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As your voice in Denver, I will fight for  the following government reforms:

Judicial Reform
- Term limits for judges
- Truth in sentencing legislation
- Retention election reform
- Introduce "frivolous" lawsuit reforms by
  the implementation of a "loser pays"
- Reform asset forfeiture system

Education Reform
- Reapportionment of school
  district boundaries/educational equity
- Parental choice
- Fiscal accountability
- Teacher empowerment
- Reward for achievement/bureaucratic

Tax Reform
- Elimination of the Business Personal
  Property Tax (BPPT)
- Spending limitation 
- Elimination of state telephone sales
  taxes and surcharges
- Elimination of interest penalty on


Spread the Word. . .

Proven Experience



New Public views judicial system as being    out of touch with communities
New  Silent killer claiming America's children
David C. (Dave) Stiver"Expecting the government bureaucracy to reform itself is much akin to handing over the keys to the Love Boat to the captain of the Exxon Valdez.  Their shortcuts sound good initially, but generally end up costing the taxpayers in the long run." -- Dave Stiver
Cut Rates the Colorado Legislature
 Political Philosophy
Government Accountability
 2nd Amendment Rights
Private Property

Pulse of the People
 1998 Legislative Issues Survey
 1999 Legislative Issues Survey
 Participate in our On-Line Survey

Stiver will continue to preach the gospel of smaller government and the need for change.  -- The Woodmen Edition

Stiver won't check conservative...values at the door.
-- The Woodmen Edition

In his first year, Stiver got $629,000 of restitution for victims, nearly twice the amount paid during the year before he arrived.
-- Gazette Telegraph
-- Durango Herald
-- Associated Press

Restitution Collector is champion for victims.
-- Gazette Telegraph

He has conducted extensive research into judicial reform
-- Colorado Springs Gazette

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Content and programming copyright © 1999 - Taxpayers 2000. All Rights Reserved.
Taxpayers for Dave Stiver
State Representative - House District 15
Mary Ann Louks - Treasurer
4562 Excalibur Court
Colorado Springs, CO  80917-1351
(719) 380-1484

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