Unsung Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement
This page is dedicated to Civil Rights Leaders often go unmentioned.  They are greatly appreciated for the work they've done to make our country a better place to live in.
Medgar Evers  1925-1963
Member and full time chapter organizer of the NAACP.  Known as one of the most vocal members, he filled his days eith economic boycotts, meetings, marches, prayer vigils, and pickett lines.
Stokey Carmichael  1941-1998
Member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC) and Nonviolent Action Group.  In 1961, he was one of the several freedom riders who traveled through the south challenging segregation laws.
Andrew Young 1932-
A pastor at several black churches in the south.  He was active in the civil-rights movement and helped a great deal with voter registration drives.