Family Reunion
By: G. Barton

Parker sat at her desk when Simone walked in to find her on the phone. When she turned to leave, Parker motioned for her to have a seat.

"Yeah, thanks for calling." Parker hung up the phone.

"Is everything okay?" Simone asked.

"That was Lt. Humphries in Delaware, someone broke into my house there."

"You don't think it was Lyle, do you?"

"No. He said it looked like someone was looking for something and I don't think it was Lyle. Not this time." Parker stood.

"Are you going to check it out?"

"Not yet. I have things to do here. It can wait." They walked out the door and down the hallway.

"Melissa." She heard as she turned to see Broots.


"I need to talk to you about the security system."

"Okay, I will be right with you."

"I will just catch you later," Simone said as she left them alone.

"What is it Broots?"

"We had attempted break in the other night."

"The other night. Why am I just hearing about this?"

"I didn't think it was anything."


"I didn't want to worry you."


He couldn't think of anything else to say so he stood in silence as she glared at him.

"Don't let happen again. I want to know the minute it happens next time."


"Broots." She kept her eyes on him.

"I promise. You will be the first to be notified."

"Thanks." She walked off.


Later that night, Parker woke to the phone ringing. Grabbing it, "What?" she snapped.


"Yeah," her tone changed.

"This is Bob."


"Security at Legacy."

"Oh, yeah. What is it?"

"I think you should come down here. We have a small problem."

"What kind of problem?"

"We had a break in."

"Okay, I'm on my way." She hung up the phone.

Jarod rolled over. "Who was it?"


"What did he want?"

"There was a break in at Legacy and I have to go." She kissed his cheek as she pulled the covers back.

Jarod grabbed her arm, "Wait."


"I'm going."

"You have to stay. What if one of the kids wake up?"

"Then I'll go and you stay."

"Jarod, I'll be fine." She gave him another kiss before climbing out of bed.

Jarod rolled over fell asleep again. After Parker got dress, she grabbed her gun, placing it in the small of her back.


Parker walked through the doors, "What is the problem?"

"Right in here, ma'am." He took into a room next to the front doors.

Parker walked in and saw a man sitting in a chair. When he glanced up to see her, they said at the same time, "You!"

"You know this man, ma'am."

"Yes, He's my father-in-law." Parker walked over to Major Charles.

"Father-in-law?" He looked at her funny.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard someone from Delaware was building a cooperation down here and I had to check it out."

"Are you the one that broke into my house?"

He hung his head.

"Come on. I know someone who can't wait to meet you."

Major Charles rose and followed Parker out.

"Thank you Bob. See you tomorrow."

"You're welcome."

They got out to the car. "Oh no!" Charles stiffened and frowned.


"J. I left him to lookout."


"Down the road, a ways."

"Then we will pick him up."

Charles got into her car, picked up a piece from a Mr. Potato head.

"I have grandchildren?" He held up the piece.

"Yeah but that's Jarod's." She threw the toy over her shoulder and they drove off.

After picking up the boy, Charles said, "So tell me about my grandchildren."

"Well....Catherine, the oldest, is ten. She looks like my mother but has Jarod's personality. Kyle is the middle one. He is six and Kyle is...well...Kyle is Kyle. What can I say? Then there is Sydney, out baby. She is five. She favors her father a lot. Jarod says she acts like me but I don't see it."

They pulled up in the drive way and got out. Jarod heard the door open and came down the stairs. He was surprised to see who was standing in their living room.

"Dad!" He hugged him.

"Son. I can't believe I finally found you again."

They sat down on the sofa. "You aren't going to believe this but Mom and Emily are here too."

"They are? I want to see them."

"You will in the morning. I promise. Right now I want to know what is going on with you and J."

"I hate to interrupt but I'm going back to bed. I'll talk to you in the morning." Parker looked tired.

"Okay," Jarod answered, pulling Parker close to him and giving her a good night kiss.


A few hours later, Jarod drove his father and new little brother to see his sister and mother.

"Mom!" Jarod ran into the house. "I have someone that you will want to see."

Margaret came out from the other room, stopped at stared at her husband. With tears falling down her cheek she ran to him, "Charles, I thought I lost you forever."

"Margaret, I missed you so much. Where is Emily? Jarod told me she was with you."

"She went to the store. She should be back in a few minutes."

"Mom, this J, he is your son."

Margaret looked confused.

"Mom, the Centre took your eggs and my DNA and created him."

"J, it is nice to meet you."

"Same here." He shook her hand.

It wasn't long until Emily came back. They explained everything to her. She was happy to be with her family again.

After a long day visiting with his family again, Jarod returned home to his.

"How did it go?" Parker asked as he entered through the door.

"It went well." He sat down next to her on the couch. "Melissa, I know you don't have your family anymore but I hope you will let my family become yours."

"Jarod, what are you talking about? I have you and the kids and now in-laws. I have all the family I need."

"I know. I was hoping you wouldn't feel..."

"Like I don't belong anymore."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well, have nothing to worry about." She kissed his lips lightly.

"I'm glad to hear that because I need to ask you a tiny favor."


"I need a blood sample from you."

"Jarod! I thought I told you I didn't want a part of this...this...." She stood from couch.

"...Genetic project."

"Yeah." She turned to walk away.

"But..honey wait." He followed her up the stairs and right into in the bedroom.


"But listen...Please."

"You have one minute."

"I need to know if you carry the same gene that I do."


"I want to know if it can be passed on to our children."

"I don't like this idea."


"Because...I don't."

"Talk to me, Melissa."

"Okay, what if your information gets into the wrong hands?"

"It won't."

"You don't know that. If I remember correctly that is how you got a younger brother that looks exactly like YOU!" she shouted.

"I just need a sample from you...I already...." he hushed quickly and turned to away from her.

"You all ready know what?" She walked up behind him.


She turned him around, "You all ready know if the kids have it, don't you?"

He didn't say anything.


"Yes," he replied softly as he hung his head.

"How did you do it?"

"How did I do what?"

"Get their sample."

"I drew blood from them."

"They let you?"

"Yeah, it was their idea."

"'Their idea'. Come on, Jarod you are the adult here or at least I thought you were." She walked to the door.

He grabbed her arm, "Wait...Catherine came down to the room one day when I was working on my project and asked me what I was doing. So I told her."

"And she said 'take my blood'?"

"Yeah, basically."

"What about the others?"

"Well, it's a little more difficult. But I only need yours. I know they have the gene I just don't know if they are carriers or actually have the gene." She just looked at him not saying a word. "That is why I need a blood sample from you."

She looked him straight in the eye, "NO!" and walked out.

"Melissa..." He threw his arms in the air. "Great." He sat down on the bed.

A few minutes later, he walked down to the living room. Not a word was exchanged, as he sat down in the chair.

"Night daddy, mommy," Catherine replied as she kissed them goodnight and headed up the stairway. The other two followed right behind her.

Parker got up and headed to the kitchen. Jarod quickly followed, "What is one little blood sample going to hurt?"

"I said no."

"Fine. Be that way." He stood in the door way when she tried to walk through. "You know you look beautiful tonight," he whispered in her ear.

"It's not going to work."

"What? I was just commenting on how you look."

She stood there in front of him with her arms crossed.

He reached out to kiss her when she backed up. When Jarod tried to lean forward again she slipped by him. His arm went up in front of her, blocking her way. He leaned toward her again, causing her to be pinned against the wall.

He leaned closer to her, "I love you."

"Jarod, why don't you drop the subject?"

"What? I have. I moved on to you." He gazed into her blue eyes.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, you know it's been a while." His fingertips ran gently across her jawline. He tilted his head to where his lips brushed lightly against hers.

She pushed him back a little with her hand, "It's going to be a while longer." She slipped under his arm and up the stairs. "Good night." The lights went off.

"Damn," he said softly.

He stumbled his way back to their room. He opened the door and saw her already in the bed. Jarod changed his clothes and climbed in.

"Okay, listen."


"Just let me say this and I promise I will shut up."

"I love you and I want to know more about what makes us different. For some reason, the Centre had us picked and I want to know why."

She turned around to face him, "The Centre is gone, why can't you let it go?"

He looked at her with sad puppy eyes.

"Fine," she answered.

"Fine what?"

"Fine, you can a blood sample. Will you leave me alone about it?"

He smiled, "Thanks. Did I tell you that I loved you?"

"Only about three times in the past hour."

"Well, how about one more?" He inched closer to her.

"Only if you let me get some rest."

"I love you," he whispered in her ear as he took her into his arms.

"I didn't say..."

"Shh..." He kissed her lips.

The End!