Full Name: Jeffrey Nero Hardy
Ring Name: Jeff Hardy
Previous Names: Willo the Whisp, Wolverine and few others.
From: Cameron, North Carolina
Birthday: August 31th, 1977
Current Age: 25
Eye Color: Green
Natural Hair Color: Blonde and long.
Current Hair Color: short,blonde,with faded aqua blue tips.
Previous Hair Colors: blue,aqua/teal,orange,red,
green,pink,red,purple,yellow,and possibly more.
Hair Dye: Manic Panic,Special FX
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215 - 220 lbs
Championship Titles: 5 WWE tag team, 1 WCW tag team champ (both with Matt Hardy) European, Intercontinteal,Hardcore, and Light Heavyweight.
Current Title: n/a
Finighing move: Swanton Bomb
Other moves: poetry in motion,whisper in the wind.
Martial Status: dating Beth Britt
Fav. Cartoons: Scooby Doo and Tigger
Fav. Bands: Korn, Pearl Jam, Marilyn Manson,STP, Limp Bizkit,Collective Soul,Kid Rock, and more.
His own band:
Perowhy?gen, lead vocals
Fav. Pearl Jam song: Given to Fly
Fav. Food: big mac
Fav. Actor: Jack Nicholson
Fav. Actress: Jenifer Love Hewitt
Fav. Athlete: Jeremy
Fav. Sport(besides WWE): motorcross
Fav. TV Show: Crocodile Hunter
Fav. Talk Show: Jerry Springer
Fav. Movies: Powet,Titantic,American Beauty
Serect Talent: Acting
Weirdest Thing a fan asked him: for his gum
If done anything different: palyed football in his senoir year
Wants to meet: Marilyn Manson

Extra Info

-Started in WWE at 16 yrs. old (dark matches)
-writes poetry
-currently in a band
-loves fake plants and animal *decorated around his house*
-dislocated his shoulder and collar bone in dirtbike accident
Exist 2 Inspire The Hardy Boyz's biography
Jeff's Bio