Instrument:  Drums/Percussion
Birthplace:  Tulsa, OK
Height:  5'7"
Towns Lived In:  Mannford, Cleveland and Sand Springs 
                  (all in OK)
Schooling: Cleveland (K-8), Sand Springs (9-12), OSU freshman now
Ambitions: College degree in MIS, a beautiful woman to call my own
             , new cymbals, and for everyone to know my name
Turn-Ons: Sense of humour & the small of a woman's back
Turnoffs: www.strangeland.com (don't go!!!  i swear you'll regret it!!!)
Underwear: boxers...usually gap
When I get stressed out I: play the shit out of my drums
My best feature is my: ask my ex-chicks
The most embarassing thing I ever did was: Knock a waiter over
                                            at the Olive Garden
How to get my attention: Nudity (given)
Musical influences: Dave Matthews, Sublime, Jack Irons
Favorite Actor/Actress:  Robert DeNiro...sometimes Al Pacino
Favorite Movie(s):  Taxi Driver, Trainspotting, Singles, Godfather Trilogy
Favorite Band(s):  Sublime, Pearl Jam, The Police, Soul Coughing, Phish, 
                                  Dave Matthews, U2, Ani Difranco, Third Eye Blind
Personal quote: "Shit, man.  I'm just watin' for the sun to shine."
                                 - Robert DeNiro Taxi Driver 

bustin' out a phat beat...as usual

Micah's Pics