
Fill out the survey below
and then send it off!
What's your name?

What's your e-mail address?

Favorite flavor of ice cream:

Favorite day of the week:

What kind of toothpaste do you use? (hint: don't say "none")

Should Cordelia leave Buffy to go be on the Angel spinoff?

Hanson: Royally sucky or cool?

What's your favorite quote?

Should Willow have attempted the curse again?

Did you think the season finale should have ended differently?

Where in the Hellmouth is Buffy?

Any other theories:

What do you think of Oz flunking so he can stick with the group in Season 3?

Who's Your Favorite Actor/Actress?

What's your favorite second season episode?

Who's your favorite character?

If Buffy and Angelus were in a fight to the death, who would win?

Who would win in a fight to the death between Xander and Cordy?

One more deathmatch, who'd come out on top between Spike and Dru?

Cutest character

Which character would win a blood guzzling contest?

Which character has the coolest hair?

Which character would you meet if you had the chance?

Coolest clothes?

Best Couple

Couple that isn't together but should be:

What should happen next seson?

Your Comments Please?

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