Twist of Fate



Every female knows that they are times in our lives when we just need to get away from the men. There comes a time when we need to get away from them flirting with us all the time. There comes a time when we need to just chill...with the ladies. In other words, all ladies need a little "girl time" here and there. Like everybody knows these days and from what I wear, I am an all out tomboy. So I'm used to being around nothing but dudes. That's just in my personality. I'm used to being treated like a guy. I don't know why I'm like this, it's just that when I was little, I always perceived girls as being wimpy people who cared about nothing but their appearance, hair, nails and you get the idea. I hated that. I wanted to be nothing like that so I wore what the boys wore. My mommy had a problem with it at first but she got used to it and realized that I was only a kid. We all go through those phases in our lives where we do some crazy things. That's just the way I was and the way I am today...kind of. I'm with Matt and Jeff all the time when we're on the road. They're my travel partners when we go from arena to arena. Sometimes, Jeff may catch a ride with Chris or K-Kwik but a majority of the time, he's with me and Matt. It's been like that ever since I first started with the WWF in mid-December of 1999. Anyway, when we're back home at North Carolina, we never see each other. Matt's off running errands, I'm usually sleeping or catching up with family & friends and Jeff's with his girl, Beth, 24/7. I first met her around like May or June of 1999. I wasn't with ECW or the WWF at this time. She was cooler and more down-to-earth than I thought. We ended up having a lot in common and exchanging phone numbers. Of course, the reason we get along so well is the fact that we're both seeing those North Carolina boyz, our babies, my Matt and her Jeff.

Whenever I'm not watching old wrestling tapes, paying bills, doing laundry or talking to someone on the phone at home, Beth and me get together and chill. We always leave Matt and Jeff behind. We usually meet up at Jeff's house since she doesn't know how to get to Sanford. Then, we might go see a movie, eat out or whatever. Jeff and Matt always beg to come along but we just give them kisses and tell them that it's a "girl thing" and that we'll be back later. That's something I would never say growing up..."It's a girl thing." Yet, Beth is really cool and we can just chill and have an awesome time together. It gets our mind off of the stress that comes with your boyfriend being a wrestler. When I'm with her, we're just Amy and Beth. We're not Lita and Jeff Hardy's girlfriend. We're normal people and that's something I really long for sometimes when I'm on the road. My girl, Beth, does that for me and I do the same for her.


Like I said before, I am a pretty independent woman and I guess that's one of the reasons that Jason was attracted to me in the first place. Anyway, even though I am a very sophisticated female, I still need advice and need to talk to my elders. There are other people I have to express my feelings to other than Jason. You know, there are certain things I can't talk to him about since he's a man. For instance, I can't talk to him about the latest Celene Dion song, the beautiful Paraseuco skirt I saw in the mall the other day, how to bake chicken the right way, etc. You get what I'm saying? That's why I turn to my girls when Jason isn't around.

I'm so thankful to this day that Jason is friends with Chris. You all might know him as Chris Jericho. I say that because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't know one of my best friends today, Jessica Irvine, his wife. She is such a good friend to me and Allanah. I swear, she must be the sweetest lady on God's green earth. We talk like every single week. She really helps me get through some of the things I go through with Jason and I help her with the shit she goes through with Chris. We really do look out for each other. She is honestly like a big sister to me and Allanah. Both Jason, Adam and Chris live in Florida so we always get together and do something with "just us girls" while Chris, Jason and Adam do their own thing. We go to Tallahassee Mall sometimes and just shop our asses off. Let me remind you that our boyfriends get paid A LOT of money and they give it to us!

We all really need time like that some days because I swear, sometimes, I am just so stressed out and a day with Jessica really makes me feel so much better. The same thing applies to Allanah. We've known each other for so many years. We're the female version of Edge & Christian. I'm so tight with Jessica and Allanah, it's unbelievable. I don't know where I'd be without them. I'm quite sure they love me just the same. I'm the youngest of our little clique so I guess you could call me the "baby" of the group. Still, it just goes to show you how friends can really brighten up your life when everything else seems so determined to bring me down.


You know, sometimes, when Jeff isn't with me when he's home, I read his poetry book and look at some his drawings. Of course, most of them are about me but I never realized how lonely he gets here and there when he's out wrestling. Jeff is a hard person to understand and it took me awhile but I can feel him so well when he's not with me. I can't really explain it. It's like, when he's depressed, I feel the exact same way since I can't be there to make him feel better. I don't know where he'd be without me since I can cheer him up so well. I really mean a lot to him and I see the things he says about me when I get on the Internet. The one thing that keeps me at peace whenever I'm at school is the fact that I know Jeff is doing what he loves & what he's dreamed of for so long and the fact that I know he has something to look forward to when he's on the road. He can look forward to coming home to the girl who loves him to pieces.

Still, Jeff isn't the only thing in my life. I attend UNC and anyone who lives in North Carolina knows that the school I go to is a hard ass school to get into but I did it and I've got to work hard to stay here and get my College Degree. College is so much fun but at the same time, it can really suck and get the best of you. That's where my friends come through for me. I help them out and they help me. As far as Jeff is concerned, Amy is such a good friend to me. She has a pretty good influence on me too. She worked hard to get where she is today and I find it hard to believe that Lita is the same girl that couldn't quite understand how to do a Moonsault and land on the person at the same time. We've known each other for awhile and I laugh every time the crowd chants her character's name since I can remember the old days so well when no one could careless about her. She & Matt go through the same things me & Jeff go through but she really helped me get used to Jeff leaving for his job. We used to hang out all the time and just talk about our problems when she in ECW. Her advice was so helpful to me then and it still is till this day. I really cherish her friendship.

Then again, we are girls at heart so we always go out and just have such a kick-ass time together. She is so down-to-earth and funny at times. When you're with your friends, it really takes your mind off things. Of course, I have other friends who help me to chill but Amy is one that really stands out for me sometimes. I hate it whenever she has an autograph signing on Wednesday or Thursday since I really need to talk to her on the phone certain weeks. I'm thankful to have her as a friend and I know she feels the same way about me so we really keep each other real when life can be so hard at times.


When I used to see my brother as Val Venis, I found it so funny. Sean means so much to me. He's my big brother and he really looked out and protected me when I was growing up. I find some composure knowing that he's looking out for Adam since they both are in the World Wrestling Federation. Adam has so many friends at his job, everyone from Matt and Jeff to Chris to Andrew (a.k.a. Test) to Mark and Devon (a.k.a. The Dudley Boyz.) He has plenty of people to talk to since everybody up there has so much in common since there are wrestlers and some are wrestlers with girlfriends at home so Adam is pretty happy when it comes to the number of people he can talk to when we're going through something. Of course, he talks to me all the time too but I have my share of friends too.

I think one of my closest friends would have to be Denise. Like I said before, we have known each other for a long time. We always like to tease Adam and Jason when we go out. See, we'll say we're going out to a club and wear these very revealing outfits so of course, the boys will plead to come along but we tell them no and just end up going to this Chinese restaurant down the street from my house. Denise and me just talk for hours and the time really does fly when we do. She will listen to your problems back and forth no matter what she's doing. Denise is the type of friend who will put everything on hold just to make sure you're okay. It's the little things that she does that makes me be so thankful for our friendship.

Also, we have our little fun. We're not serious all the time, if that's what you're thinking. We'll go out to the bowling alley or to the mall with Jessica or anything else to take our minds off of things. It's just boils down to the fact that we're so comfortable around each other that we know what each other is gonna say before we say it, you know. She can always make me laugh and man, we just have a blast together. Jason chose an awesome woman to be his fiancee. I chose an awesome woman to be one of my best friends.


I know that I would really lose my sanity if I didn't have my girls by my side. They keep me grounded and real whenever I feel sad or anything like that. I always look out for them too. I'm quite sure that if you asked Denise and Allanah, they probably mentioned me since Chris is so tight with Adam and Jason. I'm always over their houses or they're either at mine. I'm the oldest so they're my little sisters and I give them advice all the time since I have had so many men try to win my heart but as you already know, Chris succeeded.

I talk to both of them or one of them like everyday. We go grocery shopping together, we go to the mall together, we buy some of our husband's clothes together. We do it all. I know I got other friends but since we have all this in common, it makes for a pretty awesome friendship and that's exactly what we have. We like the same music, we like the same type of clothes but we definitely have a different taste in shoes because let me tell you, Denise has an ugly taste in shoes. Allanah and me don't get it. I don't know if it's her or us but man, she has some ugly shoes. Yet, it's things like that which keeps us cool, normal and the same.

I have learned a lot about friendships over the past. Some of my friends know that I care for them dearly and sometimes use that to their advantage sometimes. Also, some of my friends really do things without regard to my feelings. It makes me wonder if they were doing this...was it because they're comfortable around me, was it because they weren't thinking or was it because they didn't care? I don't know, it makes me feel a little skeptical about this friendship thing all together but that has never been the case with Denise and Allanah. They're my little sisters and we would be so lost if we didn't have each other.

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