace of change

We have already reached the Singularity, when the snowballing rate of technological change goes through the roof. Decades, centuries, even millenia worth of change occur every year. More technological progress has occurred between now (2008) and 2030 than since the dawn of humans. Probably we soon reach some ultimate plateau of technological achievement in various fields, beyond which nothing further is possible, and then stop. Society takes some time, however, to react to those changes, so that, for instance, even if the space frontier completely opens up to us, it still takes time for people to migrate. And unless we find a way around the speed-of-light barrier, it still takes time for people to explore the universe. Also, in the arts, the number of possible permutations is so vast that even the most powerful computers possible could go on till the end of the universe pouring out novels, symphonies, paintings, poems, better than any humans have ever produced, and still not run out of possibilities.

2030 - summary

We have already reached the Singularity. The production of everything within everyone's home has been perfected. The habitation of space proceeds. Technology proceeds in increasingly bizarre directions.


Growing numbers of people are enhancing their bodies and brains technologically. The distinction between organisms and machines begins to blur. People increasingly communicate directly via mind-links, so the distinction between one person and another also begins to blur. Technological progress increasingly switches to bizarre areas, such as people's consciousnesses merging with machines. People differ on whether, once people's consciousnesses are moved into machines, they are still the same people, or only claim to be, so that copies have been made and the originals killed. The major political issue ultimately involves what it means to be human.

Space population is in the millions, and many more space habitats, of increasing sizes, are being constructed. A system of rotating cables is being installed throughout the solar system to allow for routine travel using virtually no energy, as long as there is as much traffic going both directions. Enormous multi-mirror space telescopes map planets around other stars. A microscopic probe has been sent to Alpha Centuri, the nearest star system to our own, and though it is microscopic, it can do everything our current probes can do because it contains microscopic machinery. Millions of people have moved to floating cities on the tropical oceans. The earth's population, which was about to level off at around 9 billion, starts increasing again, now that earthly and economic limits have disappeared, and lifespans are indefinitely long.


Space population is 100 million. Space habitats have land areas within them the size of entire countries, even continents. Perhaps some people are settling on Mars, just for the romance of the idea, despite planets being worse places to live than in open space in many ways, but most people are settling in the space habitats in open space. Billions live in floating cities on the tropical oceans. Much of the Earth is becoming like a park. People have explored throughout the solar system.


Space population is 1 billion. Due to technological progress unimaginable to most people today, interstellar travel is already possible, and the first people are sent to Alpha Centuri, the nearest star beyond our solar system.


Space population is 2 billion, and the migration rate levels off after the initial push because there are only 10 billion people in total. Initially, the space cities are clustered in high Earth orbit, but civilization next starts migrating to the asteroid belt, where the best source of materials is to build space cities.


Space population is 5 billion, and more people live in space than on earth. Space population growth now comes more from the people in space reproducing than from migration. If people are settling on Mars at all, rather than it just remaining a scientific outpost like the ones in Antarctica, its population growth is probably already slowing, since its total land area is the same as the land area on earth, and no other object in the solar system is at all suitable for habitation.


Quintillions of people live throughout the solar system in billions of space habitats, each with the land area of entire continents or even planets. People must stop reproducing as the resources of the solar system begin to be used up (barring hypothetical technologies such as faster-than-light travel, or the creation of new universes for people to live in -- and even faster-than-light travel within our single universe wouldn't help for long, because people could easily fill up the entire universe in a few thousand years, such is the power of geometric population growth). An expanding region of stars, now perhaps 100 light-years in radius, have human civilizations living around them, and these too are approaching their limits, though several centuries or more after the original solar system. Some people with the urge to explore have set off on journeys all around our galaxy, and thanks to the time dilation effect at close to the speed of light, from their perspective, it only takes them a few decades or years to get there, even though to everyone else, it takes 150,000 years. Simple life forms have been found on many planets, but no sign of other intelligent life within our own galaxy. However, by this time we have found ways to detect intelligent life in other galaxies, although we would not be able to communicate with them unless a way is found around the speed-of-light barrier.


Civilization has spread throughout our galaxy. Perhaps explorers have long ago set off for other galaxies all around the universe, and from their perspectives, due to relativistic time dilation, they have already arrived. It is unlikely, even then, that they make first contact with intelligent life in other galaxies, because if they did, it is likely that we would have already been contacted outselves. (This is Enrico Fermi's famous question about extraterrestrial intelligence, "Where are they?", on an intergalactic rather than interstellar scale. We space travel enthusiasts hope the reason they haven't visited us is because extraterrestrial civilizations are very rare -- which is supported by the lack of radio signals despite a good deal of searching -- rather than that space colonization is very rare or impossible.) Either intelligent civilizations never or rarely achieve intergalactic travel, or intelligent civilizations are so rare that not only do they average less than one per galaxy, but one per very many galaxies.

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