Teaching Experience
Lorne Skuce P.S.
* 78% designation, Grade 2/3 classroom 
* Responsible for all subject areas except social science
George Kennedy P.S.
* 22% designation, Grades 1-4 classrooms 
* Provided art, computer, math, and health instruction
Professional Development and Extracurriculars
Began Master of Education degree 
Computer Key Teacher
Instructional Committee leader
Programme Committee member
TLC-4 Action Research project leader for Lorne Skuce
Presented workshop on HyperStudio during P.D. Day
Presented workshop on Report Cards on Filemaker Pro
Attended advanced web page design workshop
Received Red Cross Certification
Was a Santa on CHAT for elementary students
HETA representative for Lorne Skuce
Mentored high school cop-op student
Designed, constructed, and maintained Lorne Skuce website
Internet club for Grade 5 students