TAY A DAY: November 2001

Thursday, November 1, 2001

DATE: October 19, 2001
FROM: Taylor
TITLE: Happy October
MESSAGE: Hey Everybody, What's up? How are you enjoying the beginning of fall? I like a little bit of a weather pattern change. That reminds me how anxious I am to be done with this record so everybody can check it out. Just like every record we have put out we always try to change a little. I think you will be in to the changes and evolution's on this Album X 2. Speaking of new music, you should all go and check out "The Strokes" and give us your feedback on the music and the band. We saw them last night a club in LA called "The Palace", it was a pretty good show, but you can tell us what you think. I will go ahead and ask that question on HANSONAsks too. I know that you have all talked about Michelle Branch a bit, she is on tour right now and I am going to see a show one of these days, I will give you MY feedback after I see that. While we are on music and shows I thought I would tell you how great the BEN FOLDS solo tour is...well, it is just great! He just left to do some dates in Japan so you won't be able to check his show out in the states, but if you get a chance go because he is amazing. We also got to do a little guest appearance with Ben the other night when he played the El Ray here in LA. It was a lot of fun. I hope you are enjoying music and life. Thanks for all your support as always. Peace and love, TAYLOR

~From Us To You, H.net

Thanks to Joanna for sending in today's collage!

Friday, November 2, 2001

Over you I'm never over Over you Something about you It's just the way you move The way you move me

~"Back To You", John Mayer

Thank you, Ariel, for sending in today's lyrics and picture! :o)

Saturday, November 3, 2001

...Taylor Hanson's newly mature charisma onstage was enough to silence the few non-believers in the audience.

~"Hanson Joins Ben Folds Onstage In Los Angeles", by Jeff Miller for Allstar/CDNow, October 17, 2001

Sunday, November 4, 2001

"We started from scratch," Taylor adds. "And did it in a day. [King is] just a very, very talented person, doing her thing."

~commenting on working with Carole King at Miles Copeland's Songwriter's Boot Camp in France, "Hanson Work With Carole King", by Greg Heller for RollingStone, June 2, 2001

Thanks to Amanda for allowing us to use her picture of Taylor from Riverfest for today's TAD!

Monday, November 5, 2001

Obviously Hanson will have to trim twenty-five or so cuts from the heap for their album, which raises the possibility of one or more high-powered collaborations winding up in the vaults. "We'll do it purely based on what the best songs are," Taylor says. "There are songs, especially when you're doing collaborations, where you go, 'That is cool but it sounds nothing like us.'"

~"Hanson Work With Carole King", by Greg Heller for RollingStone, June 2, 2001

Tuesday, November 6, 2001

"Hey I saw your post and I wanted you to know that we are as frustrated about not being able to just get products out right away as you are. We are really happy with what we are coming up with in the studio and I hope you can hold on until this next album is out in the stores. I am really glad that you are a fan, and you are supporting the band by being a part of HANSON.NET. Sorry you have to feel frustrated. TAY:o)"

~Taylor's response to a frustrated fan, posted on the Hanson.net Random Ramblings forum

He's so kind. :o)

Wednesday, November 7, 2001

The Strokes, this year's big buzz band and from New York no less, was the big hipster draw Thursday (Oct. 18) night at the Palace in Los Angeles.

Checking out the show -- aside from every bigwig in the music industry -- were Beck (with a lovely blonde by his side), Bush's Nigel Pulsford, Hole's Eric Erlandson, X's John Doe, Hanson's middle brother, Taylor, and Phantom Planet's Alex Greenwald.

~Allstar/CDNow, October 19, 2001

Taylor sure does get around. ;o)

Thursday, November 8, 2001

Yeah, you've got that somethin' I think you'll understand When I say that somethin' 'I want to hold your hand' 'I want to hold your hand' 'I want to hold your hand' And when I touch you I feel happy inside It's such a feelin' that, my love I can't hide I can't hide I can't hide

~"I Want To Hold Your Hand", The Beatles

Friday, November 9, 2001

The babe-a-licious teen dream Tay is aging the most gracefully so far; he's even handled what could've been a disastrous, career-derailing voice change with aplomb, just by subtly lowering every Hanson song an octave or two.

~Lyndsey Parker for Launch.com

Saturday, November 10, 2001

I fell in love with the dream that I built of you Playing the part of the queen...

~"Man On the Side", John Mayer

Many thanks to Ariel for sending in today's lyrics and picture!

Sunday, November 11, 2001

"Hey everybody this is Taylor, and you've reached the Hanson Hotline. Well, it's now officially Fall, the summer's over, you're all back in school or college, or you're not. You don't go to school,or college. Um. ::laughs:: But, uh, the year has gone by and, uh, we're still working away on this record. For all you MOE members, you now have MOE 11. I hope you guys are really enjoying that. And to all you Hanson.netters, I hope you guys are enjoying, uh, all the fun that's going on on Hanson.net these days. I hope everyone is well and keep on calling. Thanks! We'll talk to you soon.

~Hanson Hotline message, October 2, 2001

Monday, November 12, 2001

Thank you for the adorable and hilarious graphic, Marica! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Sexy baby, good lovin' daddy Ooh, let me be your rockin' chair Just-a rock me way from here Let's get it on, come to me baby Ooh, let me be your rockin' chair Just-a rock me way from here

Rock me gently, make me feel like a cloud in the sky, mmm Whisper softly, let my heart take wing and fly

C'mon baby, sexy baby Ooh, let me be your rockin' chair (ah-ahhh) Just-a rock me way from here C'mon baby, sexy honey Ooh, let me be your rockin' chair (ah-ahhh) Mmm, rock me baby

~Rockin' Chair, Gwen McCrae

I just found this awesome pic in my files, don't know who sent it to me, but I see it says www.iketayzac.net, so thanks to them!

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

It's an amazing feeling that you've maybe even helped somebody out or inspired somebody to do something. It's an amazing feeling!

~Taylor, Transcript from the Fox.com chat with Hanson, August 17, 2000

Thursday, November 15, 2001

"When thousands of fans are screaming, it's less about yourself than about the position you are in," Taylor analyzes with precision. "If it goes to your heard, then it becomes dangerous when fame fades."

~Music Express Sounds, May 2000

Friday, November 16, 2001

Our parents are incredibly supportive. They'd sacrifice anything for us. As young as we were when we first started, it was just so important to have somebody supporting you. They've always been our role models.

~Taylor, Nick Interview, Jan 2001

Isn't Taylor a wonderful son? :)

Saturday, November 17, 2001

NO: What's the craziest thing anyone's ever thrown onstage?

T: Their bodies. There was one show when we didn't have enough of a barricade or enough security, and it was just insanity. And of course the underwear items, which we really don't have a use for personally. But they throw everything from teddy bears to peanut butter jars.

~Taylor, Nick Interview, Jan 2001

Sunday, November 18, 2001

moegirl036 Hey Tay! Do you have a favorite beatles album?

HANSON Tay: That is always hard....Wow....It's probably Revolver.

~~Taylor, Yahoo chat, 12/24/00

Monday, November 19, 2001

NO: Did you guys always know you wanted to do this?

T: It can depend on the day. We all had it in us from a young age. But it was just there. It wasn't a decision we made. We began to realize what we had and focus on it and watch people respond to it.

Nick interview, January, 2001

Thank you, Cristi, for the pic!

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

"I'm still holding out for Taylor Hanson. Have you seen him lately?"

~Kathy Griffin on E!

Yeah, *we've* seen him lately. Mmmm, MMM!

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

I've been really trying now baby Trying to hold back this feeling for so long And if you feel like I feel Come on Let's get it on

~Marvin Gaye, "Let's Get It On"

Thursday, November 22, 2001

"I'm never gonna be afraid of a really good pop song. I'm a fan of that great song that just gets in your head."

~Taylor, "Hanson Working On Third LP Whether You Like It Or Not", April 4, 2001

This holiday is a time to reflect on the things that are important to you. Besides my family and friends, I am especially thankful for my good buddies TC and TH who work with me on TAD and HAD, and for all of YOU guys who make doing this calendar even more fun than I thought it would be when it started almost two years ago. And, I am thankful for Taylor, Isaac, and Zac, who have really enriched my life in a lot of ways. TAD and HAD is just a small way to try to say, "THANKS ITZ, we love and support you always!"

Happy Thanksgiving, you guys!


Friday, November 23, 2001

""I think we're in a really weird place as a band because we are a band, and we always have been, but a lot of people don't realize that," Taylor said. "I want people to hear the name Hanson and think credible, musical, creative music. That's what people should think 'cause that's what it is, it's just about the music."

~Taylor, "Hanson Working On Third LP Whether You Like It Or Not", April 4, 2001

Saturday, November 24, 2001

NO: How do you guys react to hysterical crying from your fans?

T: Well, first of all, you have to say "It has nothing to do with me personally, it's just rock 'n roll." There's a group of really, really devoted Hanson fans, and it can be very cool, but then there are times when you have to say "Whoa, that's a little much." But overall it's just very cool, they're giving as much as we are. We have great, great, devoted fans.

~Taylor, Nick Interview, January 2001

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm And your cheeks so soft There is nothing for me but to love you And the way you look tonight

With each word your tenderness grows Tearin' my fear apart And that laugh..wrinkles your nose Touches my foolish heart

Lovely ... Never, never change Keep that breathless charm Won't you please arrange it 'cause I love you Just the way you look tonight

~The Way You Look Tonight, Frank Sinatra

Monday, November 26, 2001

It was a strange feeling. One look at him in the flesh, and part of me was a schoolgirl again, boy-crazy and full of hormones. Meanwhile, the other part of me was feeling a little like Mrs. Robinson. It was invigorating.

~Taylor-Made Love, Catherine Leitch, Richmond.com, September 5, 2000

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

itzatwin asks: Now the tables have turned! If you could have only one CD, which would it be? Rebecca & Whitney

Hey Rebecca and Whitney, this is Taylor. That is a hard and almost impossible question to answer, but you asked it so I will have to give it my best shot. I am only answering for me by the way, not the other members of the group. I think as an album that I could just listen to over and over it would probably have to be Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers greatest hits. I might also be inclined to choose a yet to be determined group of classical pieces, because I love to drive my car or be creative when I listen to classical music. I know that second one is a little bit of a curve ball, and I can think of many albums to include in a top ten, but you asked for one. Remember this is a forever changing selection because I am always ready to make some new great album my #1 choice. Thanks, TAYLOR

~Ask Hanson/ Hanson Asks, Hanson.net

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

On songs of heartbreak and love:

"You have to feel it, but you don't have to experience it," said Taylor, 17. "In this day of open-mindedness, everyone still wants to put you in this box - at this age, you do this and you do that."

~Leo Weekly, October 11, 2000

Thursday, November 29, 2001

"We want to say right now that we're not going to put out Hanson dolls. We're not going to put out totally sell-out stuff."

~Taylor, All Stars Magazine, April 1998

Friday, November 30, 2001

16: What advice would you give someone who wants to do what you do?

Taylor: It's a lot of work. You have to be really dedicated. When you want something, it's not that easy. You have to know what you want and keep going for it.

~16 Magazine, September 1997