AP Biology
Notes:  Electron Transport

 The pathway of electron transport:

The electron transport chain is made of electron carrier molecules embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Protein Electron Carriers

Prosthetic Group

  • flavoproteins
  • flavin mononucleotide (FMN)
  • iron-sulfur proteins
  • iron and sulfur
  • cytochromes
  • heme group

Heme group = Prosthetic group composed of four organic rings surrounding a single iron atom

Cyytochrome = type of protein molecule that contains a heme prosthetic group and that functions as an
electron carrier in the electron transport chains of mitochondria and chloroplasts.

As molecular oxygen is reduced it also picks up two protons from the medium to form water. 
For every two NADHs, one O2 is reduced to two H2O molecules.

  Chemiosmosis:  the Energy-Coupling Mechanism
The mechanism for coupling exergonic electron flow from the oxidation of food to the endergonic
process of oxidativephosphorylation is chemiosmosis.

Chemiosmosis = The coupling of exergonic electron flow down an electron transport chain to
endergonic ATP production by
     the creation o a proton gradient across a membrane.  The proton gradient drives ATP synthesis as protons 
     diffuse back across the membrane.

The site of oxidative phosphorylation is the inner mitochondrial membrane, which has many copies of a
protein complex, ATP synthase
 This complex:

Cristae, or infoldings of the inner mitochondrial membrane, increase the surface area available for chemiosmosis to occur

Membrane structure correlates with the prominent functional role membranes play in chemiosmosis:.

Mobile carriers transfer electrons between complexes.

When the transport chain is operating:

Proton motive force = Potential energy stored in the proton gradient created across biological membranes that are involve in chemiosmosis.

Process ATP Produced Directly by Substrate-level Phosphorylation Reduced Coenzyme ATP Produced by Oxidative Phosphorylation Total

Net 2 ATP 2 NADH 4 to 6 ATP 6-8

Oxidation of Pyrutave
--------- 2 NADH 6 ATP 6

Krebs Cycle
2  FADH2
18 ATP
  TOTAL: 36-38

Cellular respiration s remarkably efficient in the transfer of chemical energy from glucose to ATP.