Oberonis & Titania


Oberon in Gargoyles (and Shakespeare)

Oberon is Lord of the mystical island Avalon. All magical beings in the world are Oberon's children. 1000 years ago with the continuing progression of the human's expansion and influence on the world, Oberon commanded his children to go forth and live among the humans, to better understand them. Some maintained a low profile, staying hidden while watching from a distance. Others aided or harassed humans gaining reputations as spirits or demons. Oberon's wife, Titania also went forth among the people, learning their science, believing it to be the human's form of magic. In Shakespeare, Oberon is King of the Fairies while Titania is Queen of the Fairies. Oberon's Latin name is Oberonis.

Oberonis in #Beginner

Oberonis has picked up many bad habits from Puck, the trickster. While normally Oberon keeps a low profile, only appearing when he has something do to, he's become rather friendly with many of the channel regulars. Titania has all but disappeared do to the fact another bot is using the nick, however their friend Setsuna (Sailor Pluto) has been known to drop in from time to time. In reality Oberonis is a bot. A bot is a special program designed to perform certain functions on-line. In this case Oberonis helpes to protect the IRC channels #Beginner, #Babylon5, and #Robotech on the GalaxyNet chat network. Oberonis usually sits back and lets AL13PO_D, Zarg, and Homeguard (other bots) do all the hard work.
- Oberon & Titania


Some things Oberonis can do...

Command What it does
Channel Commands
!seen <nick> If AL13 or Zarg is not on the channel, this will tell you when <nick> was last on the channel.
!address <nick> This will tell you <nick>'s homepage address, if they set one.
!birthday <nick> This will tell you <nick>'s birthday, if they set it.
!icq <nick> This will tell you <nick>'s ICQ UIN, if they set one.
Message Commands
!mypage <url/none> This will set your homepage address so others can see it when using "!address".
Using "none" will wipe your homepage address entry.
!mybday <date/none> This will set your birthday so others can see it when using "!birthday".
Using "none" will wipe your birthday entry.
!myicq <uin/none> This will set your ICQ UIN so others can see it when using "!icq".
Using "none" will wipe your UIN entry.
These commands can only be used by people with proper access in the bot.

Related Links...

GalaxyNet #Beginner Homepage
GalaxyNet Chat Network Homepage
GalaxyNet Channel Services Homepage


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