"A New Age Dawning"
By Barry Reese

September 15, 1945 - William Nausland looked at himself in the mirror, 
tugging at his Captain America uniform and frowning slightly. He'd been 
the replacement Cap for almost five months now, battling the Axis horde 
in both Europe and the Pacific alongside his partner, Fred Davis, but 
sometimes he still felt like a fraud. "Maybe now that the war's over, 
it's time for me to bring back out the old Spirit of '76 costume, 

Behind him, Fred Davis, dressed as the second Bucky, shook his head. "No 
way, Will. It's just like President Truman said in his telegram a few 
weeks ago - America needs heroes now more than ever. And the All-Winners 
Squad needs us...we certainly held our own against those henchmen of 
Isbisa last week didn't we?" {note : see All-Winners # 19, 1946 or 
Fantasy Masterpeices # 10, 1967 for a reprint of this story}

Cap smiled at the youth's earnest expression in the mirror and he 
nodded. "You're right, Fred. The President himself asked me to take over 
Steve Rogers' role and I'm not about to turn my back on a Presidential 
order!" He turned to face the smiling youth and accepted his steel 
shield from the boy. It was an inferior copy of the real Cap's shield, 
but like himself it got the job done regardless. He tousled Fred's hair. 
"Come on, let's head to the meeting room and see what's on the agenda."

Bucky nodded at him, glad to see that his mentor's mood had improved. 
Sometimes Will pressed too hard, tried too much to live up to Steve 
Rogers' legacy. But as far as Fred was concerned, William Nausland had 
earned the name Captain America.
*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       
Ten minutes later, the All-Winners Squad sat assembled in their 
Manhatten headquarters, the former abode of the Liberty Legion. Prince 
Namor of Atlantis, known as the Sub-Mariner, stood regally next to the 
meeting table, his briny scent filling the room as his imperious eyes 
swept over his teammates. Bob Frank, the speedster known as the Whizzer, 
was sitting down, talking playfully with Madeline Joyce, the powerful 
Miss America. Namor could see the mutual attraction between the two and 
had seen it develop slowly over the years. He wished them well, though 
surface dwellers sometimes seemed far too reserved with their emotions 
for his taste. 

It had barely been two weeks since President Truman's telegram had 
arrived at the headquarters of the wartime supergroup the Liberators, 
asking that a small group of heroes remain banded together to fight 
homefront criminals and sabateours. These seven had been all that been 
capable of making the commitment, but they were seven of the very 

The android Human Torch, who had adopted the name Jim Hammond, sat 
quietly, while his young apprentice, the mutant Toro, chatted away with 
Bucky. Namor wondered what sorts of things ran through the android's 
mind sometimes - but he had long since learned to grudgingly respect the 
fiery hero as both a friend and a teammate.

It was finally Captain America who brought the meeting to order. "So, 
why did you call this meeting, Madeline? Fred and I are due to be at a 
charity benefit tomorrow afternoon and it's in Philadelphia..."

Miss America stood up, casting a glance at the Whizzer as she did so. 
"Well, actually Bob first brought this case to my attention, so I really 
think he should be the one to explain it. But I wanted to let you know 
that President Truman was very impressed with our first post-war mission 
last week. What's more, he's reiterated his hope that we'll remain 
together, at least until the situation is stabilized worldwide."

The Torch looked up, raising an eyebrow. "That could be well into the 
sixties the way the Russians are acting...if we don't watch out, Europe 
could be just as much trouble as before."

The Whizzer cleared his throat. "Well, until the President asks us to 
put the scare into Stalin, there's not much we can do about that. But I 
do have something we can take care most of you know, I do my 
nightly patrols around the city almost every night. Last night, Madeline 
happened to be with me..." Beside him, Madeline shifted, noticably 
embarrassed, but her teammates pretended not to notice, except for Toro 
and Bucky, both of whom made kissy faces at each other before the Torch 
withered them with a stare. The Whizzer continued, "We noticed a 
security alarm sounding downtown. I left Madeline behind and zoomed over 
at top speed. What I found nearly blew my socks off..."
*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       
The scene changes to the Whizzer investigating the alarm, and finding a 
large, rubbery-looking man wearing a bucket for a helmet and a red 
costume. He's exiting a building labeled "Pegasus Science Labs". A cold, 
mindless smile is etched onto the man's face and he is shrugging off a 
security guard's bullets and carrying a large mechanical device. The 
Whizzer tries to speak with the being, but he is struck at great speed 
by the costumed being's blow, sending him hurtling backwards. He 
recognizes the being as Flexo the Rubber Man, a wartime member of the 
Liberators and someone with whom he has worked on several occasions. He 
is defeated by Flexo, who never speaks, and who flies away rapidly, just 
as Madeline is arriving. The two lost track of the former hero and were 
forced to return to their headquarters, where they contacted the other 
members of the team.
*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *
Toro shakes his head, wondering what made the hero turn to crime. 
Whizzer says that's what he wants to find out too. He contacted a friend 
in the police force who told him that someone matching Flexo's 
description was seen landing in  New Jersey. They have put out an APB on 

Cap places a hand on Buckyís shoulder and nods, ìIt's simple then -- we 
should go after Flexo in New Jersey and talk to him directly.î

ìMaybe not, Cap -- less than hour ago, another Flexo - this one blue -- 
attacked a research station in Boston. What's more, Flexo's creators 
were a pair of brothers -- Joshua and Joel Williams, both of whom all of 
you shoulder remember from our days in the Liberators.  Joshua is living 
in New Jersey but Joel lives in upstate New York -- if Flexo's gone bad, 
they might know why.î

Toro frowns, ìNone of us ever trusted Josh Williams anyway - the card 
was a card shark and a gambler...he always seemed like someone who had 
something to hide.î

The Torch looked at him and sighed. ìToroís right, Bob. Iím willing to 
bet that Josh is the one with the answers. Toro and I will check him out 
- maybe he needs a little hotfoot to make him spill the beans.î

ìBut what about the device that was stolen - what was it exactly?î 
Captain Americaís strong voice resounded in the meeting room.

Whizzer continued, ì The device that Flexo stole is an experimental 
laser device, based in part on the "death ray" theories of Nikolai 
Tesla. I believe that Steve Rogers and the first Bucky had a run-in with 
some nazis who were out to create their own version a few years back. 
But this version was created right here in the good old U.S. of A.î

Madeline looked up. ìIf no one has any objections, weíll split up to 
investigate the leads. Bob and I will head to upstate New York to meet 
with Joel Williams. Cap, you and Bucky can head to Boston to track down 
the blue Flexo. Namor might have better luck with the red Flexo than Bob 
and I did - he was last seen entering New Jersey. The Torch has already 
volunteered himself and Toro to go after Josh Williams. Good luck to all 
of you - remember to report in if you find out anything...î
*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       
The Whizzer and Miss America arrive at the suburban home of Joel 
Williams as she tells Bob that she hopes this new group works out. The 
Liberators were a swell bunch of guys and gals but this group feels more 
intimate somehow. Bob laughs, "Yeah, intimate is how I'm feeling right 
now..." and Madeline rolls her eyes at him as they slow to a halt,  Miss 
America in the Whizzer's arms. 

After knocking on the door, a worried Joel Williams opens it and a look 
of fear crosses his face when he sees who it is. "It's about Josh isn't 
it..." he mutters.

Bob exchanged a glance with Madeline. "Well, maybe it is...can we come 
in? There's something you should --"

A terrible whistling sound filled the air and all three people turned to 
see not one but two Flexos -- one green and one black -- hurtling 
through the air. They land with a thump, their rubbery bodies springing 
them back up and at the heroes. Joel Williams backs into the house as 
his wife enters the living room. He mutters, "Damnit, Josh, how could 

Madeline glances back at Joel, aware that he's not behind these renegade 
Flexos. "Get inside -- do you still have one of those remotes that you 
and your brother used to use to control Flexo?"

Joel shakes his head. "No, Josh has the last one..."

"Looks like we have to do this the hard way, Maddy..." The Whizzer zooms 
forwards, rocketing into the green Flexo. The rubber-bodied robots are 
almost impervious to harm however and Miss America is rocked by the 
black Flexo's new elongation powers. Obviously, she thinks, someone's 
made some improvements. After a hard-fought battle, both heroes lie 
defeated and the Flexos make off with a downhearted Joel Williams.
*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       
Elsewhere, a shadowy figure stares at Josh Williams, the two of them in 
a  secret location in New Jersey, as dozens of Flexos move about the 
cavernous headquarters. Josh Williams looks much older than he did back 
when Flexo was a member of the Liberators and his eyes are bloodshot and 
nervous. "You didn't have to do that...I could have gotten Joel to help 
us without sending those Flexos after him..."

The shadowy villain laughed coldly, "Mein gott, all you Americans are so 
spineless! You forget that we are not allies here -- you work for me. If 
you cannot refine these automatons to do what I require then perhaps 
your brother can!"

Joel swallowed hard. How had he come to this point, with his life 
hanging by a thread, working for this monster, perverting his life's 
work to pay off his gambling debts and his bookies...and now he'd 
brought his brother into this. "I promise you, with the laser device 
that Flexo Prime took from that research center and the components Flexo 
Blue retrieved this morning, I'll have exactly what you want. No one 
will be able to stop you..."

The villain paused, considering. Then he begins pacing, moving closer to 
the light. "You had best hope so, herr williams. The Allies think me 
dead, but I still have one chance to avenge the Third Reich, to strike 
at America when it thinks itself most secure." He moves directly into 
the light and we see the familiar red-masked visage as he shakes his 
fist. "And if the All-Winners Squad dares stand in the way of Baron 
Helmut Zemo, then they and all America shall fall!"

NEXT ISSUE : Zemo's plan continues to unfold while the All-Winners Squad 
combats an ever-growing army of Flexos. Plus, guest-appearances by Jeff 
(the Patriot) Mace and the Golden Age Vision! All this and more as the 
Mighty Marvel Golden Age Renaissance kicks into high gear! 

*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       

Welcome to the first issue of the All-Winners Squad. For those of you 
who are new to this team, they first appeared in All-Winners # 19 in 
1946. Two issues later they resurfaced for another adventure and then 
fell into obscurity until the Whizzer and other Golden Age characters 
were revived by Roy Thomas in the 1970s. For an excellent overview of 
the group, see What If? vol. 1 # 4...

I'd appreciate any comments or questions you might have about the story 
and the direction of the book. In coming issues, you'll see a lot of 
attention paid to the private lives of these characters, especially 
William Nausland, Bob Frank, and Madeline Joyce. For those of you who 
already know their fates, I hope you'll enjoy the ride regardless, but 
for those of you who are new...buckle your seatbelts! Besides Zemo in 
this opening storyline, you'll see appearances by the U-Man and other 
classic villains as well as all-new adversaries for our little grouping. 
Please take the time to read our sister title, The Liberators, written 
by Jess Nevins. It features the wartime exploits of all of 
Timely/Marvel's heroes and features some of our very own Squadders in 
action. Check it out.

See you next issue and send in your letters and comments!

Barry Reese

