Welcome to my Final Fantasy 8 section

this page was last updated on 2/04/99
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Welcome to my Final Fantasy VIII section. I've dedicated an entire section to this game because I think Final Fantasy VIII will top all the previouse FF games, and that it deserves it's own section. There's plenty of info out there on Final Fantasy VIII and I will try to find as much of it as I can and post it here. For now enjoy what have so far.



I found out that Final Fantasy IX is already underway and slated for a japanese release by the end of 1999. It's a major rumor that the team working on the story for Final Fantasy VIII had grand designs for the game to include two playable characters with multiple stories from the outset (Squall and Laguna), but had neither the time nor the space to do it in one game-thus FFIX was born. It's rumored that FFIX will follow the second characters story. Rumor also has it that Chrono Trigger 2 is also in the works and may possibly be a Playstation 2 launch title. But it's all rumor at this point. As a fan of Chrono Trigger, you can bet I will have more info on this game as soon as I here any.

note: the information above was read from PSM magazine and posted here.



Yes you heard right! Sources tell me that Final Fantasy VIII will include pet shops throughout the game, of course these won't be your ordinary pet shops instead of buying pets you will be able to buy various power-ups for your Gardian Forces, these include: Pet name card, Gardian Force handwriting (???), Pet house, G Potion, and G-Returner. Other additions to the game include: Rental Cars, Internet access, and a card game similar to I-Declare-War where the person with the highest face value card wins. There are also numerous special cards to be found or obtained after battles with enemies. How well you do might contribute to the actual game somehow. Well That's it for now I'll have more news as soon as I hear any.

This Information curtousy of IGN news letter



After what seemed like forever, the japanese release of Final Fantasy VIII draws near. And because of that quite a lot of information has been revealed about the game. So far two new characters have been introduced, but it is uncertain exactly what role they will play in the game, one of them is Raijin god of thunder who uses a wooden staff, and the other is Fuujin Goddess of war who uses a strange Glaive-like spinning blade in battle. You also get to control a spaceship called Ragnarok which may be able to take you to other planets (i.e.FFIV). To say the graphics completely blows out FFVII would be an understatement. And it looks like you'll be using chocobo's a lot more often. It seems like Final Fantasy VIII will eclipse FFVII in every way.

Square pulls all the stops

It seems like square's gone all out on FFVIII, I caught word that they spent about 1 million dollars to hire pop singer Faye Wong to sing the opening and closing song for FFVIII. For those of you don't know Faye Wong, she's a popular singer throughout Asia.

More for Less

It was said by the producer himself that FFVIII will cost less to create than FFVII. It's hard to believe seeming as how it's so much better, not to metion the fact that they spent 1 million dollars just for the opening and closing song. For those of you who are wondering, FFVII costed around $25 million dollars to make.

Well that's all the info I've got for now. It's still a long time before FFVIII comes out here, until then I'll have constent updates.

note: This info came from PSM Magazine and was posted here in my own words.



Well in Japan anyway. Final Fantasy VIII has finally come out and has already broken FFVII's sale record with over 2 million in sales! Now that it's finally out, information won't be quite as scarce as it was before, so keep coming back cause will have more updates in future.

Final Fantasy VIII Story

Final Fantasy VIII Rumors

Final Fantasy VIII Walkthrough (demo)

Final Fantasy screenshot scrapbook

Junction System

Gardian Forces


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