Rachel's Picture from The Odeon, Cleveland, 07/18/2002

Lost in the world of the fretboard. And drenched from the heat of the stagelights.

Blessed by angelic light.

Alex: "Did they like that?" Aaron: "Yup. That worked."

Aaron looks so genuinely happy! Woo, party!

Why does he kinda remind me of an elf?

The "hey-I-know-you" face. I love watching him interact with his fans.

Engaged in eye-bound conversation with somebody in the audience. Or maybe it's a look of fear.

Black leather. Yeah, it looks nice, but come on!!! Save it for not-so-grossly-hot venues!

*eyes fixated on the motion of the guitar strings* ...or the pretty tape on the floor...

Showing off his vocal power.

Alex: "That one! We attack that one!" Aaron: *prays for the day Alex's sanity returns*

Aaron's picking up Billy's tongue habit. Alex is too scared to watch.

"And for it all, I thank you!" No, Alex. Thank you.

One of his more girly poses. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so much hip.

A mischievous Billy smile. It leaves me thinking one thing: Uh-oh.

Conversing in the language of music.

Rachel and Dino! They look so cute!

Rachel gets to be Nate for a day!

A nice picture of Aaron and Rachel...

And a silly picture, with Aaron attempting to give a deer-in-headlights look. It looks more like wide-eyed-"is-that-possible" wonderment.

Rachel and Billy, sticking out their tongues, being silly. :P