There are a number of books which deal with this subject,
and I am not going to recommend one over another.  The several that I have in my library give a great deal of space to personal testimonies of the "miracles" of the rituals, while the actual positions, being only ten in total and sometimes less depending on which reference you quote, are pretty brief.

There are long lists of claims that the positions, when practiced daily over weeks and months, will cure arthritis, grow hair, turn grey hair back to it's natural color, reduce weight, clear complexions, increase stamina, build muscle,  repair back injuries...the list is endless.  I am not going to rebut these claims,
because they may well be true!
Bernie Siegel, M.D., acclaimed world-wide for his best selling books on Love, Medicine, Healing and Miracles, calls it, very simply:

However, from the standpoint of physical therapy, which I
do know about, the basic benefits are from an increase in both lymphatic flow and blood circulation, a reduction in nervous tension, a boost for a sluggish metabolism, and an "opening" of the spine, to name only a few of the more obvious.  These few things can and do have almost miraculous effects on the human body by restoring wholeness to an overtaxed system.  That is why it is called "BLANCING"!  When your sluggish metabolism is restored to it's previously youthful levels, you yourself  might well look and feel twenty years younger.  You will undoubtedly
be and feel healthier, more flexible and visibly reduce the physical and cosmetic
effects of years of stress and accumulated toxicity.

I would advise you to begin the program slowly, just as it is outlined, and not get ahead of yourself.  I recommend that no matter what shape you are in, that you do only the first three positions for the first two weeks.  I am only going to teach the five positions that I do.  If you did only the first three and never did any of the others, you would still reap amazing benefits. The first position is one of the most helpful, and also the simplest.  A child can do it.  Children do it almost every day, in fact. Just as little children can never sit still in a straight-backed chair - they never have backaches! - they move naturally, more fluidly with less inclination
to the linear, disregarding the abnormal obliques and angles that our culture has
trained us to move in.  They move about the world like happy little tops.

Never, never push yourself.  If you have trouble with any of the positions, do that one only to the point that you are still physically comfortable.  I guarantee that as flexibility returns to your body, no matter what your previous disabilities were, you will continue to loosen up until you will be able to perform all the positions easily.That is the natural results of opening up the spine.  If you consider
the positions ridiculous, so what? Do them anyway and laugh yourself to wholeness. - another method that Bernie Siegel endorses-