Temenos AgathoDaemon
Hail And Greetings
Seeker, Wisdom is at hand!
Temenos AgathoDaemon; or Sanctuary of the Good Spirit is affiliated with The Minoan Brotherhood, which is a men's initiatory tradition of the Craft celebrating Life, Men Loving Men, and Magick in a primarily Cretan and Aegean milieu.

We are located in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are open to all Gay Men, Bisexual Men or Men who are open to the gifts of the Spirit and are not apprehensive about same-sex relationships.

We gather together skyclad under the Full Moon, to explore the Mysteries of Ourselves, our Mistress, and Her Divine Son, The Starry one. In our Sanctuary, we meet with Mirth and Reverence, Laughter and Joy, Seriousness and Dedication to celebrate the diversity of the Universe and how it manifests within our lives. Being such, our rites are closed and are for initiates, but we do have open circles where guest are welcomed. We will not turn any man away who is sincerely looking for a tribe of gay and bisexual men dedicated to Light, Life, Love, and Liberty.

Our tradition springs from Gardnerian roots hence we consider ourselves Traditional Witches from the Olde School of British Witchcraft.

If you would like more information, plase send us an email by through the Magick Star!