My History

My name is Ash Brazier. At this writing I am 130 years old, having trained for Master since I was an infant. At the age of twenty after training in the way of a Light Side Jedi I set out to seek my destiny. My path led me to a Twi'lek master named Nars Teepo who was instructing others in the Teepo way. I was drawn to his teachings and put myself as an apprentice to him. I soon found I was of a very few left since most of the masters of the Teepo had died in the Clone Wars. I studied hard under him, and those lessons I will pass on soon to you. With me in the training was Faroq Hemraq, of a race I was unaccustomed, and a human named Tati Anad, from Corellia. We were very few but were the last students of Nars. He died after completing our training, which took place in a very isolated part of the galaxy. The planet was named Povidox. Tati and I left together and joined in the Rebellion away from the main onslaught helping in the fight on the Outer Rim. We fought alongside a crack team, but Tati died in an assault at Hujom. He rushed forward to take out an Imperial garrison and was caught by a blaster in the chest. I dragged him from harm and then went ahead to secure the position. I was able to knock most out but feared I had done so by harboring to the darkside. I decided then to leave and acquire the mindset of a true Master. I settled on the planet of Tatooine in a remote part of the desert there. I stayed there meditating and contemplating the force until after the onset of the New Republic. Then I left and settled on Corellia as part of the Jedi of Justice. I rose to an Ambassador under the likes of great Jedi such as Lightbringer and Rebel Ace and befriended Master Kayne, Ulic Hayen, Sonicmute and Mialaca Atek. Then came the wars with the Empire of Emperor Wes. We fought hard to secure peace and did so, but then I was called away again by the force. I had betrayed my destiny by hiding my true path and let down my Master's memory. It was then that I married a Jedi Apprentice named Michaele Rotynar and lived with her till the rise of the Galactic Empire. She died from a battle with an unknown Sith Master and I now have headed back to fight the only way a Teepo can fight... by helping those who need the help in defeating the dark.
