Reaching the Triple Cities and the World
with the Gospel of Christ...

Triple Cities Christian Events Association

- A non-profit organization dedicated to coordinating Christian events in the area. The different venues and churches would pool their activities and events in a central area, (that being this website) thus creating a one stop site for people to find out what type of wholesome and family friendly Christian events are happening on any given day. Area Christian Coffee Houses and Churches all working together to provide the best outreach and promotion possible.

- Have a volunteer board that meets once a month at the different coffeehouse venues to discuss promotion, equipment sharing and other ideas.

- To promote and encourage local area Christian musicians, bands, drama teams and other entertainment or educational events.

- To provide the community with a viable and safe alternative to the weekend “bar scene”.

- To bring a major Christian artist or speaker to the area each year.

- To put out a “coffeehouse” album spotlighting local Christian musicians.

Working Members:

- Samson Coffee House: Our Savior Lutheran Church

o Bob Lawler

- Sozo Café: 261 Main St J.C.

o Steve Gendron

o Tammy Gendron

- Individuals

o Alex Slater

o Mike Showalter

Possible Members?

Anyone individual or group that is interested in promoting wholesome entertainment and education in the triple cities area.

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