
by Trixi

e-mail: 1007-816@online.de

Summary: Mulder/Scully. Jarod/Miss Parker

Spoilers: 5th season X-files, The Red and the Black/ 2nd season Pretender

Classification/Rating: crossover, PG-13

Summary: Jarod escapes with Miss Parker from the Center after a assassin tries to kill them. Together with Mulder and Scully they hide in the moutains ...

Disclaimer: I don't own Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. They belong to CC, 1013 and Fox. Jarod and Miss Parker donīt belong to me, either. You know that, blah blah blah.....

This is my first story, and I finished it around October 1998. Iīm from Germany and I only learned english 4 years in school so please be kind with my mistakes :)

The story is already posted in several Pretender-related archives and I got so many nice mails I should share it with X-Files fans, too. So, here it is ;-)

BTW, if you wanna read more Pretender-storys, let me know and Iīll mail you some .

Thanks to Susan. You know what you did.



Enjoy and donīt forget to e-mail me!


Blue Cove, Delaware

The Center, SL 27


"How did you get here?" Miss Parker asked Jarod, who was standing right before her. He was hidden, half in the dark and half in the light of her flashlight.

"The same way I always come in and out. Someone should check into the alarm system!" he grinned maliciously.

"What do you want now?" she asked coldly walking dangerously a few steps towards him.

She wasnīt as tall as he, but with her high heels they stood eye to eye.

She was so close now he could fell her breath on his skin.

"Why do you play with me all the time? Why do you give me only little pieces about my mother and the past?" Her eyes drilled into his.

"I love puzzles. No - seriously. You lost your mother already and I found mine and lost her in the same minute. You tried to catch me, but also tried to save her life from those sweepers. You could have shot her or taken her prisoner, but you didnīt."

"I only wanted - want - to catch you. Well, what do you really want now?"

"I WANT to offer you a deal..." he said, with a very serious face - no soft smile on his lips this time. "I can free you from the Centre if you do me a favor."

She didnīt know if her chin fell on the floor or if it just felt like it. Who the hell did he think he was - her guardian *angel*?

"Why should you free me? Iīm not imprisoned here like you should be. And how can you know that I wonīt bring you to your old room right now.?"

"We were both prisoners here for a long time. You got a life ... till I escaped. Now your father controls you till you bring me back. But what then; do you honestly believe heīll let you leave the Centre?"

She opened her mouth to reply, but the ring of her cell-phone stopped her.

"Daddy.....I have..." Jarod got a little nervous. He knew her, but Daddy Parker would be very inopportune right now.

She continued. "Yes, ....No, listen Daddy, I... No! Iīm not going to Mr. Raines just because .... OK, but what I ......Daddy, you still there?.... Where I am? mhm, Iīm on my way to Sydney. ...... Nothing important ....Mhm. Bye."

Jarod gave her a questioning look and waited. "Why havenīt you..."

"I did nothing for you. I just want to know a few things before I bring you back where you belong."

"Oh. He does not know that you know about SL 27, does he?"


In the same second they heard the noise of the elevator. Someone was coming down to SL 27 - someone with the security code for the entrance. They looked at each other a few seconds, turned, ran into the next room and closed the door behind them. Jarod stepped next to the huge filing cabinet and tried to push itagainst the door. But before he finished, bullets flew through the air and Miss Parker dragged him down onto the floor with her. It would have hit him staight trough the heart, but instead the bullet hit her in the back. She groaned, and Jarod dragged her with him over the floor to the next room and closed the massive steel door behind them.

"It may take him a little time to follow us through this. We have no other choice but for you to come with me if you do not want to get killed." He helped her to stand up. What he saw then shook him. Blood ran down her back.

"Youīve been shot...." How stupid, she knew this by herself.

"I think so. Itīs not as bad as it looks like," she finally said and tried to stand alone, but the pain was too much. She faltered and Jarod caught her around the waist. They could hear someone coming quickly towards them form behind.

Jarod lifted her up in his arms and carried her to his (till now) secret escape. He had no chance to think about the fact that she was one of "the enemies"; she was as hunted as him and if he did not take her out of here, she would end like her mother: dead.

When he reached a small hole in the wall he said, "You have to crawl through alone; itīs not big enough for me to carry you. Do you think you can do that?" he thought

"Iīll try."

She reached the other end and let herself fall on the ground.

Jarod took a look at the wound through the blouse she wore and tried to stopet the bleeding by pressing his shirt onto it, but right at the moment he couldnīt do anything else for her.

"Wait here. I'll try to stop him and then I'll bring us out - promise." Then, he ran back.


Scullyīs residence

2 hours earlier


"Hey Scully, look at this..." Mulder shouted through the whole apartment.

Scully was sitting at her laptop and finishing their report, as usual. Mulder had all the spooky theories and she had to write them down SO that they could show it to Skinner without getting overworked in return.

"Sculleeee...." he gave up studying the file an informer gave Scully a few days before. It said that there was an organization named The CENTRE, that kitnapped children, so called PRETENDERS, who were educated to work for them. This was too weird, even for him.

"What?" she sounded a little bit irritated.

"Come here. Leave the reports alone; we can finish them in the Bureau. There are a few good movies tonight. Do you wanna join me?" he asked, with a grin from ear to ear.

"Mmh Mulder, as I remember, this is my apartment and my tv. Give me the remote. Now. Iīm not going to watch these lousy movies you choose."

"No, please, this is the Star Wars night on the sf-channel. Pleeease! I havenīt seen them for three months." Mulder made his best puppy-dog look and waited for her to look at him.

Scully only rolled her eyes and gave up. She never could resist this look.

"Sure - Fine - Whatever...." was the last she said before the orchestra blew the theme from STAR WARS out of the speakers.

"Do you want some popcorn?" he asked as he rose and went to the kitchen.

"Yeah, make yourself at home - that's what my lovely neighbour thinks. She asked me if you donīt have your own place because you always hang around here, even when Iīm out ..... and, bring some hot chocolate." This was going to be a long night - why shouldnīt she enjoy it?


The Centre

SL 27

The rooms all looked the same down here. This was the SIM-LAB where Raines *trained* his brother to be an assassin - and God knew what else they did there.

Jarod waited behind a wall till someone entered the room. He caught them by the arm and swung them around, giving them one heavy hit, direct on the nose. The killer flew on the floor and then Jarod realized who it was : Brigitte.

She tried to reach the gun but Jarod was faster. He told her to stand up and guided her to a single room.

"Theyīll kill you, Jarod. They are on their way here. Give up, and youīll stay alive, my dear." She offered him a deal.

He didnīt respond. He guided her to one of the test-chairs - *hell-chairs* would fit better - and there he tied her up.

"You have no chance to escape, this time, and your little friend is wounded. Huh, I can see the blood-trail on the floor."

"Shut up, or...." he shouted, and gave her a look that could kill.

"Or what....?"

"Or I will shoot you in the back and let you die here." he answered, cold as ice.


He turned and ran as fast as he could back, but when he reached Miss Parker she looked more dead than alive. The wound had stooped bleeding, but only because she had already lost too much blood. If he had not bandaged her, well, she would have died already.

He lifted her in his arms once more and carried her the rest of the way out.


End Part 1

Part 2