Currently having orika (original cards) here.

Ifve also finished a card list for ver 2 of the Sangokushi Taisen game, and itfs being hosted at gamefaqs.



This is the first card Ifve completed.

The illust is done by the same person as the original btw.




Next up!!

Two pics Ifve found on the web that I found particularly interesting.







Bonus stuff:

Herefs a script I modified that Ifm using for my computer.

What it does is that lists out any changes to the processes running in your computer,

And I use it to check if therefs anything running behind the scenesc


To run it, all you have to do is to change the extension to vbs,

And activate it with cscript by keying in gcscript filenameh in the command prompt.

Enjoy, use at your own risk, and just use notepad to open it if you want to see how it works.