Picture Caption Archive

Photo #1
Giles: Hey, how come I cant be on the bed with the babes? How come I have to sit all the way over here on this dinky chair?
- Jessica A. Heiser

Buffy: Not only are vampire's bloodsucking habits extremely foul, their fashion sense is pathetic!
I mean, really. The Master in all that skintight black leather? Who does he think he is, the 'Cool Rider' from Grease 2? Please.
They've got that little Anointed brat running around in the same hooded sweatshirt and jeans he's worn since he 'died', and don't even get me started about Darla and her Catholic schoolgirl look. That blouse alone was enough to earn her an arrow in the back! (Go, Angel! That's my honey.)
Those undead creeps should take fashion lessons from me and my friends. I'm sorry, but look at us in this picture - we're hot! Velvet is definitely in. Willow should wear makeup more often, don't ya think?
Even Giles looks nifty here! Now, if only I could get him to ditch that tragic lime-green checked shirt...Oh, well! Catch you on the Hellmouth!
- Anissa Haddadi

Come on over Anthony. Let's see how many people we can fit on this bed!
- Brianne

What's on the ceiling?
- Chris

"Is anybody ever going to open the damn door and let us out!"
- Mark Safransky

Cordelia: Why am I here with these losers and the librian?
- Vicki

Group: "are we done yet?"
- Rudy (darkone)

The gang's all here!
- Chris Castro

Do I REALLY have to get up and take another picture?
- Lena Kotler

Buffy: now, if we got Angel on this bed we could have some *real* fun
- Ann

God! I just hate these small hotel rooms! And why are there always cameras around?
- Tiffany

Giles: Good grief, they're all just laying on top of eachother...those Americans...
Sarah: Cool! Upside-down pic!! Hmmm....I wonder what my hair looks like.....
Cordelia: ahh....I'm comfy. I never knew Xander could be like this....
Willow: How do I look in this thing? I wish I was the one laying against Xander......
Xander: Cool, I've got Cordy on me. I'd rather have Buffy...but oh well. I wonder if Willow is jealous......
- Kristy Garvey

Look! There's the hidden camera!
- Sam Benton

Wow, I never noticed all the spitballs up there!
- Emily Lang

Cordelia: Boy, Xander sure is comfortable.
Buffy: God, I hope this position is really uncomfortable.
Giles: I hope this is over.
Willow: I think I am going to take a nap on this pillow.
- Vanessa Meley

Well you'd think for as many roomates... we wouldn't have to share a bed!
- michael cole

"God hurry up and take the picture, will you!" said by all.
"I can't lie like this forever you know!" Sarah.
- Kahn

Hey, look at the big guy with the camera. BUffy, think he's a vampire? Better slay him. Hey, stop sleeping.
- Annelisa and Midnight

Were just ly'in around for the prom to come!
- Eileen

Gee, another picture being taken.
- kim

Buffy: Boy have I got a mega headache from all the blood rushing to my head!
Xander: I have all the luck today, I'm on the bed with three girls and Angel is no where around to steal them from me!
Giles: I have to be over in the chair and be a proper English fellow, IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!
Cordelia: Maybe Xander's not so bad after all.
Willow: You know it and I know it, I ransacked Buffy's closet for this absolutely fab outfit!

- Janel Elfmage

No, really , there aren't all dead , they are just alive with..nothing to smile about?
- Hollie

Everybody: Interesting pose,very interesting pose.
- angel

Willow: This dress is so not me. And Cordelia's over there snuggling up to Xander. This is not one of my better days...
Xander: Wait a minute. What's wrong with this picture? Last time I checked, Cordelia and I hated each other....
Cordelia: Think I'll take a nap. Hey, this isn't a pillow!
- Keri

Oh, does anyone know when this bus will arrive? or Do you think this would look good for our album cover?
- Eric Wayne Dearden

For a good time call 555-1234. Call NOW! It's almost sunrise and we need to feed.
- Clint

Hey, look an episode of 7th Heaven is on, oooohhh!
- Joe Cool

Man....those damn burritos...
- Malin

Giles: When will the photo shoot be over? This is ridiculous...
Xander: I knew Cordy dug me.
Cordelia: Ew, ew, ew, ew.....
Willow: Why did CORDELIA get to lean on Xander?
Buffy: Why couldn't Angel be here? I look good in this dress!
- Jenn

I wonder how many spit wads are up there? Don't you guys think four to a bed is a little crowded?
- Jessica

"Gee David, glad to see you made it to the set only three hours late this time? What was it this time? Your goldfish died? Hope you remember your lines. Joss wouldn't let us leave until we drop another reel into the can.
- T. R. Nelson

We need our beauty sleep!
- Holly B.

Nicholas Brendon: I can't believe that they made this chick lean on me in this picture. I can't stand her!
Alyson Hannigan: This is wonderful--I have to smell her butt! Stinky!
Sarah Michelle Gellar: They only made me lay this way so that they could have all the guys oogle the picture, and stare at my chest. And the award for jerking off goes to . . . .
- H O L L Y

Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...that fat kid from The Pack, hovering over the football feild, with GOODYEAR written on him...
- Chris

"Do you *mind*? We'd kind of like some privacy..."
- -m@Y@-

Photo #2
Um, Buffy? You've gotten some spinege between your teeth.
- Jessica A. Heiser

Angel - "So...you wanna see if I have any more tattoos?"
Buffy - "Uh..."
- Anissa Haddadi

Sarah: Mmmmmmmmm, David took his shirt off.
- Brianne

"Hey Angel, are you starting without me?"
- Mark Safransky

Buffy: wow you really are tall.
- Vicki

Buffy: "Keep looking into his eyes, don't look down, fight the urge"
- Rudy (darkone)

He's looking at my hair? Is my hair okay. Oh god, it's my hair, isn't it?
- Chris Castro

Buffy-GOD! He really needs to eat every century or so! All that abstinence has really taken the pounds off!
- Lena Kotler

Angel: Darn, that's the 5th hand you've won. I had no idea you were such a talented poker player
- Ann

You weren't just kidding when you said you only drank blood. Look how skinny you are!
- Tiffany

Buffy: God, he is gordeous. His eyes...... ewwww!!! look at that big booger in his nose!! Yuck!
Angel: Wow she's beutiful.....I wonder why she's looking at me so weird?
- Kristy Garvey

Anorexic? Moi?
- Sam Benton

You know you have a really big mole back here.
- Emily Lang

Buffy: Oh my gosh he is going to kiss me! He is so cute! Gosh, he has a real nice body!
- Vanessa Meley

That is sexual harrasment and I don't have to take it!
- michael cole

"Wow nice chest!" Buffy.
"Why is she staring at me like that?" Angel
- Kahn

You've got big nose hairs better pluck them and soon!
- Annelisa and Midnight

Buffy's thought "Can we just kiss already"
- Eileen

Buffy: I knew I should have worn high-heels today!
Angel: I'm getting a horrible cramp in my neck!
- Janel Elfmage

"Hey , uhh, buffy, can i borrow your shirt for a minute...no I mean the one you have on now".
- Hollie

Buffy and Angel: Oh wow oh wow oh wow
- angel

How many times have I told you that you are NOT my little sister? or Of course I'm on stilts! I'm really as tall as Gary Coleman!!!!!
- Eric Wayne Dearden

"I wonder if she knows I'm gay," says Angel."Did I say that out loud?"
- Mike

So do you think I should spend the $50 on the chest wax or just braid it? =)
- Clint

Boy, you looked a lot more muscular with the jacket on.
- Joe Cool

I wonder if he's wearing any underwear.
- Malin

Buffy: If he hugs me, I'm gonna get vampire blood on my sweater.
- Jenn

Angel: "You've got something in your eye. Wait, no, it was just the light."
- Jessica

"Wow, Angel...you've been 'Sweating to the Oldies', haven't you?"
- turtle88

Now listen verrry carefully, dear. You remember that little piece of cotton with the four holes in it? You know, my tee shirt? Well, I've looked everywhere for it. I remember leaving it in the bathroom.... I hope you didn't use it clean off the school mascot again. You know how difficult it is for me to buy clothes. All the department stores in Sunnyvale close at sunset... And the last time I asked to shop for me, you camr back with that pink thing that you thought would look so good on me....
- T. R. Nelson

But you already have a tattoo!
- Holly B.

Sarah Michelle Gellar: I'm sorry, David, but you're just too tall for me. And your body's too skinny . . . . And your breath smells.
David Boreanez: But that's okay. YOU'RE gorgeous.
- H O L L Y

Angel: Now my pants are chafin' me...
Buffy: Uhh...
- Chris

"Um, I really hate to mention this right *now*...but there's a great..big..booger on your face..."
- -m@Y@-

Photo #3
Aren't you glad you used Dial. Don't you wish everyone did?
- Jessica A. Heiser

Buffy: "Please, I promise I'll buy you a nice facial and some industrial strength dental floss if you let me go..." - Anissa Haddadi

Sarah: Okay Mark, what do you think you're gonna do with that hand?
- Brianne

Wow, are those Lee Press-Ons?
- Chris

"I hope he doesn't leave a hickey. What would my Mom say?"
- Mark Safransky

Buffy: have you ever thought of getting any plastic surgery done??
- Vicki

Buffy: "this is like my last date."
- Rudy (darkone)

Would you mind if I nibble on you ear for a bit?
- Chris Castro

Master: MMMMMMM! Her hair taste good!
Buffy: Is he eating my hair again?
- Lena Kotler

Is that Herbal Essences I smell?
- Ann

Those fingers BETTER not leave a stain on my dress! I mean it!!!
- Tiffany

Master: Yummy. the fresh blood of the slayer...can't wait to sink my teeth into her neck...
Buffy: GOD, his breath smells!
- Kristy Garvey

Whaddya mean I should use more moisteuriser?
- Sam Benton

I kill slayers...ask me why.
- Emily Lang

Buffy: God, his breath smells.
- Vanessa Meley

No! No! I told you I was on drugs! I know that I wasn't a real plastic surgeon... I am so sorry about what happenend to your face! Don't hurt me.
- michael cole

"Okay this guy with really long nails and sharp teeth is trying to take this big chunk of flesh out of my neck, Eeww!" Buffy.
"She smell really nice." Master.
- Kahn

Morning breath! Yuck...try flossing for once!
- Annelisa and Midnight

Buffy: "Where's Angel, he said he'd meet me here at 6:00."
Master: "What"?
- Eileen

Damn he is ugly and freaky.
- kim

Buffy: Oh if only this was a... different vampire.
Master: Bad breath torture is the very worst kind.
- Janel Elfmage

The master whispers to buffy - "now i am going to make you listen to MMM-BOP BY HANSON repeatedly until you kill yourself"
- Hollie

Buffy: I don't wanna die.
Master: Ah fresh meet!
- angel

Hey, buddy! I've got only one word for you: Mouthwash! or Who does your nails? I wanna know who to AVOID.
- Eric Wayne Dearden

Thats sexuel harrassment. And I don't have to take it.
- Mike

Jeeze! The geezers in this convalescent home are ancient!!!
- Clint

Buffy, are you wearing "Must" by Rosseanne?
- Joe Cool

This guy's gotta get some Breath-Asure, like now!
- Malin

Buffy: God, brush your teeth....
- Jenn

"I did not need to know that. Eww! Don't give me a wet willy!!"
- Jessica

"Luke.....I am your father...."
- turtle88

Relax. I'm a professional. This won't hurt a bit. Well... maybe alittle..... But just think, after it is all over. Your new doo will be the talk of the town. And I'll have it done in time for next season! Hey... Do I lok like I would lie to you? By the way, I like your dress.
- T. R. Nelson

If you don't stop breathing on my face, I'm going to pass out!
- Holly B.

Mark Metcalf: You're the one who sets me free.
Sarah Michelle Gellar: Please don't pee on my dress again--you're scaring me!
- H O L L Y

Master: Do you like scary movies?
Buffy: Wut?
Master: Oh, whoops, I thought I was at Scream 2 auditions...
- Chris

"Please..*do* something about that terminal case of neck-breath you seem to be carrying around. For the sake of any possible future companions."
- -m@Y@-

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