The Basics of Holocron Making

A holocron consists of many things. To complete a holocron a Jedi must include in it  the lessons he has taught, and the history of his life. Usually a Master will include first an introduction t his Holocron, and with that an introduction to the Gatekeeper of the Holocron. Then the history of the Holocron creator is presented followed by an explanation of the Code that that Jedi follows. Most Jedis puts at least 10 lessons for an apprentice and 3 for a knight, but this is only a standard, seeing that many add much more, depending of course on the age and experience of the particular Jedi. One must remember that some Jedi taught very little while some taught extensively.

After this the Jedi usually describes 10 common Force powers that they grew to know well in there lifetime followed by the lore, history philosophy and important people that make up there path. This is usually the conclusion of there holocron but some are much more extensive. Some Holocrons taught how to modify lightsabers, while some great storyteller Jedis passed on their stories. Some musically inclined Jedi used the Holocron to spread there music, singing songs reflecting the time and culture of there people and teaching the Force in there own way. To access a Holocron you must be Force-sensitive. The Holocron will only allow acces to the parts of it that are best for the level the user is at and will allow more and more access as the Jedi's skills and sensitivity increases.
