Welcome to Daisy's Homepage!

Hi! I'm Daisy--actually, my full name is Daisy Mae Von Meistersinger. My sire is He's A Giggolo Von Meistersinger and my dam is Nubi Von Meistersinger. Whew! Those names are almost as big as I am now! I prefer "Daisy." I'm a seven and a half year old Great Dane. I guess you could say I'm a bit spoiled. I like to play all the time with my favorite toy: a nylon "tuff-plus" toy that I manage to completely destroy about every two weeks. But, it's the only thing I can play with that lasts longer than five minutes! When I can't play, I like to curl up next to my Mom (my favorite human, tee hee) and snuggle while she reads. I also like to snooze in front of the fireplace (when there's a big ol'fire going, of course) and sleep in the big king-size bed in "Mom" and "Dad's" room. They don't mind a bit--we're just one big happy family!

UPDATE: I am so sad to report that my beloved Daisymae crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge on October 13, 2003. In January she was diagnosed with bladder cancer. She was given 3-6 months to live, but she actually hung around with us a bit longer than that. I feel so fortunate that she was able to be with us for 8-1/2 years, and when her time finally came, she went peacefully on her own pillow, in my arms. She'd had a perfect day--warm and sunny. She got to play earlier in the day, even ate some chocolate chip cookies--her favorite. And she and I got to watch the sun set one last time. I miss her so very much! Please hug your own gentle giants and enjoy every minute you can with them.

UPDATE DECEMBER 18, 2004: We now have two new members of our "four-footed" family: Max (a 3 yr. old Great Dane who looks an awful lot like Daisy) and Charlie--a 2 yr. old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I hope to get pictures of them up soon, as they are wonderful partners in crime--much the way Daisy and Likker were. Stay tuned!

Want to know more? Here are some of my favorite things!!

  • Favorite movie: "The Ugly Dachsund"--I watch it all the time!
  • Favorite cartoon: "Marmaduke"--of course! He's so cool! And Scooby Doo, too!
  • Favorite pasttime: I like chasing squirrels and birds, but I never catch them, which makes my Mom very happy. I haven't quite mastered the "sneakin' up" part yet. And that darn cat next door better not come any closer than she already does! She's trespassin'! Sometimes I get the "zoomies" and I like to zoom all through the house, leaping on the couch, the bed, back to the couch. I don't know what makes me do it--something just comes over me!!
  • Favorite snack: Well, I'm kinda partial to those pigs ears. Actually, I don't eat 'em, I just like to drag 'em out of the paper sack, toss 'em in the air, growl and paw at them.
  • Favorite song: "Daisy, Daisy" aka "Bicycle Built for Two." My Mom sang that to me when I was a wee little puppy. It made me sleepy!
  • Favorite pal: My buddy Likker! He's a miniature schnauzer, kinda old, but he's taught me everything I know! He's pretty smart, but sometimes he gets me in trouble!

My Photo Album

Here's a little pictorial account of my life so far. Enjoy!

This is me at about 2 months old. I'm starting to get the hang of this snuggling thing!

Here I am with "Dad" at the Lexington Horse Park. I had to learn to be quiet and not bark when my human sis, Laura, was riding. It scared people! (and a few horses) I sit pretty well, don't I?


Ahem--um...ya really gotta watch that toilet paper. It can get away from ya real fast!! I don't think Mom was too pleased, but, hey, a pup's gotta do what a pup's gotta do!

Okay--there's a bird over there, right on top of the patio table. I wonder if I can get to it from here? Do ya think it'll see me?

Now here I'm posing real nice. We just got a new flash for the camera. What better subject than me??



After a long day of chasing squirrels and birds, I like to relax on my lawn chair and take a nice sunbath--not too long, though, cuz it's not good for my skin.


I told ya I like to sleep in the king-size bed. That's my Mom next to me. I have to share the space, but I don't mind!




Oops!! Look what happened to me!! I got a little carried away chasing after my toy, slipped in the grass, and tore the ligament in my knee. Man, did that hurt!! It took a few weeks to recover, but I'm just fine now--and being laid up like that was great, in a way, because my Mom and Dad paid extra special attention to me. Am I spoiled or what???

See? I'm just fine...

(Sigh) It's time for a snooze! Hey, lighten up on the camera flash awhile, okay? A lady needs her beauty sleep!!



Here's a nice little bit of philosophy that someone passed along to us. I hope it will inspire you all to enjoy life!


Things We Can Learn From a Dog

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstacy.

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.

Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

Take naps and stretch before rising.

Run, romp and play daily.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout...run right back and make friends.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.



If you're interested in rescuing a Great Dane, visit the Great Dane Rescue

DaDane of the Week is a really cool site to visit!

Lots of great links available at

And my favorite guy, Marmaduke

I hope you've enjoyed visiting with me! Don't forget to check out my pal Likker's homepage! UPDATE: My dear friend Likker passed away recently. Although we had our moments, Likker was still my very good buddy! I miss him terribly, and so do Mom and Dad. But we'll see him again one day...please say a prayer for him.

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