Twisted Fan Fiction


Untitled Normal Page

**Six months later**

Jeff and I celebrated our one-year anniversary a few weeks ago. I couldn't believe we had been together for a whole year. We were truly blessed. The month was October. Matt and Jeff's popularity was greater than it's ever been. They were the World Wresting Federation Tag Team Champions for four weeks. I was p*ssed off when they lost at No Mercy. I didn't really care though. What mattered to me was that they tried and wrestled to the best of their ability. As far as Jeff's matches were concerned, being his girlfriend, it's VERY HARD to see him bleed or get hurt in anyway. Whenever he or Matt got put through, hit with a chair or anything else like that, I lost my mind. I cried my eyes out on Amy's shoulder at Wrestlemania, Summerslam and Unforgiven especially when my crazy ass boyfriend felt like he had to steal the show. Wow. Jeff and I have come a long way. I've otten used to his hectic schedule. Let me tell you that's it very hard on a girl when she can only see her boyfriend only two days a week or sometimes not at all. It's very cool that I'm dating a WWF Superstar but the best thing about it is that no one knows. It's me and Jeff's little secret. If people did know, we probably wouldn't be as close as we are now. If people knew, half of the girls on Earth would beat the hell out of me the moment they saw me. The thing that happened at the mall a few months ago taught Jeff a lot about his true fans were. I told Jeff the first time we met that there were some people out there who appreciated the sacrifices they've made just to entertain these WWF fans every week. Jeff and Matt have sacrificed having a normal life, their health, their bodies (which really sucks for me and Jeff) and so much more just to do this thing called wrestling. There are some true fans who appreciate that. Those are the ones that make Jeff happy. He loves his fans. He loves all the adorable letters they send him. He loves all the websites that they've dedicated to him. I mean, he's really flattered by all of that but my problem is the people that treat him and Matt like they're *NSYNC and that's because they're notmal people just like everyone else. They shouldn't be cahsed around malls, they shouldn't be mad at them because they have girlfriends, they shouldn't do anyhting like that becasue my man is only human. He makes mistakes just like everyone else. Like I've said so many times before, I love Jeff for Jeff, not for Jeff Hardy. If I could say one thing to the girls who treat Matthew and Jeffrey like the Backstreet Boys, I would ask them, why can't you love the person inside and stop looking outside? That's a deeper question than you think. There's more to them than just their looks. I'm not accusing every fan of my baby being like this and I'm not being negative. I just want them to change because Jeff deserves the best and I'm gonna be the one to give it to him just like he's given it to me.

The End.