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Teachers Teachers Forum for Empowerment and Rights is pleased to announce the publication of a Special Issue of Education is a Right! This 32-page magazine-style publication culls the best and most popular articles produced by Teachers Forum since it began publishing materials more than three years ago.

We are confident that this Special Issue will serve as an important source of information, basis for discussion—as well as inspiration— to all those fighting for education and against the wrecking of the society. View the table of contents.

We encourage all our readers not only to obtain a copies of the Special Issue, but to distribute them among their colleagues, at their school, college or university, or workplace. If you would like to receive bulk orders of 5 copies or more, please contact us via email: teachers_forum@hotmail.com.

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Teachers Forum Update — November 19, 2004

Buffalo District-Wide Charter Schools
School Board Passes 1-year Moratorium

On Wednesday, October 27, the Buffalo Board of Education passed a 1-year moratorium on charter schools and established a task force to study the issue. The vote followed an earlier vote for a 3-year moratorium, which did not pass. The new one, for one year, garnered enough support, particularly given the widespread concern expressed by parents and teachers alike over the development of a district-wide charter school system in Buffalo. The aim of the district-wide system is to make all district schools charter schools. Buffalo already has more charter schools per square mile than any other region of the state. It also has faced massive cuts to education, to the point where even the Board had to admit funding was not sufficient to meet even the minimal requirements of a “basic” education. The call for a district-wide charter system is taking place in this context. Teachers, parents and students are concerned that charters could well play a role in further wrecking education. The Board finally conceded to the many important concerns about the impact of charter schools on the district and pledged to investigate the matter in the coming year. Teachers Forum calls on the Board to organize public meetings concerning charter schools and offers its expertise and that of area professors knowledgeable about the issues.

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Washington State Charter Schools Referendum
Parents, Students, Teachers and Workers Stand Against Monopoly Dictate

For the third time in 10 years, on Tuesday, November 2, parents, teachers, students, and workers in Washington state defeated efforts by the monopolies to impose their dictate on public schools. For Washington State, one of the main forms this has taken have been repeated efforts to legalize charter schools. These effort have been spearheaded by Microsoft’s Bill Gates. The government, including State school chief, Terry Bergeson, also organized for legalization of charter.

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Chicago’s “Renaissance 2010” Schools Plan
Private Operators Strive to Grab More of the Public Treasury

Chicago’s “Renaissance 2010” plan, launched on June 24 by the city’s mayor, seeks to close about 60 public schools—10 percent of the city’s schools. The schools would then be reopened within six years as 100 or more smaller schools, generally controlled and run by private, for-profit groups, while being funded from the public treasury.

Already, “More than 50 people or groups have submitted letters of intent to apply for the Chicago school board’s permission to run 18 schools in the fall of 2005…. They must submit full applications by Nov. 22, with a school board decision expected in late January,” reports Education Week.

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Teachers Forum News Updates

September 26, 2004
Charter Schools and the Future of Public Education
Buffalo Schools: Charter School Moratorium Unresolved
Chicago’s "Renaissance 2010": Eliminating Unions and Government Responsibility for Public Education
California: Charter School Scheme Catastrophe for Thousands

September 24, 2004
Buffalo, New York: Oppose Control Board Dictate
172 More Teaching Positions Eliminated from Schools: Control Board Dictate Upheld in School Board Budget
City Workers’ and Teachers’ Contracts: Control Board Outlines Its No Negotiations Dictate
The Elimination of the Norms of Labor Relations: Common Council Acts as Bulldog for Control Board

No to Police State!
The Government’s Notion of Preparedness: Live Police Terrorism Exercise Conducted at Arkansas High School
Public Seen as Threat by Government: Chicago’s Centralized Spy Camera System
Getting the Public Used to Police State Measures: Chicago Begins Arbitrary Searches of Public Transit Trains

Upcoming Events

Demonstrate October 17!

Million Worker March, Washington D.C.

“Let’s Represent Ourselves, In Our Own Voice”

The Call for the Million Worker March encourages workers, their unions and all concerned to join together in standing for the rights of all. The call emphasizes “We shall therefore be representing ourselves during this march, independent from all politicians, while putting forward to the entire country, our program for the betterment of America’s majority working population.”

The National Education Association endorses Million Worker March

The National Education Association (NEA) with 12,000 delegates present at the national convention in Washington, D.C. endorsed resoundingly the Million Worker March in Washington, D.C. on October 17,2004. The AFL-CIO opposes the march. The NEA is the largest independent union in the United States with 2.7 million members and its endorsement and call for support represent a major advance in preparing for the Million Worker March." The Resolution was introduced by 50 delegates. The key organizer was Andy Briggs of Los Angeles.

Text of the NEA endorsement letter:

National Education Association Endorses Million Worker March July 7, 2004

The National Education Association (NEA), the largest independent union in the United States, has endorsed the Million Workers March, to be held October 17, 2004 in Washington, DC.

The NEA represents 2.7 million educators and educational support personnel across the country. The 12,000 delegates attending the annual Representative Assembly passed the following motion during its deliberations July 6, 2004:

NEA will endorse and publicize the Million Workers March, set for October 17, 2004 in Washington, DC; and encourage locals and members to attend and/or participate in any way possible, to support the reprioritization of federal spending to education, health care and other social programs.

Rationale: Unions and independent workers organizations across the country have endorsed and are mobilizing for the Million Worker March. This march will support the rights of all to organize for collective bargaining, a living wage for all, and immigrant rights, as well as condemning the attacks on organized labor, among other labor issues.

NEA now has joined with unions across the country, as well as many labor organizations and individuals, to endorse this historic national action to be held in the nation's capital this fall.

Contact: Andy Griggs, 310-704-3217 / www.nea.org

Website of Teachers Forum for Empowerment and Rights
c/o Buffalo Forum, P.O. Box 553, Buffalo, N.Y. 14209
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