Language Arts

Grade 6: Media Literacy

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





1.demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts;





2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning;





3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques;





4. reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media texts.





Specific Expectations





1. Understanding Media Texts





Purpose and Audience: 1.1 explain how a variety of media texts address their intended purpose and audience (e.g., T-shirts intended for supporters of particular institutions, groups, or causes are decorated with related images, logos, colours, and slogans; CD and DVD covers designed to appeal to young children have colourful images of their favourite characters; advertisements geared to parents of infants are broadcast during the daytime whereas those geared to single adults run during late-night programming)





Making Inferences/Interpreting Messages: 1.2 interpret media texts, using overt and implied messages as evidence for their interpretations (e.g., explain why the advertisements used in a particular magazine are appropriate for that magazine, identifying the messages that would appeal to the magazine's audience; explain how advertisements for healthy food and those for fast food differ). Teacher prompt: "Is there a connection between the articles and the advertisements used in a magazine?"





Responding to and Evaluating Texts: 1.3 evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and treatment of ideas, information, themes, opinions, issues, and/or experiences in media texts (e.g., evaluate the coverage of the same news item in a newspaper article, a segment of a news program, a website, and/or a blog; evaluate the effectiveness with which themes are developed, supported, and illustrated in a movie or music video). Teacher prompt: "You've told me that you think this advertisement is very effective, but that the other one is weak. Explain what accounts for the success or failure of each."





Audience Responses: 1.4 explain why different audiences (e.g., boys, girls, adults, seniors, various cultural groups) might have different responses to media texts (e.g., movies, songs, websites, video games, items of clothing. Teacher prompts: "Why might many teenagers respond differently from their parents to an election debate?" "Who do you think would be the most likely audience for a car magazine? An advertisement for a retirement residence? An investment brochure? An action-oriented video game? A fashion magazine? A television science special? A quiz show? Action figures? Explain your answers."





Point of View: 1.5 identify whose point of view is presented in a media text, identify missing or alternative points of view, and, where appropriate, determine whether the chosen view achieves a particular goal (e.g., identify biases in two different media texts that focus on the same topic or event; evaluate the portrayal of Aboriginal people in the media). Teacher prompts: "What bias or stereotypes can you detect in this advertisement? Can you think of reasons why this view of the subject is used? What does this advertisement achieve?" "Are there different portrayals of Aboriginal people in the media? How are they different? Why are they different? Which ones are most accurate?"





Production Perspectives: 1.6 identify who produces various media texts, the reason for their production, how they are produced, and how they are funded (e.g., political parties create advertisements to win voter support, using funds raised by their members and supporters; producers develop television dramas to entertain and make money by selling their products to television conglomerates, which then broadcast the programs to make money by selling advertising spots in the programs' time slots). Teacher prompt: "What are the different professions that would be involved in producing a television commercial? How much would it cost to produce? How could we find out?"





2. Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques





Form: 2.1 describe in detail the main elements of some media forms (e.g., drama scripts: cast of characters, description of setting, acts, scenes, stage directions; television quiz shows: host/hostess, contestants, prizes; magazines: cover images and text, table of contents, regular columns, feature articles, advertisements)





Conventions and Techniques: 2.2 identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience (e.g., movie conventions: in old-fashioned westerns, white and black cowboy hats were used to identify "good" and "bad" characters; movie techniques: freeze-frame images, slow motion, theme music in movies are used to communicate information non-verbally, emphasize or prolong important or appealing scenes, and maintain interest by keeping the viewer wondering "what next?"). Teacher prompt: "What visual clues are used to identify 'good' and 'bad' characters in movies and video games you have seen recently?"





3. Creating Media Texts





Purpose and Audience: 3.1 describe in specific detail the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts they plan to create, and identify challenges they may face in achieving their purpose (e.g., a review of a television program, film, piece of art, or artistic performance to encourage children or adults to see it). Teacher prompt: ''Why do you think it is important for people to know about this topic? Why might you need to be especially persuasive to interest them in the topic?"





Form: 3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice (e.g., a mock television, radio, or newspaper announcement to inform students about a school-related issue). Teacher prompt: "Which form do you think would be most likely to help you reach your audience? Why?"





Conventions and Techniques: 3.3 identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create, and explain how they will use the conventions and techniques to help communicate their message (e.g., a scene for a television drama adapted from a novel or play: the camera can focus on one character, object, or gesture at a time, allowing different kinds of emphasis; camera angles and distances can vary to create different effects and perspectives; scenes can be edited to change the pace of the action; background music can be used to enhance the mood). Teacher prompt: "How do the conventions and techniques of this form make it easier or harder to communicate certain ideas?"





Producing Media Texts: 3.4 produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques (e.g.,

• a review of a television program, film, piece of art, or artistic performance that includes commentary on the effects created through the use of various conventions and techniques

• a mock television broadcast of an announcement about a school-related issue

• a soundtrack to accompany the reading of a section of a graphic novel or comic book

• a computer-generated cover design, including special fonts, to enhance a published piece of writing

• a multimedia presentation to inform younger students about how to use a website to research a topic related to a unit of study

• a pamphlet outlining the researched or imagined biography of a writer

• a travelogue illustrating the journey of an early Canadian explorer, including contacts with First Nations peoples

• a storyboard indicating the images to be used in a scene for a television drama adapted from a novel or play

• a movie poster to advertise a movie based on a narrative they have studied)





4. Reflecting on Media Literacy





Metacognition: 4.1 identify what strategies they found most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts, and explain how these and other strategies can help them improve as media viewers/listeners/producers. Teacher prompt: "What skills and knowledge have you needed to interpret and create the variety of media forms you have studied?"





Interconnected Skills: 4.2 explain how their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing help them to make sense of and produce media texts. Teacher prompt: "Which reading and listening comprehension strategies help you most in developing interpretations of media texts such as movies and advertisements?"





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.