Language Arts

Grade 3: Oral Communication

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





1. listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes;





2. use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes;





3. reflect on and identify their strengths as listeners and speakers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in oral communication situations.





Specific Expectations





1. Listening to Understand





Purpose: 1.1 identify purposes for listening in a variety of situations, formal and informal, and set personal goals related to listening tasks (e.g., to explore ideas in a book club discussion; to understand and empathize with a favourite character in a play; to express an opinion or offer advice to a partner during a peer conference)





Active Listening Strategies: 1.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active listening strategies in order to contribute meaningfully and work constructively in groups (e.g., demonstrate an understanding of when to speak, when to listen, and how much to say; make connections between personal experiences and the contributions of other group members; ask relevant questions to clarify information and ideas)





Comprehension Strategies: 1.3 identify a variety of listening comprehension strategies and use them appropriately before, during, and after listening in order to understand and clarify the meaning of oral texts (e.g., list the important ideas in a poem or story read in class; ask questions to monitor understanding of an oral text; visualize and sketch to clarify understanding of an oral text)





Demonstrating Understanding: 1.4 demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in a variety of oral texts by identifying important information or ideas and some supporting details (e.g., paraphrase a partner's reflections after a think-pair-share activity; paraphrase the important ideas in a play; engage in relevant dialogue after an oral presentation; create a poster/art work representing the important ideas in a poem or song)





Making Inferences/Interpreting Texts: 1.5 distinguish between stated and implied ideas in oral texts (e.g., distinguish between the actual words and the emphasis placed on them by the speaker). Teacher prompts: "How does the emphasis that the speaker places on specific words or phrases help you understand what is being said?" "Why do you think the speaker spoke those words so loudly?" "How does the way the speaker chooses to say words change the meaning of what he or she says?"





Extending Understanding: 1.6 extend understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge and experience; to other familiar texts, including print and visual texts; and to the world around them (e.g., brainstorm to connect a topic to their background knowledge of the topic; compare oral texts with similar themes from different cultures; connect messages in oral texts to social issues of relevance to the class)





Analysing Texts: 1.7 identify and explain the importance of significant ideas and information in oral texts (e.g., rank information in order of importance; compare key aspects of two oral texts using a Venn diagram; represent the main elements of an oral text on a web organizer or story map)





Point of View: 1.8 identify the point of view in different types of oral texts and cite words, phrases, ideas, and information from the texts that confirm their identification (e.g., the use of first- or third-person personal pronouns in a narrative; the selective use of facts on a given topic; the use of words and phrases that indicate generalizations: all, every, always, never, every single time). Teacher prompts: "What helped you determine the point of view in this text?" "What evidence do you have that this is the speaker's point of view?" "Has the speaker used language that includes everyone?" "Is this point of view a common one in our world today?"





Presentation Strategies: 1.9 identify some of the presentation strategies used in oral texts and explain how they influence the audience (e.g., intonation, eye contact). Teacher prompts: "Do you think the speaker used intonation and eye contact in an appropriate and effective way? How did they influence your response?" "What other strategies might be effective in engaging or influencing the audience?"





2. Speaking to Communicate





Purpose: 2.1 identify a variety of purposes for speaking (e.g., to entertain an audience; to establish positive personal and learning relationships with peers; to ask questions or explore solutions to problems in small-group and paired activities; to explain to a small group how to play a new game; to present to the class an item or event of personal interest; to share ideas or information in order to contribute to understanding in large or small groups)





Interactive Strategies: 2.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in a variety of situations, including small-and large-group discussions (e.g., paraphrase or restate other group members' contributions; acknowledge another person's point of view; link their responses to the topic of conversation and/or what was said by the previous speaker)





Clarity and Coherence: 2.3 communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, opinions, and information in a logical sequence (e.g., use an organizational pattern such as comparison or chronological order in presenting a short oral report)





Appropriate Language: 2.4 choose a variety of appropriate words and phrases, including descriptive words and some technical vocabulary, and a few elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience (e.g., use alliteration for emphasis; use comparatives such as like, instead of, however, the same as, compared to, unlike to clarify similarities and differences; use appropriate technical terms when explaining a scientific investigation)





Vocal Skills and Strategies: 2.5 identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume, and use them appropriately, and with sensitivity towards cultural differences, to help communicate their meaning (e.g., pause in appropriate places long enough to allow others to respond during dialogue with peers or in small groups)





Non-Verbal Cues: 2.6 identify some non-verbal cues, including facial expression, gestures, and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and with sensitivity towards cultural differences, to help convey their meaning





Visual Aids: 2.7 use a variety of appropriate visual aids (e.g., overheads, diagrams, graphic organizers, charts, artefacts) to support or enhance oral presentations (e.g., use a large-size labelled diagram to illustrate an explanation of how soil erodes)





3. Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills and Strategies





Metacognition: 3.1 identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, what strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking. Teacher prompts: "What questions do you ask yourself after listening to check that you have understood?" "How do you check to be sure that the audience understands what you are saying?"





Interconnected Skills: 3.2 identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, how their skills as viewers, representers, readers, and writers help them improve their oral communication skills. Teacher prompts: "How does speaking make you a better listener?" "How does seeing a television program on a topic help you when you are discussing that topic in class?" "Does learning new words from your reading help you when you are listening to oral texts?"





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.