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Copyright © 1998.
Tim Chambers,
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Last updated: Saturday, November 27, 1999

Tim's Writings

All are relatively short unless indicated.

Jesus Christ Changed My Life!

My Personal Testimony

This piece outlines a little of what "Jesus Christ changed my life" means for me.

Give Us Today Our Daily Bread

On the importance of daily spiritual nourishment.

Original Pieces

A Letter to an Agnostic Friend

In June, 1996 I exchanged correspondence with an inquiring friend. He asked some common questions, so I decided to publish a generic form of the letter for any other agnostics who may be curious about the same matters as my friend.

Ground Rush

I have grown very intrigued with Biblical end times (eschatology) and God's relationship to time. During Advent, 1996 I wrote an essay using the analogy of a skydiver jumping out of an airplane. Writing down my thoughts has certainly enhanced my own sense of anticipation in the Holiday Season! Read the essay if you want to know the answer to the question, "How long does a skydiver have to open his parachute once he's jumped out of the plane?"


I finished my story in January, 1996 after starting it over eight years before that. Over the next few months I investigated options for submitting my work to magazines and entering it in contests, but I decided that to do so would be more than I care to put into my writing avocation at the time. Instead, I am taking advantage of this new publishing medium through which you are reading these very words, and I offer it for your enjoyment here.

The story is not a happy one, so your "enjoyment" may be in an uncomfortable sort of way. Nevertheless, I have received compliments about the quality of the story from friends and strangers alike.

Notes on Mere Christianity (15Kb)

C.S. Lewis is a brilliant twentieth century thinker and an honorable defender of the Faith. I read his book in February, 1996 and found myself taking notes throughout the experience. When I was done, I had cited enough passages and copied enough quotations that I thought it would be of some use to people who otherwise might not read the book. Of course, it is no substitute for reading the book, but perhaps it will get some agnostics thinking about their position.

Take a Stand Against Pornography

Resist the temptation of pornography.


Terror Beneath the Earth: My First Caving Adventure

I went caving with a Boy Scout troop in the summer of 1997.

Reflections on a Spiritual Retreat

In February 1997 I went on a retreat to a monastery.

The Net Meets my Local Newspaper

I had a letter to the editor published in the Gazette Telegraph, my local paper, on the subject of abortion.

I also sent another letter to them with my opinion about who should care for the poor in response to an article about Roman Catholic bishops. They published it on Sunday, November 19, 1995. Unlike my first letter, I was not quick enough to grab their online version. Just as well, since this second letter was apparently too long for their tastes (their stated threshold is 250 words), so they edited it. They narrowed the focus, leaving out my call for all Christians to pledge to donate 100% of any tax decrease they saw next year to a Christian charity.

I wish I could have obtained a copy of the column that inspired my latest letter, but you will just have to imagine the nonsense that it contained to realized why I spent the first productive hour of my day writing a letter about Christians seeking a democratic voice.

Book Reviews

Every writer has been influenced by what he or she has read. Visit my musings about the books that I have read recently.


I'm keeping a journal about my life since being diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

I took notes during the 1994 Anglican Conference.