Social Science

Grade 6: Canada and World Connections: Canada’s Links to the World

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* identify and describe Canada's economic, political, social, and physical links with the United States and other regions of the world;





* use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate information about the domestic and international effects of Canada's links with the United States and other areas of the world;





* explain the relevance to Canada of current global issues and influences.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* identify some countries with which Canada has links (e.g., in Europe, the Pacific Rim, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, Africa);






* describe some of the connections Canada shares with the rest of the world (e.g., trade, history, geography, tourism, economic assistance, immigration, indigenous peoples, peacekeeping, media, culture);





* identify products that Canada imports and exports (e.g., imports: fruit, vegetables, chemicals, motor vehicles; exports: newsprint, grain, machinery, timber, telecommunications, natural gas);





* identify the countries to which Canada exports goods (e.g., the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, China, Germany);





* identify the countries from which Canada imports goods (e.g., the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, other European countries, Taiwan, South Korea, Mexico);





* identify some important international organizations/agreements in which Canada participates and describe their purpose (e.g., the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the World Health Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of Nations, la Francophonie, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation [APEC] association);





* identify Canada's connections with the United States through the media, trade, immigration, culture, technology, tourism, history, and geography (e.g., television programs, trade in vehicles, historical roots, common geographic features, shared waterways, common environmental initiatives);





* describe distinguishing characteristics of the United States (e.g., climate, physical features, political system, economic activities, international influence, celebrations);





* describe distinguishing characteristics of a country in another region with which Canada has links (e.g., climate, physical features, political system, economic activities, international influence, celebrations).





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* formulate questions to develop research plans with a statement of purpose (e.g., How has Canada achieved its reputation as a leading peacekeeping country? How does tourism benefit Canadians? What are some current issues arising from Canadian/ U.S. trade relations? Why does the U.S. government recognize Jay's Treaty but the Canadian government does not? Why do some Canadian companies choose to manufacture goods outside of North America?);





* use a variety of primary and secondary sources to locate and process relevant information about Canada's links with the world (e.g., primary sources: statistics, field trips, interviews, original documents; secondary sources: maps, illustrations, print materials, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet sites);





* analyse, classify, and interpret information about the United States and at least one other country from another region of the world;





* use and construct a variety of graphic organizers and graphs to sort, classify, connect, and interpret information (e.g., tables to show countries and total trade; double bar graphs to compare imports to exports; circle graphs to show how tourist dollars are spent);





* observing bibliographic conventions, use media works, oral presentations, written descriptions, illustrations, tables, charts, maps, and graphs to communicate main ideas, with supporting evidence, about the various regions of the United States and about one other country from another region of the world;





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., technology, culture, immigration, tourism, physical features, indigenous peoples, export, import, parallels, meridians, Pacific Rim, economics, media) to describe their inquiries and observations.





Map, Globe, and Graphic Skills





* use base maps and a variety of information sources to sketch the relative position of places (e.g., location of trading partners, popular tourist areas of the United States and Canada);





* create maps using shading/colour to show details of the physical characteristics of regions (e.g., resources, agriculture, climate, elevation);





* use information about time zones to identify time differences among regions of the world;





* use special-purpose maps (e.g., contour maps, climatic maps, physical-features maps) to find specific geographic information;





* use latitude and longitude coordinates to locate some major cities and countries of the world;





* compare various map projections of the world (e.g., Mercator, Peters, Mollweide, Atlantic-centred and Pacific-centred), and analyse their differences to determine the particular bias of each.










* use an appropriate presentation format to show how the contributions of an outstanding Canadian are recognized in the global community as well as in Canada (e.g., in dance, sports, music, literature, art, science, technology);





* describe some ways in which Canada has influenced other countries (e.g., through the arts, technology, sports, literature, media, telecommunications, satellites);





* describe some influences of other countries on contemporary Canadian society and the lifestyles of Canadians (e.g., technologies, diseases, heritage celebrations, foods, sports, entertainment);





* describe Canada's participation in international efforts to address current global issues (e.g., peacekeeping, environmental initiatives, world health initiatives, disaster relief, regulation of child labour, human rights violations, acceptance of refugees).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.