~~ Transport Tycoon ~~

Martin first got me interested in this game, and suffice to say, I am now addicted.  Yes, I conform to many of the stereotypes on this list.

Transport Tycoon is a game developed by Chris Sawyer, and produced by Microprose.  The situation is this: it's 1950, and you have exactly 100 years to prove yourself a TRANSPORT TYCOON... or maybe just a complete dumbass when you go bankrupt.  Which, of course, I never have.

The cool thing about TTDX is how it not only features trains, but also boats, and planes.. and lorries and buses and helicopters and monorail and maglev and hovercraft and -

You get the idea. ;)

Airport in the Sub-Tropical Climate

~The Holy Church Of Transport Tycoon~

Yea, verily, a site with much to recommend - much amusement and, of course, divine enlightenment to be found, all in the one shrine to the glory of TTDX.  

My Current Companies:

Jade Trek East Transport [Subtropical Scenario]

Annie S Transport [Toyland Scenario]

Sp@mbusters [Arctic Scenario]

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