Language Arts

Grade 7: Media Literacy

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





1.demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts;





2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning;





3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques;





4. reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media texts.





Specific Expectations





1. Understanding Media Texts





Purpose and Audience: 1.1 explain how various media texts address their intended purpose and audience (e.g., this sports team uniform uses school colours and an image of the school's mascot to give the team a "brand" or "identity" to encourage fan loyalty; this music group's web page uses electronic graphics and intense colours to reflect the group's style and to encourage fans to buy its new CD). Teacher prompt: "Why do companies and organizations consider it important to have a logo that gives them an 'identity' or 'brand'?"





Making Inferences/Interpreting Messages: 1.2 interpret increasingly complex or difficult media texts, using overt and implied messages as evidence for their interpretations (e.g., identify the editorial positions of two different newspapers by comparing the selection of stories and the composition of elements [photos, images, text] on their front pages; identify the themes in a contemporary action movie or comedy and explain how these themes contribute to the popularity of the film; explain how standards of beauty are established in advertising). Teacher prompts: "What are the differences in the way these sources cover this event? What do the differences tell you about each news source?" "What standards of beauty are projected in movies and advertisements? How do these standards affect students?"





Responding to and Evaluating Texts: 1.3 evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and treatment of ideas, information, themes, opinions, issues, and/or experiences in media texts (e.g., explain why the editorial/photo essay in this e-zine did or did not convince you of its position; debate whether violence in televised professional sporting events adds to or detracts from their appeal). Teacher prompts: "How was this theme developed as the movie unfolded? Did the use of suspense enhance the effectiveness of the message?" "Did this video game deliver the excitement that was promised in the advertisement? What made it succeed/fail?" "Do the sports you see on television affect your decision about participating in particular sports?"





Audience Responses: 1.4 explain why different audiences (e.g., with respect to gender, age, nationality, ability/disability income level) might have different responses to a variety of media texts (e.g., messages in chat rooms, television broadcasts of international news stories, music, documentaries, clothing)





Point of View: 1.5 demonstrate understanding that different media texts reflect different points of view (e.g., compare pictures of the same character and/or event in media texts aimed at different audiences and identify the different perspectives represented). Teacher prompt: "What differences can you identify in the way the character is represented in the different texts? Which representation seems most/least fair? Why? What explanation can you suggest for the differences in the representations?"





Production Perspectives: 1.6 identify who produces various media texts and determine the commercial, ideological, political, cultural, and/or artistic interests or perspectives that the texts may involve (e.g., films may be classified as "artistic", "commercial", "documentary", and so on, reflecting the different perspectives and approaches they take; one magazine contains a majority of pieces offering a political perspective, whereas another features various pieces written from different perspectives). Teacher prompt: "Identify two or more perspectives evident on a cereal box. What makes these perspectives apparent? Are different kinds of graphics used for each? Are there differences in the positioning of elements? Is one perspective more dominant than the other? Explain why this might be the case."





2. Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques





Form: 2.1 explain how individual elements of various media forms combine to create, reinforce, and/or enhance meaning. Teacher prompt: "Explain how different elements of maps, such as colour (used to show different topographical features) and legends (used to show scale and compass orientation), are used in combination to make maps meaningful." "Describe the interrelationship of instrumentals, lyrics, and vocals in a favourite song."





Conventions and Techniques: 2.2 identify the conventions and techniques used in a variety of media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience (e.g., fashion magazine conventions: fashion and cosmetics advertisements are more prominent than editorial content; fashion magazine techniques: "themed" presentation of clothing in photo spreads, dramatic modelling poses to display novel features of the clothing). Teacher prompts: "What does the placement of the advertisements tell you about a magazine?" "Identify different camera angles used for the photographs in the advertisements and explain their effect."





3. Creating Media Texts





Purpose and Audience: 3.1 explain why they have chosen the topic for a media text they plan to create (e.g., a class newspaper or pamphlet to inform parents about the achievements and activities of students in the class), and identify challenges they may face in engaging and/or influencing their audience

Teacher prompt: "Parents are very busy people. What in your pamphlet will succeed in capturing their attention?"





Form: 3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create (e.g., a website or multimedia presentation about a unit of study to present research findings to the class), and explain why it is an appropriate choice. Teacher prompt: "What makes this form an effective way to present your message to this particular audience?"





Conventions and Techniques: 3.3 identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create, and explain how they will use the conventions and techniques to help communicate their message (e.g., movie poster conventions: title, images of the actors "in role", positive quotations from reviewers; movie poster techniques: distinctive lettering, arresting or unusual layout or treatment of images)





Producing Media Texts:  3.4 produce a variety of media texts of some technical complexity for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques (e.g.,

• a class newspaper for parents

• a class magazine for students in a lower grade

• a multimedia report on a unit of study for geography

• a website about the school for new students

• a movie poster

• an advertisement for a new product

• a theatre review with commentary on the use of conventions and techniques for a class/school newspaper

• a scene for a film based on a prose narrative

• two media texts on the same subject using different media forms)





4. Reflecting on Media Literacy





Metacognition: 4.1 identify what strategies they found most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts, and explain how these and other strategies can help them improve as media viewers/listeners/producers. Teacher prompt: "What aspects of the planning process were most important to the success of your media text?"





Interconnected Skills: 4.2 explain how their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing help them to make sense of and produce media texts. Teacher prompts: "How do reading skills help you judge the effectiveness of your own media texts?" "What writing skills might help you improve the effectiveness of your own media texts?"





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.