Twisted Fan Fiction


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"So how did you ladies get back here?" Jeff asked.

"We got backstage passes." Lindsey waved them in his face.

"Cool. Well, who did y'all come to see?"

"We came to see Triple H. He is SOOOOOO fine." I said.

"Oh, Paul should be here. I'll take you to him."

"Who is Paul?" Lindsey whispered in my ear.

"Triple H's real name." I whispered back.

"Thanks, Jeff. We really appreciate it." Lindsey said.

"No problem."

Jeff walked ahead of us as we followed. Lindsey and I bent down a little so we could take a look at his ass. We giggled.

"Damn! Look at his ass!" I quietly said to Lindsey.

"I know, girl. This dude looks good all over. It's all big, round and juicy." She replied.

I laughed but Lindsey wasn't lying. Jeff had on this orange shirt and some khaki jeans. You could see his butt perfectly, he wasn't flat like other guys. As we kept looking, Jeff led us into a hallway where we could see a lot of wrestlers. We stopped when we saw Edge & Christian. Lindsey and I screamed, then we ran over to them and they gave us their autographs. They are so much hotter in person. We kept stopping over and over again when we saw someone we liked. I couldn't help but notice that Jeff kept looking at me, then he would smile. Jeff introduced to his sweet brother, Matt and Matt's girlfriend, some red-headed chick who used to call herself Angelica in ECW. Her name was Amy. I remembered her from ECW. Lindsey didn't know who the hell she was. Amy was cool. Her and Matt were all over each other. They were so cute together. Jeff finally led us to Triple H. He was working out doing some crunches...with his shirt off. Lindsey and I screamed our lungs out. That dude had a built chest...very built. We kept rubbing all over it. He gave us his autograph too. He was so nice and very talkative. We had a little conversation going until he had to leave since he had to do a promo for Raw that night. Jeff still let us hang with him, Matt and Amy. Jeff and Amy were arguing about something. Matt told us why.

"They're always arguing over the stupidest stuff. Then, they end up fighting and I'm not talking about a verbal fight, I'm talking about a physical fight. I have to break it up all the time. If I'm not there, they end up kicking each other asses. All bloody and shit."

"Seriously?" Lindsey asked.

"Yeah. The funny thing is that when they do get along, they're inseperable. It's very interesting."

We got to know all of them a little better. Me and Jeff especially. We had a lot in common. I could tell Lindsey was getting sick of Jeff flirting with me so I had to pull her to the side. We left the room while Matt and Jeff got dressed.



"Are you mad?"

"Mad about what?"

"Don't jive me. When Jeff and I were in there talking, I saw you rolling your eyes and smacking your teeth when we laughed about something. What's the deal?"

Lindsey stood there with her hands on her hips as she looked at the ground.

"Okay, okay. I'll admit it...I get a little jealous when you and Jeff giggle about something."



"I want him too! It's a sin to look as good as he does. He must not be from Earth because earthlings are ugly."

"Hell yeah. I guess I'll let you have him because you let me have that cute guy last time we were in the club."

"Oh, yeah. I remember that. It's my turn now." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't rub it in. Jeff looks too good."

"Awwwwwwwwwwww. Don't worry, girl. I'll treat him right."

"You better give me all the details if y'all end up doing it."

"You know I will." I put my arm around her as I smiled evilly.

**Lindsey, Amy and me were watching Matt and Jeff wrestle from the back. Michael Hayes was out there cheering them on. They were taking on The Acolytes for the Tag Team Championships. The crowd was going crazy. Amy was about to have a heart attack. Same for me and Lindsey. We wanted them to win so bad.

"Wait a minute. The referee's counting! 1, 2...3! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Amy yelled.

She jumped up and down as she screamed her lungs out. We did the same thing.

"They did it! They did it!" Amy said.

Amy and I started crying. We gave each other a hug. Lindsey stood and smiled at the TV screen as Matt and Jeff were given the titles.

"I'm so proud of them." Amy sobbed.

"Me too." I replied.

Amy walked over to the curtain. Matt and Jeff walked through it with Michael behind with tears on their faces too. Amy jumped into Matt's arms and started kissing him over and over again. I ran over to Jeff and gave him a hug. Lindsey did the same. Jeff wiped the tears from his face. Matt was holding Amy in his arms like she was a newborn child. He walked over to Jeff and gave him a long hug as they kept crying. Michael patted them on the back.

"I'm proud of you guys." He said.

Vince, Shane and Stephanie McMahon walked over to us all and congratulated Matt and Jeff. Farooq and Bradshaw walked through the curtain. Matt and Jeff shook their hands.

"Good job, y'all. Keep up the good work." Farooq said.

"Thanks, Ron. Good match, man." Matt said.

They walked away with the McMahons. Amy was still saying she was proud of her man in his ear as he kept holding her. Jeff looked at me and took my hand as he led me away from everyone as Lindsey looked at us.

"Good luck." She mouthed to me.

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