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Long have I waited for you to visit here... Come, and enter my world... A world of moonlyte and shadows, wolves and vampyres, a world of magick. A world of darkness. A world of my own...
Each of the little pictures around the main one links to one of my pages.  Explore!  There are many to choose from.  Here's a list using regular links, in case you get confused by the pictures.
~Home: This page!
Transylvanian Shadows: A page devoted to an alternate Van Helsing universe.
Athame Moon: My online altar and declaration of faith.
Three Shillings: A page devoted to Captain Jack Sparrow!
Crimson Rose: My very own personal Anita page!
Adoptions: Where all my online cuties go!
Elysi: My virtual nation!
Other Links
My Livejournal
My Quizzes
My Fanfiction
Gaia Online anime roleplaying community
Fun Links
Samurai War!
Nios on Souls
My Xanga Blog