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Hector Young

Glen Lachart's Very Handsome Bachelor

This is a photo of Hector Young.  He lives in Glen Lachart, which is a very small town in the Scottish Highlands.  The thing on his head is the Spud O' Christ.  That is the holy potato he found one night during dinner.  He says he cut open the potato and there was the image.  I think it looks a little like magic marker, but I don't care if he's lying because I think he is really very cute even if he looks old and he is funny even if he is sometimes mean and has stopped answering my mail.

You can click here to see another picture of Hector after he won 10 pounds in the lotto and became rich.

Hector hasn't been talking to anyone ever since his Spud O' Christ exploded the other day.  I know this because I've been e-mailing him every day, and he isn't answering me.  I hope that he can get over this tragedy and continue to spread joy on the Internet like he used to do with his funny posts at www.glenlachart.co.uk.  And I would like to help him feel better, so if he reads this, Hector I would like to send you some cookies to make you feel better but I don't have your address.  If you send it to me, I will mail you the cookies and they are very good and tasty.

I met Hector at the website I was talking about, and he said nice things like "Ye've got good grammar."  I asked him to be my boyfriend, but that was around the time the Spud exploded, and he didn't respond, but I'm sure that's just because he was busy planning the funeral.  As soon as he feels better I'm going to ask him to marry me and I will move to Glen Lachart to be with him because that's how much I love him.

You can write to him at Hector@glenlachart.co.uk, but please don't send him love letters, because I want to marry him and I don't need the compitition.

Just in case you don't know about Hector yet, that's probably because you haven't been to the Glen Lachart website.  He is a very nice guy, even if he says insulting things sometimes.  He is also an actor who is going to be in the movie CURSE OF THE BOG WOMEN, which is going to be filmed in Glen Lachart later this year.

Glen Lachart Online
Backstreet Boys (I like them too)

These are some more pictures Hector took of the Spud, including my favorite one where the Spud is healing another sick potato.

About me.  My name is Tammy Freyer, and I am 15 years old from Wisconsin.  I like the Backstreet Boys and my favorite movie is VARSITY BLUES.  If I don't marry Hector I will marry Nick from the Backstreet Boys, and I'm going to be a writer.  Please don't tell Hector I am 15 because I didn't tell him yet.