Tempazn`s World Of Dizziness
Last Updated:05.06.03                     

Why is it Important to Study Man Violence in Advertising?
How is Living Uo to the Gender Stereotype Harmful to Us?
What i think is Offensive

Tobacco Companies Advertise Cigarettes Toward Youth
What does Food Advertisement means to the World

Chinese Immigrant Visuals
Immigration Essay from Summer
How Does Advertising Function in the Society
Tea that Burns [Why the Chinese]
Family Poem [That Moment on American Land]
Spoof Ad
World War 1 and 2

Unit Projects

Hakim Rewrite
Immigration Webquest
Industrialization: Child Labor
Industrialization: Child Labor
Personal Dust Bowl Page
Truthful Music Inc
Thinkquest [CON<->TEXTS]
Bay Of Pigs
Bay of Pigs PowerPoint Presentation


--NYC-Kiran --NYChumanities --My School Website --Department of Education
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