tamihi american cocker spaniels


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Ch. Tamihi's Cupid In The Red




Ah Cupid! Now she was a dream come true when she was born. She was born on Valentine's day, the daughter her red mom, Ami and her handsome sire, Ethan. Her colour was so striking I was afraid to pick her as my keeper in the litter as I know my own love for red could sometimes impair my judgement in making the right choice. My dear friend, Jill Ozechowski of Countrystars Cockers, just smiled when she saw her and said to me, "Rae, she is the one you know!" That was all I needed to hear. Cupid got her name in part because of her date of birth and her colour but also in part because we went into the red financially after having shipped her mom not once, but twice, down to her sire in the U.S. It was worth every penny and she was so much of what I had hoped for. Ethan did a marvelous job helping Ami to create this little red sweetheart. She finished her championship quickly at just over a year of age. Outdoors at the shows she truly gleamed in the sun's rays and you just had to watch her carrying her head proudly so much like her mom had years before. As I write this she is still carrying on proudly at the age of 12 1/2 years, eyes clear, and still enjoying life with her family.



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Ch. Shownell's Show And Tell CD



Dawn was a real people's girl. She was always close by and looking to please you in any way she could. After finishing her championship I decided to try my hand at obedience with her. She learned very quickly and was so attentive that she would seem to read your mind and do what you wanted almost before you asked it of her. It wasn't too long before we added "Companion Dog" to her name. Scent hurdling was just coming into being and so we became a part of a cockers only team in Edmonton, Alberta. Dawn loved flying over those hurdles and would quickly find the right dumbbell with my scent on it and immediately return back happily carrying it securely clenched between her teeth. She knew there was a treat waiting for her at the end of the run and she was a dog that would do anything for a treat. She was a real chow hound and one of the worst/best scroungers I have dealt with. She would look so sorry when caught but that never stopped her from trying!


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Ch. Tamihi Shacoram Frosty Glo



Frosty was a lighter coloured buff that had the type of personality that always kept her on the go. She was a busy girl, being one that never liked to miss any piece of the action. She was a pick puppy back from a breeding of one of my bitches that I had sold. I enjoyed her antics and she was fun to show but I soon saw that this girl really needed a home where she would get more individual attention than she was getting in my home of multiple cockers. Though it is hard to give up one that has shared your life, I have always tried to do what I felt was best for the individual's needs over my own desires and so Frosty went to a home where she was promised her own lap and own couch.


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Ch. Castelglen's Gambler At Tamihi



"Gambie" came into my life as a gawky puppy with big feet that were constantly tripping over themselves as he tried to go in several directions all at the same time. He was such a happy-go-lucky fellow that was content to take whatever came his way and make the best of life as it happened. He lived life with zeal and would always patrol his yard to make sure his charges were safe from whatever was out there, be it a cat or a crow. Supper was his favourite time of the day and in his haste to get down his kibble he would often choke it down. He is the only dog I have ever had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on and even while choking he would still try to pack down more food as fast as he could possibly gulp it in!


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Ch. Tamihi Kami Spirit




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