Eternal God, Divine Oneness, Creator of Heaven and Earth,
Look down in favor upon this creature (or these creatures),
Made by Your own hand.

We ask you to bless this innocent animal
By the power of Your Love.
In the name of Saint Francis,
Who called all creatures his brothers and sisters.

Place this precious one in the sphere of Your compassion.
Allow it to live each day in joy and health.
And when You take this creature home,
Hold it in Your Love forever.

This we ask, in the name of Your Divine Son,
Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Amen
You can ask the Divine Creator's blessing on your own pet or a group of animals.
Put your left hand on your pet's head, or any other convenient place, and hold your right hand over the animal while saying the "Blessing" printed below.
(note:  to bless a pet that is not with you, or to send a blessing to all the animals on the earth, simply hold your hands up, palms out, visualize a single animal or a group of creatures (birds, horses, elephants, deer, raccoons, and proceed as below, changing certain words to the plural.)

The feast day of Saint Francis, considered the Patron of animals and ecology,
is on October 4.  Many churches who honor saints, have community
"Pet Blessings" on that day or the nearest Sunday to St. Francis' feast day.
However, YOU can bless your pet, or any other animal, yourself, anytime.
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