Knots Landing Ads

Ad from the
Pilot episode,
27, 1979

Different ads from the first season.


Ads from season 4 (top) and season 1 (Lower 2 ads)

Karen and her son in Bitter Struggle. Season 3.

The reading of Jock's Will. Oct. 1982

Special Friday episode of Knots Landing following 'Dallas'

'Knots Landing' A new season of tirals and triumphs, of desperate lives and compelling drama!

How far can Joshua's hate go?  

Can Cathy escape him? 

 Will either survive?

Karen's Kidnapping. What will she do?

200th Episode and we've still got you hooked!

The aftermath of Laura's death sends a big chill through everyone who loved her.

Brace yourself for an explosion.!                           A tragic Funeral . . . A Joyous Wedding.





Knots Landing Series Finale, may 1993                    Knots Landing: Back to the                                                                                     cul-de-sac: May 1997     

Color ad from Back to the cul-de-sac.      

Ads page last updated April 6th, 1998.