Reiki Healing does not presuppose permission from the patient to administer the "Healing."  In healing animals, You, the Healer, must still  ask permission of the animal's Spirit, called by some the "Higher Self."  If you are a Reiki Healer, you are continually developing more spiritual awareness, and it is this awareness that will allow you to access the animal subject's feelings. It  is direspectful to an animal to assume that we know what they want. Just as some people are not comfortable with being touched, some animals are not trusting enough of we "two-legged" individuals to allow us to handle them at all or for any length of time.  For many wild creatures recovering from truamatic gunshot wounds or auto collisions, that trust with humans does not come quickly or easily.  However,  Reiki Healing can proceed quite effectively from any distance. Just being in the presence of the animal helps you  to connect with this creature that you  intend to provide Healing Energy for.  The bond of trust will develop
over succesive treatments.

Go ahead and "ask" permission using soft tones, judging the animal's acceptance of your request by its body language and your own instincts.  Certain animals, like some cats and birds of prey, consider eye contact a direct challenge of authority, so sometimes it is better not to make eye contact especially if it is not your own pet.  Putting one's self physically at or below the level of the subject,  is less threatening and can make a creature feel more comfortable.  I have "talked" more than one injured eagle off of a dangerous cliff by putting myself in a submissive position, and moving slowly with my head down and eyes averted, gentle thoughts pouring out of my heart to the spirit of the poor frightened creature, until I could reach the precious animal in order to save it
  That makes the rescuer very vulnerable, of course, but it is that vulnerability that arrests the fear in the wild one who is
very much aware of his own wounded or weakened condition.  In spite of thousands of encounters with wild animals, I have never  been attacked or injured by them in a one-on-one situation. That speaks volumes for a creature's ability to interpret intention.  I mention this only to inspire you to direct your attention towards  healing with the confidence that the animal knows more about what you are doing than you might suppose.  The important thing is
to be sure that your

mind, body and spirit are conveying the same message.

As the healer of an animal that is not familiar with you, it is essential to reduce body movements, especially the hands, to a minimum. Make yourself comfortable; sitting on the floor is very effective with animals. The closed "mitten-like" position of the Reiki Healer's hands is much less threatening than an open "claw-like" hand.  If you cannot touch the creature, keeping your hands close to your own body, in your lap, with palms towards each other works well.  When you feel the Reiki Energy flowing, it is allright to slowly open your hands towards the creature as long as it remains comfortable.  Try to imagine a tiny, gentle little dove between your palms and project that dove in your own mind,  carrying the spirit of love and healing to your animal subject. *
*(See "Distance Healing")
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