Ramble Character Guide

Raven: Finally. I worked my ass off on this section.

Seph: *looking around* It doesn't show.

Rufus: I like it.

Raven: Thank you, Rufy. Will anything ever be up to your standards, Sephiroth?

Seph: Not likely.

Raven: You're getting as bad as Kuja with esthetically pleasing type standards.

Seph: Don't you compare me to Kuja! That's a low blow and you know it!

Fawkes: *laughs*

Raven: What's Fawkes doing here?!

Seph: You know I don't like leaving him unattended. Do you know how much trouble he gets into?

Raven: Like owner, like pet...

Seph: Shut up, woman!

Raven: *sighs* I knew I should've done this intro with just Rufus... maybe I should've let Irvine and Reno just introduce everything...

Rufus: Oh gawd, like those two need anymore power... *mumbling* or your affection...

Raven: *holding her head* Will someone introduce this already?!

Rufus: Ok, ok. Click on the name of the ramble gang member you wish to know more about. In each mini-shrine you'll find a short summary, quotes from the rambles, and pictures. Mine are the best of course. *dashing smile*

Seph: Oh gag me.

Raven: Thanks, guys. That'll do...