TAY A DAY: April 2001

Sunday, April 1, 2001

Ashton Kutcher: Let's have a moment, Isaac, you and me.

Taylor: Oh god.

Ashton Kutcher: Oh, you want a moment, too? Are you feelin' left out, Taylor?

~Best Pop Album, The List, VH1



Llamaesque's "Always From Afar". If you are a devoted Hanson fan with access to the internet, we are sure you have visited Llama's extraordinary website. But if you haven't, run, don't walk to http://hansonfiction.com/llamaesque/index.html, for an experience in exceptional Hanson fan-fiction and intelligent commentary on the band unlike any other on the web. You will throughly enjoy the offerings of this gifted writer.

Monday, April 2, 2001

I was struck down by your angel face
I had a father
I had a brother
I had a husband and I had a lover
I had a son he filled me with wonder
But I was struck down by your angel face
I was a woman
I was a mother
Woke in a fever from what I've been under
You made my heart beat
Like god made the thunder
I was struck down by your angel face
Oh, did I tell you?
Did I bother to mention
You're keeping me worried
Building up tension
Spinning out of control
Don't trust my intention since
I was struck down by your angel face
I was struck down by your angel face
I was struck down by your angel face

~"Angel Face", by Joan Osborne

Thanks, Anne!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

"We can all be goofy. And when we get together, at some point it can be kind of frightening. Isaac is actually probably the goofiest. He does voices and goofs off and stuff like that. But Zac is definitely the wackiest."

~Taylor, Muddzine

Wednesday, April 4, 2001

Alexd asks: Taylor -- people wanna know -- what's with the new do?

Taylor answers: I just felt like cutting it -- so I did.

Zac adds: Kind've like cheese.....:)

~Hanson.net chat, 3/5/01

Thursday, April 5, 2001

Question: Taylor - did you ever consider wearing eyeliner? lol SUBMITTED BY tendersoul

Answer: Hmmmmm, WOW!!! very interesting!!! No but I love a little lip gloss now and then. TAYLOR:o)

~Ask Hanson, Hanson.net, 3/23/01

Friday, April 6, 2001

"That is like the pinnacle U2 album."

~Taylor, commenting on U2's album "The Joshua Tree", 100 Greatest Albums of Rock N' Roll, VH1

Saturday, April 7, 2001

Taylor (asks the fan): Does she play anything, like, you know, kazoo or nose flute?

Lydia (the fan): I learned to play guitar last year, but I'm not that good.

Taylor: He's not that good either, so... ::gestures toward Isaac::

~TRL, September 12, 2000

Sunday, April 8, 2001

"Hey, you gotta love Big Frankie. He's a pussycat."

~Taylor, Noah Knows Best, Nickelodeon

Monday, April 9, 2001

"While all three brothers share equally in the spotlight, when all is said and done, Taylor may be the most compelling Hanson. As de facto lead singer and frontman, the middle Hanson is a bundle of ebullient energy, bouncing buoyantly behind (and away from) his keyboards, the driving force behind such irresistible pieces of ear candy as the Rick Springfield-esque romper "Runaway Run" and the exhilarating "Where's the Love.""

~Oregon Live

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

"They covered "Piece of My Heart," and Taylor's growl and falsetto would have earned Janis Joplin's respect. ...All three sing, Taylor's keyboard playing is impressive..."

~Orange County Register

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

"You're beautiful, that's for sure
You'll never ever fade"

~Nelly Furtado, "I'm Like a Bird"

Thursday, April 12, 2001

"A pretty man came to me
I never seen eyes so blue
You know, I could not run away it seemed
we'd seen each other in a dream
Seemed like he knew me....he looked right through me....yeah....
He's a magic man....oh....he's got the magic hands"

~"Magic Man", Heart, From the album "Dreamboat Annie"

Friday, April 13, 2001

"The telegenic Taylor, whose cheekbones defy description, did the lion's share of the singing, with vocals that range between Michael Jackson's raspy tenor and Jonny Lang's youthful, bluesy howl. Isaac has a more mature voice, with a smoother delivery; together, and with Zac on the third part, their harmonies are purer and more honest than any I've heard lately."

~San Francisco Examiner

Thanks to Rei from Japan for today's pic!

Saturday, April 14, 2001

"On keyboards and vocals, Taylor, 17, was the focal point. He could well be the first honest-to-goodness teenage Adonis since David Cassidy. The audience was in sync with his every movement. When he swayed, they swayed. When he bounced, they bounced. At one point, Taylor counted down a "1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . Scream!""

~Seattle P-I.com

Sunday, April 15, 2001

"There's something I can't explain... about you, that makes me weak... I lose my breath to feel your touch... I'm helpless, rescue me... I see you and I can't speak... emotion gets the best of me... so sweetly, I dream of you... complete me, I need you... your eyes, your eyes oh how they shine... as I see the reflection of the stars in your eyes... as I gaze, as I gaze I see everything I've been seaching for... catch me I'm falling..."

~Shindig, "Falling"

Thanks, Meredith! :)

Happy Easter you guys! ~TLS and TC

Monday, April 16, 2001

ïïï "I am hanging on every word you say ïïï And even if you don't want to speak tonight ïïï That's alright, alright with me ïïï Cause I want nothing more than to sit ïïï Outside heaven's door and listen to you breathing ïïï Is where I want to be"

ïïïïï ~Lifehouse, "Breathing"

Thanks, Morgan!

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

"But it was Taylor who stole the show. Looking positively rock star in leather pants, a black shirt, and chain wallet, he worked the crowd like a seasoned pro when he wasn't belting out soulful vocals and melodic keyboard riffs."

~Hanson Thrills the Fans This Time Around, Too, by Lucas Oswalt, Tulsa World, July 27, 2000

Wednesday, April 18, 2001

"You're the reason God made Oklahoma"

~ David Frizzel and Shelly West

Thursday, April 19, 2001

Rick: You guys were all classically trained in the piano...
Taylor: A little bit ... We used to be...
Rick (acting confused, pointing to Taylor) :Well, you can play a little bit of piano...
Isaac (from the b/g): He can play some mean keyboard!
Taylor: My piano teacher never liked me... I BANG. You are supposed to curve your fingers... like this, you know...
Isaac: He has actually corrected his bad habit...

~Much Music, June 1998

Thanks, Marica! :)

Friday, April 20, 2001

"But people sending love letters and proposals, it really has nothing to do with us personally. From the beginning of rock and roll and bands getting out there, girls walk up and they go 'OH, will you marry me?' You can't really ever take that stuff personally. You can't go 'Oh, they really do love me. Wow, this is great!'

It's just about you being a figure out there playing music. It really doesn't have anything to do with you. So, you can't get all caught up in it and lose sight of why you're doing it from the beginning. But, I definitely think it's very cool to get to read letters, and we get some awesome fan letters and fan mail, all kinds of things from fans, so you can't ever forget that. That's definitely a very cool thing!"

~Taylor, Source Unknown

Saturday, April 21, 2001

Try not to look so pretty
the next time that we meet
Please don't look so pretty
and I won't act so weak
Please don't look so pretty
you're lovely, but it's just cruel?
Try not to look so pretty
and I'll try not to be your fool

You walk in and steal my mind
but who gave you the right?
? To treat me like some
useless thought you throw away each night...

Please don't look so pretty
You're lovely, but it's just cruel
Try not to look so pretty
and I'll try not to be your fool

You make it so hard on me
but, I'll try to pretend??
That you're just some lovesick dream
that always has to end

Please don't look so pretty
you're lovely,but it's just cruel?
Try not to look so pretty
and I'll try not to be your fool.

~"Try Not to Look So Pretty", Dwight Yoakam

Thanks, Rhonda!

Sunday, April 22, 2001

"It's obvious that so many things are changing. I mean, the more and more that MTV doesn't play videos, the more likely that somebody else is going to find a way to have them seen."

~Taylor, on the role the internet is taking on in the music industry, launch.com, December 20, 2000

Monday, April 23, 2001

"There's certain people who weren't our friends and now they're like, 'Hey, how's it goin'? I'm your best friend now!' Those aren't your good friends."

~Taylor, TV Hits, June 2000

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

Dolly: What kind of music do you listen to?

Tay: Music inspires me. There's not a lot of things that we don't really listen to.

~Frisch's activity book interview

Thanks for the pic, Kris! That brings back some GREAT memories!

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

"You stop me in my tracks
My heart pumpin' to the max
I'm such a sucker for your eyes
They permanently paralyze
Whatever you do.....
(Whatever you do, don't do that to me)
You got my heart under attack
You give me shivers down my back
D'ya have to walk the way you do?
I get weak just watchin' you
Whatever you do............"

~"Whatever You Do! Don't!"
Shania Twain

Thanks for the wonderful pic, Shirl!

Thursday, April 26, 2001

"We value so much the support fans have given us."

~Taylor, TV Hits, June 2000

Friday, April 27, 2001

"It was really funny because Taylor was like, 'I wish we could find this really kind of industrial growth room with flashing lights', and then I opened the door that was next to us and it was the room that he had described."

~Ashley Greyson describing the making of the "Save Me" video
December 20, 2000

Hmmm...today's picture SAYS "Cinci", but TLS took this one in Louisville. But, you surely can understand how a person's brain can become quite dysfunctional after looking at all this lusciousness for extended periods of time. :)

Saturday, April 28, 2001

"It happens all the time. The single "This Time Around" is a very serious song about breaking free of oppression and fighting for what you believe in. It's literally about war. We had all these ideas about the video and about the treatment of the video, and just about everyone else had interpreted it as something totally different. You think to yourself, "Wait, how could you interpret it as something else?" But that's constantly happening. And that's what's cool about it - people interpret a song however they want to. It's just what it means to them."

~Taylor, Dolly Magazine, March, 2000

Sunday, April 29, 2001

Dolly: What's your favorite food?

Tay: Probably cupcakes.

~Frisch's activity book interview

LOL! Oh, Taylor!

Monday, April 30, 2001

"I'm really excited about the songs we're writing," says Taylor. "It's actually moving more and more towards kind of power pop stuff - The Cars, The Raspberries, the Jayhawks, that kind of stuff. I started to hear some of that and thought, 'This is where the band is moving.'"

~Taylor, Wall of Sound, April, 2001

Thanks for the cool Atlanta pic, Shirl!
