Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story. NBC does. The songs in this story are owned by: Ratt--Khaki, Heart--Red, & Tina Turner--Purple. I do own the poems in Italics. They are mine. I also own the wedding ring photo. It is my own work.

Happily Ever After

By: G. Barton

Jarod was feeling lonely. It had been several weeks since he and Miss Parker had been in Mexico. He got out a silver suitcase and looked through the DSA disks. Looking back, the first one he came to was when she was practicing her ballerina moves. He remembered it like it was yesterday. He asked her what she was doing. Then watching her laugh at him when he tried the same move. Then he came to her walking down the steps and seeing her smile at him took him back. He hasn't seen that smile in a very long time, he missed it. His first kiss. He remembered how he felt. She was so young and innocent then. He slipped in the disk of where he was talking to Angelo. That was when she lost her mother. He remembered her putting on a strong front when deep down she was hurting.

'She still does that.' he thought to himself.

Then he sat by the window looking out. He remembered her capturing him so many times and him getting away. For once, he would like her to be her old self. No, matter what he did he couldn't get Mexico out of his head. He had to see her and he knew she needed to talk just as bad as he did.


Miss Parker walked through the Centre's doors. She looked magnificent. She had on a navy pinstriped suit with an ivory satin shirt on. She wore her navy boots that were cut just above the ankle. Her hair and makeup were fixed so perfect. Broots and Sydney were standing by the elevators when she came in.

"Wow, look at Miss Parker, Sydney." Broots replied as he bumped Syd in the arm.

She walked up to them and got on the elevator.

"You look nice today, Miss Parker." Broots replied as the doors closed.

"What's the occasion?" Sydney asked.

"There's not." she replied. Then she turned to Broots, "Thanks but you can quit starring now."

"I'm sorry, Miss Parker." Broots quickly responded as they walked in her office.

She sat her brief case down on the desk and noticed an envelope laying there with her name on it. She picked it up and walked over to the window. She found the bracelet that she gave Jarod in Mexico and a note that read....

Meet me at the Holiday Inn in Dover. Come alone.

She quickly slipped the bracelet in her pocket with the note.

"I have to go." she replied.

"But you just got here." Sydney said as she headed out the door. "Where are you going?" he yelled toward her as the door closed.

She didn't answer or look back.

"I wonder what that was about." Broot said.

"Who knows? She has been acting funny ever since she got back." Sydney replied. "Well, we have work to do."


She got to the Holiday Inn and went to the desk. She pulled a picture of Jarod out and asked the lady behind the desk.

"Have you seen this man? I am suppose to meet him here, I'm late. I hope I haven't missed him."

"Oh, no ma'am. Mr. Black is in room 411. I think he is still there. I haven't seen him today. He asked me to give this to you when you showed up." the lady said.

"Okay, thanks." she told her. As she headed for the fouth floor, she open the envelope and read the note.

The touch of your skin next to mine makes me feel warm inside
The touch of your hands makes me forget all the rest
The touch of your lips gives me assurance that you are mine
The feel of your heartbeat next to me lets me know you love me
The words, "I love you" rolling off your tongue into my ear lets me know you still care
The touch! Oh, how I miss your touch

She found his room and knocked. When there was no answer she pulled her gun and kicked the door. She walked in slowly and looked around. She could hear the radio playing but couldn't him anywhere. Jarod walked up behind her and shut the door. He grabbed her gun.

"You won't be needing this." he said as he laid her gun on the table. He kissed her and she fell back against the wall. She couldn't move.

She looked him the eye and said, "You are making my job harder to do."

"Good." he said as he kissed her on the neck. "I'm glad you got my message. I was afraid you wouldn't come."

"What choice did I have? You sent me the bracelet. I was scared that something happened to you." she told him as she let him kiss her again.

In the background she could hear....

Lovin' you is a dirty job
Girl lovin' you is a dirty job and I'm the man to do it

I'm gonna hold you till the end of time
I'm gonna love you 'cause it's now or never
I'm gonna kiss you til I make you mine

Lovin' you is a dirty job, lovin' you is a dirty job

"You look beautiful today." he replied as he remembered her smelling the same in Mexico.

"So do you." she replied as she gave him a kiss. She took his unbuttoned blue satin shirt off of him.

"Let me help you with that." Jarod said as he already started unbuttoning her shirt. "I have missed you." he added as he picked her up.

She had her legs wrapped around his waist and her breast were at his face. He kissed her chest as he carried her to the bed.

"I missed you too." she said as he laid her down.

He started unzipping her pants when she said, "Let me do it. Your to slow." She had her pants off in seconds and started unzipping his when he said, "You never had patience, did you?"

She didn't say a word. She had him pended to the bed. He wasn't complaining. She had control of him, which is what she liked. She kissed his nipple and looked up in his eyes. He rolled her over and their eyes meet then their bodies. They were once again locked together like they were in Mexico. His hands in hers, she squeezed him tight. He gave her a kiss on the neck and began to suck on it.

"Don't! You will give me a hicky." she as she tried to pull him away.

"Relax. It's just a small one. Nobody will see see it. It's on the back of your neck." he said without moving his lips.

"I don't care. Someone will see it."

"You know you should learn to relax. Live a little. Would you rather me put one somewhere else?"

"It depends where. Just kiss me." she replied hoping he would move away from her neck.

He gave her kiss and she rolled him over. She put her lips on his hard muscular chest. Her hair fell over on his face. He pulled it back and she gave him one last kiss before she laid beside him. With her head on his chest she ran her fingers up and down his body.

"Jarod, remember Mexico." she said softly.

"How could I forget? Why?"

"I just wanted to tell you, I love you." she said very softly then looked up at him.

He pulled her up closer to him to where their eyes met and said, "I love you too." Then kissed her.

You could hear a Tina Turner song playing softly in the background...

The difference between us will keep us together
I tell you my love is everlasting

If you ever come close, if we ever discover how to hold on
And keep our faith in each other
The difference between us will keep us together

Jarod listening to the words says, "I have been thinking."

"About what?" she answered.

"Love, you, me, marriage..." before he could say anything else she interupted him by saying, "What?" then laughed.

"I can't live like this anymore. I want you and no one else. I think we should get married." he said.

She didn't know what to say. Then it came out, "Are you crazy? It hard enough that I can't bring you in now. If we married how would I explain the misleads. There would be no way I could bring you in then. I have a hard enough time telling everyone why I haven't brought you in as it is."

"I know I hit you with it suddenly but please tell me you will think about it." he told her.

"I will think on it. I promise." she replied. That was already on her mind. Then she asked, "What time is it?"

"11:00, why?"

"I have to go." she replied as she quickly got out of bed.

"Why? Where are you going?" he couldn't say it fast enough before she had her clothes on.

"I left in such a hurry this morning. I have been gone for a while, Raines probably sent sweepers after me. I don't want them to see us together." she said as she walked over to him. "Meet me at my house later tonight. We can talk then." She bent over and gave him a kiss.

He pulled her closer to him and gave her another kiss. She took another look in the mirror before grabbing her gun. With the gun in it's holster behind her back, she took one last look at him before walking out. She didn't want to leave but knew if she didn't make it back she would have some explaining to do. She shut the door and made her way back to the lobby. She got in her car and drove off.


She went to her office and sat down in the chair. All she could think about was Jarod.

Sydney walks in and says, "Miss Parker, where have you been?"

"That is none of your business, Syd." she replied while lighting her fourth cigarette since she left Jarod.

"Did you go home before returning to work?" he asked.

"No, why? You sure do ask a lot of questions." She replied while puffing on her cigarette slowly.

"I was just wondering because you had on a white shirt on when you left."

She looked down and said to herself, 'Damn.' She had on Jarod's blue satin shirt. "Oh, you must have been mistaken, Syd." she quickly replied hoping he would forget the white shirt.

"No, it was white."

"Okay, can you forget the white shirt!" she said hasty.

Sydney didn't say anything else. Broots walks in and said, "Oh, I see you made it back."

"Yes, don't you two have something to do." she replied while putting the cigarette out.

"Oh, by the way, I like the white shirt better." Broots replied.

She just glared at them. "Yes, our work. We will be going now. Come on, Broots." Sydney said as he pushed Broots out the door.


The phone rings. "What!"

"Miss Parker, can you come to my office?" Raines said in the other end.

She made her way to his office. She walked, "Yes, you wanted to see me."

"What were you doing at the Holiday Inn in Dover this morning?"

"That is none of your business." she replied back with a look that could kill.

"I think it is, Miss Parker."

"I went there to meet someone, who told me he had a lead on Jarod."

"All morning."

"Yes, I got there and waited. He never showed up so I left. I can't believe you had me followed."

"When it comes to bring Jarod in, I have everyone watched." he said with a wheezing sound.

She walked over to him, grabbed his oxygen tubing and squeezed it. "Nobody follows me! Do you understand me?" she said sternly. Then she turned it lose and walked out.


She walked to Sydney's office. "Syd."


"We have to talk but not here. Meet me at the park."

"Okay, when." he answered with concern.

"Now, if you can."

"Okay. I will be there in a few minutes."


Sydney met her at the park. She was sitting on a bench watching some children playing when a couple walked by and caught her attention. Sydney sat down beside her.

"What's wrong?"

"How did you know something is wrong?"

"You had that same look when your mother died." he answered.

"Syd, I don't know what to do. I slept with Jarod." she said quickly.

"You and Jarod." he said shocked but figured someday they would end up together. Then he said, "I'm not surprised."

"What?" she asked confused.

"I figured you and Jarod would see each other for more than emenies."


"I could see it in your eyes when you were children and now."

"He asked me to marry him." she quickly blurred out before Sydney could say anything else.

"What did you say?"

"I haven't."

"Does he make you happy?"

"Yeah, I guess he does but I have a job to do."

"Forget the job. What is more important to you, your job or someone one who loves you?"

"Well, you have a point. What will happen to us if I marry him and have a family? What will I tell Raines? I'm sorry I can't bring Jarod in because he is my husband. He would probably have someone after both of us." she said scared.

"Don't worry about Raines. He can't live forever. Besides we have kept Jarod from him for two years now. What is a few more?" Sydney replied as he could see her struggle for an answer.

"Yeah, you're right." she said.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I will tell you when I figure it out." she responded as she watched the young couple.

"Well, let me ask you this. When you look at him, do you get a funny feeling in your stomach?"

"Yes." she answered.

"I think you have your answer." he said.

"I guess so. Thanks, Syd. I knew I could always count on you." she replied. She was feeling better about this but knew she and Jarod had a lot more to discuss.

"Are you coming?" Syd asked.

"No, I think I will sit here a little longer." she replied as he got up.

"Okay, If you say yes remember you can get through whatever Raines throws at you. You always have. You know I will always be there to back you." he told her before walking off.

She said, "Thanks, Syd."


Parker arrives at home. She unlocks the door and turns on the light. Jarod is sitting on her couch.

"I thought something had happened to you." he said.

"Jarod, you scared me." she said as she jumped.

"I didn't mean to. I have been here waiting on you. Remember I was supposed to meet you. Here this is yours." he said as he handed her the white shirt.

"Thanks. I'm sorry. I was with Sydney. Why didn't you tell me I had your shirt on?"

"I didn't even notice. How is Sydney?"

"He's fine. I told him."

"Told him what." he replied.

"About us, Mexico, everything." she said as she walked to the couch.

"And, what did he say?" Jarod asked as Parker sat down in his lap. He pulled her closer to him. He wanted to feel her touch, the smell her, to kiss her soft gentle lips.

"He wasn't surprised. He said we belong together." she replied while grazing into his eyes.

"And you?" Jarod said as he really wanted to kiss her.

"I agreed." she said.

"So, this means you will marry me." he said with happiness.

"Well, not yet. We need to talk some more. Then I will give you my answer." she said as she started to leave his lap.

Jarod pulled her back down and said, "Let's talk. What do you want to know?"

"Well, what will you do if some attracted young woman puts the moves on you?" she replied.

"Jealous, are we?" he responded as he gave her a kiss.

"Don't void the question! And yes, maybe I am a little jealous." she added.

"Well, I would tell her that I have a beautiful wife at home and I can't do anything because she would kill you and me. We can only be friends." he replied hoping to ease her mind. Then, he whispered in her ear, "Can we talk about this in the bedroom?" as kissed her neck.

"That might work but what if the situation calls for more than friendship." she replied while looking in his eyes.

"I couldn't do it. I told you, you are the only one for me." he said as he pushed her down on the couch and gave her a kiss. "Was there something else you wanted to discuss?" he added.

"Yes, how do we pull this marriage off?"

"Can we discuss this in the morning?" he asked softly while his tongue entered her mouth.

She pulled him back, sat up, and said, "No, I want to finish this first."

"You look sexy when you do that." Jarod whispered in her ear.

"Oh, really." she said while Jarod nippled on her ear. "Wait, I want to know how we are going to do this." she added with him kissing her neck.

He pulled away from her and said, "Well, we will keep it a secret. We will keep playing the cat and mouse game. Who knows, I might even let you catch me from time to time." he smiled. Then added, "We will have to live one day at a time and hopefully someday we can tell the world we love each other." he went for another kiss. "Let's move to the bedroom." he grabbed her hand.

"I will meet you there." she said. "I want to check the doors and make sure no one is out there."

She came to the bedroom and find Jarod sitting on the bed looking at a picture of them.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting on you."

"Did a sweeper team find you at the hotel this morning?"

"No, why?"

"Raines had me followed. He wanted to know what I was doing there." she said while changing clothes.

"You don't have to change. I will help you out of those if you will come here." he said with a smile. "What did you tell Raines?" Jarod couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"I told him I was there to meet someone about a lead on you and he never showed up."

"He bought it."

"I hope so or I am in big trouble." she said as she sat down beside him.

He reached over and gave her a kiss. "Everything is going to fine."

"I know." she said softly. "Are you ready for bed?" she asked him while pulling the covers back. She climbed in the bed. Jarod stripped down to his boxers.

"Goofy, boxers." she replied with a laugh.

"Yeah, he's cool." he said as he laid beside her.

He touched her skin with his soft hands and she replied, "Later. I'm tired." She fell asleep in his arms.

In the middle of night she woke up. She went to the living room and sat on the couch where it was dark. Jarod woke up to her gone. He got up to find her on the couch.

"What are you doing?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"I can help you that if you like." he said softly as he kissed her shoulder.

"I had a bad a dream."

"Tell me about it. Let me see if I can make it go away."

"I dreamed that I lost you. Not to someone else but lost you. I couldn't find you anywhere." she said as a tear fell from her eye and rolled down her cheek.

He held her in his arms and said, "I'm not going anywhere."

She looked up at him and said, "Yes."

Jarod not realizing what she is saying yes to, said, "Yes to what?"

"Yes, I'll marry you." she said again.

"You will." he said with excitement.

"Yes, I don't want that dream to come true. I can't bear the thought of losing you." she replied. "Will you hold me?"

"You know I will." he whispered. They laid down on the couch. Jarod put his arms around her and they didn't move until morning.


Part 2