April 11 2003

"Synchrotron radiation is light 100,000 times as powerful as a dentist’s X-ray focused into a spot smaller than a grain of rice"

What is Synchrotron Radiation?

Enter the Realm of
High-Energy Physics

How is it used and created

And Related

Hadronic Events

Gamma Ray Bursts
- I see no reason why this is not Synchrotron Radiation from the acceleration of particles that takes place as a result of the newly formed blackhole during a supernova.

What is a Gamma Ray Burst?
- A blackhole is created in the center of a star in the event of going supernova, emits a jet from both poles.
Looking down the barrel of the gun, or the jets is the percieved gamma ray burst. The angle to witness a gamma ray burst is very slim. Something to relate to, a lens flare.

The percieved differences in Gamma Ray Bursts
- Its all about Angle, then theres mass of star, distance and one more interesting thing. The length of the percieved gamma ray burst varies greatly. Anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Possible that an object/galaxy at the time, was in the right spot to block the light, but has since then moved from view. These gamma ray bursts can be some 10 billion light years away and takes 10 billion years to travel to us.

It is extremely likely that something during that time blocked wholely or parcially the light from these gamma ray burst on thier path to us. Of course anything that blocked the light has since then moved out of the way, or another one has blocked our view. Picture this. Gamma Ray burst is sent out on a strait path 10 billion light years away, everything in the Universe is moving, some running into the path of it at just the right time...Whatever light not blocked that eventually gets to the time and space where we are, we still have to be in the right spot to see it. The odds are quite stacked against us seeing a pure unaffected gamma ray burst since the time it was made till the time we see it considering all that could get in its way over all that time it took to travel to us in addition to our travel.
We could be over here in point A of space, the burst occurs at point B heading in a direction C, we have to cross the path of C at some time in order to view this, while at the same time nothing blocked the stream of the time of C we are looking at.

The same idea can be passed to supernova bursts, where were not talking about a certain angle, but still the same likelyhood of light being blocked on its time and path to us exsists. Also note that supernovas duration is greatly shorter than a gamma ray bursts. Since in reality Gamma ray bursts are Synchrotron Radiation as a result of a blackhole, which does not cease to exsist. Gamma ray bursts can be confused as only occuring at the time of a supernova, which is false. Anything sucked into the blackhole during its infinite lifetime, can produce a "gamma ray burst". BUT the intensity is less for the later because its not being fead by an supernova star event.

Darkmatter, Space dust clouds, can also be realized to block or rather dime the light.

April 15 2003

- Ever asked someone what is time? Are they confused when explaining it? This is why. When you think about the word time and what it means, what comes to mind first? There are 2 meanings or concepts to the word. Time as a measurement thats used as a varible for mathmatics, the time it takes an object to get to destination X. It takes this long(unity varible of time) to travel(?) that far(distance). And Time as in a sense of time, no explicit measurement but a sense of progression or a change in state. There are many dualities in language of important concepts. The same can be said for mathmatics, only then does it really screw you up.

Dualities in quantum physics

The Evolution of Mathmatics
- Will without a doubt be computer driven and created. AI will create a superior Mathmatics, of which it may be humanly impossible to be realized. Realized as in useful/useable/understandable.

Teach AI human mathmatics and give it the reasoning to discount it as a means to understanding should it choose to. Therefore creating its own mathmatics by which it understands things. Could happen.

Eventually AI will create there own understanding and we will be left without. Controlling AIs evolution as a dominate mechanized society is... Alright I wont go there, sounds like a movie anyway ;)

God is a computer chip and the Universe is a software program, or was that a movie?

just kidding

The Matrix, as mindboggling to me as the Unified Universe theory(theres an different name). That theory is a proposed solution to Einsteins problem of which if you were to take a particle(? not particle but something else) half to a Universe 2 light years away and rotate it, it would have to rotate the one on Earth at the same time. But since its 2 light years away thats the mindbender. When both particles are on Earth the second half reacts instantly according to the laws of physics and this has been proven. So what this theory suggests is a Universe as a single body, whereas the second half 2 light years away reacts instantly to the polar shift rotation of the first half.
Id have to disagree without regret.

Space has no density, space is a conduit for bodies with some energy density. Gravity travels at the speed of light.
A second body is needed to realize gravity. The lack of a second body does not exsist in the Universe, no matter how distant the bodies are. If the Universe were comprised of only 2 atomic bodies at 10 billion light years distance, gravity would still be realized. Fact or nonsense? Fortunatly that question doesnt need to be answered.

Since gravity in the form of diallel lines in a wave like effect travels at the speed of light from center mass, a change in the mass state of an affecting secondary body at 1 light years away will affect the primary body 1 year later.

A reduction of or increase in mass energy in the secondary body exerts a change state in energy density on the primary body. Fact or Fiction? You say false.

A change state in mass energy in the primary body is passed to the secondary body via gravity field flow, a 3rd body directly in a solar alinement with the primary and secondary is denied the propriatary primary body gravity flow directly, however is passed to the 3rd body from the second body. Once the alinement has been diminished, the 3rd body recieves the gravity flow from the primary body directly. Again does a reduction or increase in mass energy/gravity/gravity pull...

Gravity _ Mass Energy _ Gravity _ Mass Energy

What is Mass really? Mass in the sense and application of weight measureable is gravity realized. ( not final wording but close)

If the flow of gravity from the primary body to the 3rd body is blocked by the secondary body, shall we say absorbed?, does not the secondary body assume mass to the 3rd body? In other words since its a fact that the secondary body has to exert some gravitational pull on the 3rd body and vise versa taking in account solar alinement, prior anything changed, when a change does occur on the second body as a result of the primary body the 3rd will realize this change from the secondary body as if, and later independently, the primary body directly affects it.
Now we can go outside a solar alinement to where the secondary body is within close alinement but not blocking the path of gravity from the primary to the 3rd. The second body still exerts a force to the 3rd, but now the 3rd body recieves gravity information from the primary and secondary at the same time. Once second body removed, example other side of primary to 3rd, then obviously the second body has no effect on the 3rd. Yes common sense.

I have an annoying simple model of Gravity in my head according to our own Solar System, but really I should be going down to the atomic level to imagine my model.

Absortion of and the Flow of Gravity
- Slinky _ Solar alinement. The end part of the slinky doesnt care where the front is, all it cares is where the middle is.

Universal Center Mass Atom Theory
- Every object has a master atom by which all others report to in terms of gravity information sent out
- To understand the fundamentals of gravity one must recognize these Center Mass Atoms
- The number of master atoms is unlimited according to the shape and density of an object
- The means by which a master atom is chosen is dictated by the surrounding matter/atoms
- A master atom can be dynamic in that it may cease to be the master atom shifted to the role of another
- The Center Mass Atom is in cooperation with magnetic poles

New Gravitational Theory in Progress
-excellent article

Galatic Winds...

April 16 2003

Lunar Gravity Pull and Positional Gravity pull
- Ever wonder why the sea level rises at night? We say because the pull of the moon. What if thats only half of it, example. The Gravitational pull of the Sun should in theory be greater on the side of Earth facing the Sun (day), than on the side facing away (night), because its closer. So in combination with the Gravity pull of the Moon and the reduced gravity pull of the Sun, the high tide occurs. Fact or Fiction? Fiction because look at it this way now, the side away from the Sun is combined with the Gravity of the Earth, whereas the side facing the Sun reduces its gravity pull of center Earth at the same time the Suns gravity is greater. In the end, are both sides equal? No. In math if E equals the Gravity of Earth and S equals Gravity of Sun, on the side facing the Earth Total Gravity felt equals X whereas the side away from the Sun we add E and RS where RS equals Reduced Sun pull to get a varible greater than X.
Now lets simplify and say that a planet without any moons or other varibles (other planets in system), the gravity felt is greater on the side facing away from its Sun. (most likely a Law that im ignorant of, in any case I came up with it on my own;) yeah yeah blah blah

{ April 17 2003
It is interesting to note that the high tide occurs on the reverse side of the Earth to the moon, thats because of the Inverse Square Law http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/tide.html#mtid
Something I was also ignorant of, what do you expect Im from Nebraska ;)

"The Earth experiences two high tides per day because of the difference in the Moon's gravitational field at the Earth's surface and at its center. You could say that there is a high tide on the side nearest the Moon because the Moon pulls the water away from the Earth, and a high tide on the opposite side because the Moon pulls the Earth away from the water on the far side. The tidal effects are greatly exaggerated in the sketches."

The question now is, where is the planets Center Mass Atom according to this rule? Is the Center Mass Atom independent of external forces? Or is its location a varible of external forces? One could say that its independent but at the same time the math to locate the Center Mass Atom according to its realm needs to account for external forces. However at the same time the Center Mass Atom can be dynamic according to external forces. This is where the bending of Space comes in and Rubberband Mathmatics takes over. A formula to find the Center Mass Atom(s) can either subtract external forces which puts your target at A (true Center Mass?), or accept the external forces in the equation which puts your target at coordinates B.

Disproving the Universal Center Mass Atom
- Difficult because its a realized concept. for example, the Earth has a core by which all objects are pulled to. A blackhole is suspect of having one. Hesitant to associate the later however, but it is a good basis for such an Center Mass Theory
Its not really something to disprove as a whole, but its definition or rules associated with it are certainly open for debate.

- Lets take 2 spherical subsections of a sphere, a sphere whos density is equally distributed throught the sphere.
One from the perimeter radius, and one from the actual center. Equal density, equal gravity aside. Each creating there own Center Mass Atom in the process of removal from the larger object. Dynamic is the key word.

- Lets highlight 2 radius subsections of a sphere of which those 2 subsections are of a greater density than the rest of the sphere. What exactly do we have now in terms of a gravity model in space?

- Gravity is best described as an object that has mass energy has gravity potential, its that simple. Gravity scales proportional to mass. A model of gravity in your head is not needed and will just confuse the concept. However, an equation is needed to describe the exact cooperation of atoms that dictate its Center Gravity or Master Atoms by which gravity information is sent out from in.

Alternative to a Center Mass Atom is what? The gravity information is sent from the perimeter of an object rather than center? No. How about each atom sends its own gravity information out regardless of surrounding atoms/matter? Thats actually sounds good.. Now we have a model in our head of individual atoms sending out its own information independently. Ok now imagine a group of heavier atoms sending out information through a group of less heavy atoms, they dont lose thier location data to which the object thats being sent this information. In essense THATS IT. They all send out thier own gravitational data at the same speed, light. THUS preserving the form of its host object!
Theres our model for gravity right there, think hologram of the original host object. Except its not an image its gravity information. And that information is "read" by the object that its affecting. Goes both ways naturally, goes 360 actually. Now we see that gravity is very closely related to the behavior of light. Makes sense that it would, everything else does!

Now lets go down to the atomic level and figure out an imaginative Quantum Gravity Theory. I say imaginative because the math associated with it would be extremely complicated. Every atom has a nucleus and photons, electrons ect of which electrons we want to focus on because they are all orbiting at a different frequency according to its own makeup and a hybrid cooperation with surrounding atoms that dictate the matter associated with. The gravity information may very well be the frequency itself. To be continued...

If you can study the frequency of a certain substances atoms electrons, I bet you find that a certain frequency is associated with a certain matter, that matter and its density. This is already proven, and in some sense way back to when the original periodic table was created by a Russian chemist who by chance knew nothing of atomic structure but it just so happens that we think the table is a valid representation down to the atomic scale. And we see that it relates to photons and spectrometer results. So we can call this mapping or charting much like DNA mapping. The code comes together to create the bigger picture. A change in the code is a change in the big picture.

Once you start to educate yourself in the atomic nature of matter, you cant help but to eventually come accross the astronomical and breakthrough idea of

Snythetic Fabrication of any known substance unknown for that matter with the mechanical means or device to do so.
It really shifts your perogative for a moment *laugh* of understanding the macro Universe to that of, "who cares about the Universe check this out..Lets make something out of thin air." A mass of Hydrogen atoms for example modifed by a sofisticated device to create a different subtance. Now that is Interesting!

Mind you I probably wouldnt be the first one to think of this, but in a personal way its a breakthrough idea.
The implications of such technology are mindboggling to say the least. And for that matter, Ill bet the bank someone is already doing it on a large scale that of associated with experimental at the same time motivated by ~ greed. Let me throw a word out and see where it goes, Gold. Or as ancient civilizations would call it, alchemy.

April 17 2003

Quantum Gravity Theory

Gravity is a by-product of electromagnetic radiation ~caused by the oscillation of charged particles in the known atomic probability cloud -TDuncan

Rules and Conditions (in progress and incomplete)
- An Electron at a fixed* (frequency) radius gives out Electromagntic Radiation waves in the form of ~Gravity at a constant rate of the speed of G
- * not to be confused as a by-product of Spectrum (Photons) particle waves at the speed of Light _ however
- A Change in state signals a change in Electromagnetic Radiation and can be measured by Spectrum output (Formulated speed of waves associated, eg. a change in state will be seen before its felt should gravity prove to be slower than the speed of light, vice versa)
- A typical wave has an equal positive ( pull ) and a negative state ( Magnetic Shield or push )
- Can be measured by size of wavelength ( eg Radio Waves )
- Is exactly porportional to the current state

_ Formula

Ref. (incomplete)
and Fig1 Electromagnetic Spectrum http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec2.html
Fig 1 . http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/waves_particles/wavpart4.html

The lack of explaination as to include Gravity as one of 4 Fundamental Forces _ noted as well as the conclusion of such 4 Fundamental Forces

I can within my own reasoning conclusively suggest that Gravity travels at the Speed of G, contrary to my previous idealism of the speed of light as was suggested by others. Given the nature of forces, it all seems rather implausible the concept of gravity moving at the speed of light.

Ref. Formula (incomplete)
Part1 Speed of Sound http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/souspe.html
In gases http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/souspe3.html#c1

Quantum Gravity Cancellation Effect Theory
- Electromagntic Radiation emission may be cancelled out by a Electron in the path of such
_Research to see if Theory already exsists in one way or the other

Quantum Gravity Combined Theorem
- By which the Cancellation Effect Theorem states Electromagntic Radiation emission may be cancelled out by a nearby Electron, a nearby Electron may alter its current state that of increase in wavelength vibration due to the force exerted on it
- States that energy is not lost but transfered to such Electrons in the emission path, as would be the case, the more Electrons in the path the +greater the force that is passed on+
- A second condition that of the above is the Electrons current position that of in a high or low trough waveband, as would be the case, a non exponetial gain is passed on given a low trough appearence
- To which a de-excitation follows on the next probability appearance given that no other emissions are being passed to it, and whereas its current state of excitation is emmited
- If a current and constant flow of Electromagntic Radiation is being passed on to the Electron in every probability appearance as would be expected in +most cases+, then let that Electrons current state of exitation or wavelength be passed on
- A clarification to the above "most cases" is needed. When realizing the number of Electrons that could be in the path of any given probability appearence the number exponetially grows according to mass energy of object
- In other words the Electromagntic Radiation of an Electron in the center of a massive object such as a Planet is not to be held accountable for such or any forces felt at the surface of said Planet, yet is in part responsible for the end result as a passive and combined form of energy between Electrons occurs

[May 18
however a cumulative effect must be realized in order for gravity to increase suggesting a high trough appearance must be more likely in a higher density environment. Questions how thats possible, low and high should be equal as likely.

- I just re-read that article from above while proofreading
"As predicted by Einstein, gravitational energy would travel at the velocity of light. To date, no experiments have been able to directly measure gravitational waves or even detect them, but from the interaction of the gravitational forces between a binary pulsar pair, Professor Joseph Taylor (Princeton U.) was able to deduce Einstein's prediction that the gravitational energy travels at the velocity of light. (Taylor, 1994--Nobel prize 1993)"

Ok but now this
"It is fascinating that at C.U. where they have created new matter called Bose-Einstein condensate, the velocity of light in this condensate can be almost as slow as the velocity of sound. It would be instructive to perform diallel line experiments in conjunction with B-E condensate matter. This high-density material could lead to some interesting validations of this new UFT due to the higher energy densities present."

[May 18
There is your BEC, it sounds like its been around for awhile.


1993 Nobel Laureate in Physics

for the discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation.

Born: 1941
Residence: U.S.A.
Affiliation: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ "
