Social Science

Grade 6: Heritage and Citizenship: First Nation Peoples and European Explorers

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* describe characteristics of pre-contact First Nation cultures across Canada, including their close relationships with the natural environment; the motivations and attitudes of the European explorers; and the effects of contact on both the receiving and the incoming groups;





* use a variety of resources and tools to investigate different historical points of view about the positive and negative effects of early contact between First Nation peoples and European explorers;





* analyse examples of interaction between First Nation peoples and European explorers to identify and report on the effects of cooperation and the reasons for disagreements between the two groups.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* examine various theories about the origins of First Nation and Inuit peoples in North America (e.g., that they crossed the Bering land bridge, had always been indigenous to North America, travelled by water from South America);





* describe the attitude to the environment of various First Nation groups (e.g., Nisga'a, Mi'kmaq, James Bay Cree) and show how it affected their practices in daily life (e.g., with respect to food, shelter, clothes, transportation);





* compare key social and cultural characteristics of Algonquian and Iroquoian groups (e.g., language; agriculture and hunting; governance; matriarchal and patriarchal societies; arts; storytelling; trade; recreation; roles of men, women, and children);





* identify the Viking, French, and English explorers who first came to and explored Canada, and explain the reasons for their journeys (e.g., the early-fifteenth-century blockade of overland trade routes and the resulting search for new routes to the Far East; the fishing industry; the fur trade; the search for gold; population growth in Europe leading to the search for new areas for settlement);





* identify technological developments and cultural factors that assisted and promoted the exploration of North America (e.g., caravel ships, improved navigational instruments, the quest for new lands);





* describe the expansion of European influence through the founding of the first trading posts (e.g., Île Ste Croix, Port Royal, Québec, Mont Royal, Fort William) and explain how the fur trade served the interests of both the Europeans and the First Nation peoples;





* identify the results of contact for both the Europeans and the First Nation peoples (e.g., sharing of beliefs, knowledge, and skills; intermarriage; trading alliances and conflicts; impact of European diseases on First Nation peoples; impact of fur trade on natural resources such as beaver populations).





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* formulate questions with a statement of purpose to develop research plans (e.g., Why did Cartier kidnap Donnacona and his sons? What was the role of First Nation women in the fur trade?);





* select relevant resources and identify their point of view (e.g., recognize the historical context of Cartier's logbook; recognize bias in Champlain's drawing and descriptions of Mohawk villages);





* identify and explain differing opinions about the positive and negative effects of early contact between European and First Nation peoples (e.g., growth of First Nation peoples' dependency on trade goods; impact of the fur trade on the economy and environment; effect of attempts to convert the Huron Nation to Christianity);





* use and construct a variety of graphic organizers to clarify and interpret information (e.g., cause-and-effect diagrams linking the environment and First Nation cultures, mind maps to connect the results of early contact, diagrams and captions to illustrate technological advances that allowed exploration);





* read, interpret, and compare historical and modern maps of an area to determine accuracy (e.g., Champlain's maps versus present-day maps of North America; a map based on Magellan's journey versus modern projections of the world);





* build models or draw and label various forms of maps, using cartographic symbols and a legend (e.g., model of a Mohawk village, maps of explorers' routes, maps of waterways used for the fur trade);





* observing bibliographic conventions, use media works, oral presentations, written notes and reports, drawings, tables, charts, and graphs to communicate the results of inquiries about the effects of early contact between First Nation peoples and early European explorers (e.g., the causes of the disappearance of the Neutral Nation, the influence of French fashion on the expansion of the fur trade);





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., Métis, clan, council, Anishinabek, consensus, social, Haudenosaunee, political, archaeological, caravel, astrolabe, bias, epidemic, alliance, monopoly) to describe their inquiries and observations.










* explain how cooperation between First Nation groups and early European explorers benefited both groups (e.g., Europeans gained medical knowledge, survival skills, and geographic knowledge from First Nation peoples; First Nation peoples acquired products of European technology such as cooking pots, metal tools, blankets, and clothing; military alliances helped both groups against a common enemy);





* explain how differences between First Nation peoples and early European explorers led to conflicts between the two groups (e.g., lack of common language, differing world views and spiritual beliefs, introduction of European diseases, differing views about property ownership);





* express their personal viewpoints, based on historical evidence, about the outcomes of early contact between First Nation peoples and early European explorers (e.g., report on the origins and challenges of the Métis Nation; use a storyboard to show the events leading to the establishment and destruction of Ste-Marie-Among-the-Hurons; present the results of an Internet search on a specific Hudson's Bay Company or North West Company trading post).





* identify some present-day issues concerning First Nation peoples that relate to results of early contact (e.g., the effect of new technologies on First Nation cultures; land claims);





* identify achievements and contributions of Aboriginal people in present-day Canada (e.g., James Bartleman, Jordin Tootoo, Douglas Cardinal, Susan Aglukark).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.